Lusitania oor Engels


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I 1915 sænkede en tysk undervandsbåd passagerdamperen Lusitania, hvorved 128 amerikanere omkom.
A German submarine sank the liner Lusitania in 1915, killing 128 Americans in the process.

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Blandt disse nye oplysninger var en forklarende note fra den konsulent, som foretog en vurdering af grunden ved siden af fabrikken, som formelt tilhørte bilfabrikanten Ford Lusitania.
Among the new information, there is an explanatory note from the consultant who carried out the valuation of the site that is located next to the plant and was formerly owned by the car producer Ford Lusitania.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I 1915 sænkede en tysk undervandsbåd passagerdamperen Lusitania, hvorved 128 amerikanere omkom.
A German submarine sank the liner Lusitania in 1915, killing 128 Americans in the process.jw2019 jw2019
(31) For det tredje har de portugisiske myndigheder fremlagt yderligere dokumentation og oplysninger vedrørende vurderingen af den grund, som fabrikken i Azambuja er opført på. Oplysningerne indeholder bl.a. en forklarende note fra den uafhængige konsulent, som foretog en vurdering af grunden for det tidligere Ford Lusitania, en vurdering af grundværdien foretaget i 2002 af en anden uafhængig konsulent samt rapporter fra uafhængige vurderingsvirksomheder vedrørende miljøaspekterne ved Opels anlæg.
(31) Thirdly, the Portuguese authorities provided additional evidence and information regarding the valuation of the land where the Azambuja plant is located, including an explanatory note from the independent consultant who gave a valuation of the former Ford Lusitania site, a valuation of the site carried out in 2002 by another independent consultant and reports by independent companies assessing the environmental conditions at the Opel site.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Den 7. maj 1915 sænkede en af disse ubåde det britiske passagerskib Lusitania.
On May 7, 1915, one of these U-boats sank the British passenger ship Lusitania.jw2019 jw2019
Caspofungin virker in vitro også mod Candidaarter (Candida albicans [ N = # ], Candida dubliensis [ N = # ], Candida glabrata [ N = # ], Candida guilliermondii [ N = # ], Candida kefyr [ N = # ], Candida krusei [ N = # ], Candida lipolytica [ N = # ], Candida lusitaniae [ N = # ], Candida parapsilosis [ N = # ], Candida rugosa [ N = # ] og Candida tropicalis [ N = # ]), inklusiv isolater med multiresistente transportmutationer og dem med erhvervet eller egenstimulerende resistens mod fluconazol, amphotericin B og #-flucytosin
Caspofungin also has in vitro activity against Candida species (Candida albicans [ N = # ], Candida dubliniensis [ N = # ], Candida glabrata [ N = # ], Candida guilliermondii [ N = # ], Candida kefyr [ N = # ], Candida krusei [ N = # ], Candida lipolytica [ N = # ], Candida lusitaniae [ N = # ], Candida parapsilosis [ N = # ], Candida rugosa [ N = # ], and Candida tropicalis [ N = # ]), including isolates with multiple resistance transport mutations and those with acquired or intrinsic resistance to fluconazole, amphotericin B, and #-flucytosineEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
17 Senere kom der flere „kittæiske skibe“ vestfra, nemlig efter at den tyske undervandsbåd U-20 den 7. maj 1915 ud for Irland havde sænket den britiske Cunard-liner Lusitania, hvorved 124 amerikanere mistede livet.
17 More “ships of Kittim” came from the west later, after the German submarine, U-20, sank the British Cunard Liner Lusitania off Ireland on May 7, 1915, and 124 American lives were lost.jw2019 jw2019
I maj 1915 blev Lusitania sænket af en torpedo ud for Irlands sydkyst.
The Lusitania was torpedoed off the southern coast of Ireland in May 1915.jw2019 jw2019
I begyndelsen omfattede Lusitania både Asturien og Gallæcien, men de blev senere lagt ind under Provincia Tarraconensis, mens resten af den førstnævnte forblev Provincia Lusitania et Vettones.
Originally Lusitania included the territories of Asturias and Gallaecia, but these were later ceded to the jurisdiction of Provincia Tarraconensis and the former remained as Provincia Lusitania et Vettones.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For eksempel da vi dukkede op i Saint-Cloud og fortalte, at vi tog af sted med Lusitania ...” “Lad være med at afbryde.
Like when we turned up at Saint-Cloud and said we were leaving on the Lusitania—”Literature Literature
Svebernes kongedømme i Gallæcien og nordlige Lusitania blev etableret i 410 og varede til 484 efter et århundrede i langsom nedgang.
The Suebic kingdom in Gallaecia and northern Lusitania was established in 410 and lasted until 584.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I 27 f.Kr. fik Lusitania status af romersk provins.
In 27 BC, Lusitania gained the status of Roman province.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Det var en iscenesat krigsforudsætning, ikke forskellig fra sænkningen af Lusitania, provokationen af Pearl Harbor og Tonkin-bugt løgnen.
It was a staged war pretext no different than the sinking of the Lusitania, the provoking of Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin lie.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Som forudset skabte sænkningen af Lusitania en bølge af vrede blandt amerikanerne, og Amerika gik ind i krigen kort tid efter.
In turn and as anticipated, the sinking of the Lusitania caused a wave of anger among the American population and America entered the war a short time after.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Vi forstår den velovervejede natur af denne opsætning,-- ved at den tyske ambassade faktisk satte annoncer i New York Times ' aviser-- for at fortælle folk, at hvis de gik ombord på Lusitania, gjorde de det på egen risiko
To further understand the deliberate nature of this setup, the German Embassy actually put advertisements in the New York times, telling people that if they boarded the Lusitania, they did so at there own risk, as such a ship sailing from America to England through the war zone, would be liable to destructionopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I foråret 1915 blev det britiske passagerskib " Lusitania " sænket, af tyske ubåde.
In the spring of 1915, the British liner the lusitania was sunk, and on board were over a hundred Americans.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kejser Augustus vendte tilbage til Hispania og skabte en ny, administrativ inddeling, hvor provinsen Hispania Ulterior Lusitania blev skabt, og dens hovedstad skulle væree Emerita Augusta (det nuværende Mérida).
The emperor Augustus returns to Hispania and makes a new administrative division, creating the province of Hispania Ulterior Lusitania, whose capital was to be Emerita Augusta (currently Mérida).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lederartikler: New York Tribune, for en leder på årsdagen for sænkningen af Lusitania, (ingen forfatter angivet).
Editorial Writing: New-York Tribune, for an editorial article on the first anniversary of the sinking of Lusitania, (no author named).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Én stjerne i sporten var Diocles, fra Lusitania (nuværende Portugal), der kørte i stridsvognsløb i 24 år og i sin karriere indtjente 35 millioner sestertier.
One star of the sport was Diocles, from Lusitania (present-day Portugal), who raced chariots for 24 years and had career earnings of 35 million sesterces.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I denne periode voksede velstanden i Lusitania og mange af vore dages portugisiske byer blev grundlagt.
During this period, Lusitania grew in prosperity and many of modern-day Portugal's cities and towns were founded.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rom sendte adskillige legioner og sine bedste generaler til Lusitania for at nedkæmpe oprøret, men uden held.
Rome sent numerous legions and its best generals to Lusitania to quell the rebellion, but to no avail – the Lusitanians kept conquering territory.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Min bror døde på Lusitania.
My brother died on the Lusitania.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Den 7. maj 1915 sænkede den tyske ubåd U-20 den britiske passagerdamper Lusitania ud for Irlands sydkyst.
On May 7, 1915, the German submarine U-20 sank the civilian liner Lusitania off the southern coast of Ireland.jw2019 jw2019
Jeg mistede en bror på Lusitania.
I lost a brother on the Lusitania.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Det var i britisk interesse at ophidse amerikanerne, så briterne opdigtede en historie om, at i nogle regioner i Tyskland fik skolebørn en fridag for at fejre sænkningen af Lusitania.
One over-enthusiastic propagandist's fabricated story was circulated that in some regions of Germany, schoolchildren were given a holiday to celebrate the sinking of Lusitania.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Så på d. 7. maj 1915, essentielt på Sir Edward Greys opfordring, blev et skib kaldet Lusitania med fuldt overlæg sendt til tysk kontrolleret farvand, hvor tyske militærfartøjer var vidst at være.
So, on May 7 th 1915 on essentially the suggestion of Sir Edward Grey, a ship called the Lusitania was deliberately sent into German controlled waters where German Military Vessels were know to be.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
55 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.