MFT (Master File Table) oor Engels

MFT (Master File Table)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Deens - Engels

master file table

An NTFS system file on NTFS-formatted volumes that contains information about each file and folder on the volume. The MFT is the first file on an NTFS volume.

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Advanced filtering
hudens tykkelse ved spæklagets minimumstykkelse (MFT) i mm, hvor MFT er den minimale spæklagsposition minus hud
The thickness of skin at the minimum fat thickness (MFT) point in mm, where the MFT is the minimum position of the fat profile, after the skin profile has been subtracted;Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
41 Desuden kan en MFT tages op til fornyet vurdering og kan tilbagekaldes.
41 Further, marketing authorisations may be re-examined and may be cancelled.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Tilbagekalder en medlemsstat en MFT, underretter den straks godkendelsens indehaver herom.
When a Member State withdraws a marketing authorisation, it must immediately inform the holder.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
at det lægemiddel, der ønskes indført, findes på det udenlandske marked og er genstand for en gyldig MFT (stk. 1)
that the medicinal product the importation of which is envisaged is marketed in the foreign country and, for that purpose, has a current marketing authorisation (paragraph 1);EurLex-2 EurLex-2
4 Direktivet indfører ensartede regler vedrørende betingelserne og procedurerne for markedsføringstilladelse (herefter »MFT«) til plantebeskyttelsesmidler samt vedrørende ændring og tilbagekaldelse heraf.
4 The Directive establishes uniform rules on the conditions and procedures for authorisation to place plant protection products on the market (‘marketing authorisation’) and for their review and withdrawal.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Følgelig kan en forenklet procedure for MFT afhængig af de nødvendige sagsskridt fra sag til sag føre til forskellige omkostningsniveauer for de kompetente myndigheder.
Consequently, a simplified marketing authorisation procedure may, depending on the steps required, entail for the competent authorities costs which differ from one case to the next.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ansøgningen skal oplyse om referencemidlet samt indeholde en erklæring om, at ansøgeren vil opfylde de betingelser for anvendelsen, der fremgår af MFT for referencemidlet.
Such an application must identify the reference product and contain an undertaking to observe the conditions of use specified in the marketing authorisation relating to the reference product.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Direktivets artikel 5, stk. 1, kan således ikke påberåbes som begrundelse for en undtagelse fra kravet om MFT, der begrundes med hensyn af økonomisk karakter.
Article 5(1) of the directive cannot therefore be relied on to justify a derogation from the requirement for a marketing authorisation for reasons of a financial nature.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
at det ikke er fornødent at anvende lægemiddellovens almindelige procedure for tilladelse til markedsføring, dvs. en MFT, henset til indførslens begrænsede karakter (stk. 4, modsætningsvis), og
that the normal procedure to authorise placing on the market provided for in the Law on Medicinal Products, that is to say a marketing authorisation, need not be applied having regard to the limited nature of the importation (paragraph 4 a contrario);EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Som det blev konstateret i denne doms præmis 43, bør de administrative skridt i et sådant tilfælde ikke række videre end en registrering af ansøgningen om MFT.
As determined in paragraph 43 of this judgment, in such a case, the administrative steps should not, as a general rule, go beyond submission of the marketing authorisation application.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
En modsat fortolkning ville stride mod formålet om at beskytte den offentlige sundhed, som opnås ved harmoniseringen af bestemmelser vedrørende lægemidler, herunder særligt dem, som vedrører MFT.
A contrary interpretation would conflict with the aim of protecting public health, which is achieved through the harmonisation of provisions relating to medicinal products, particularly those relating to the marketing authorisation.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Disse bestemmelser tillader således indførsel og markedsføring på det nationale marked uden MFT af lægemidler, som ikke er nødvendige for at opfylde særlige behov af medicinsk karakter.
Those provisions thus allow the importation and the placing on the national market, without a marketing authorisation, of medicinal products which are not necessary to meet special medical needs.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
42 Det fremgår af det ovenfor anførte, at det er berettiget, at en MFT, som meddeles inden for rammerne af en forenklet procedure, er en personlig tilladelse.
42 It follows from the foregoing that the fact that the marketing authorisation issued under a simplified procedure is personal is justified.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
at ministeren med ansvar for sundhedsrelaterede anliggender ikke har givet afslag på MFT eller på forlængelse af gyldigheden af en MFT, eller tilbagekaldt en tilladelse (stk. 3, nr. 1).
that, as regards the medicinal product which is intended to be imported, the Minister of Health has not refused marketing authorisation, refused to extend the duration of its validity or revoked authorisation (paragraph 3(1)).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
43 Følgelig kan en importør undergives kravet om en forenklet procedure for MFT, selv om det parallelimporterede middel allerede har fået en MFT, der er tildelt en anden parallelimportør.
43 Consequently, an importer may be subject to a simplified marketing authorisation procedure even if the parallel import product has already obtained a marketing authorisation in favour of another parallel importer.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
40 Hvis en MFT inden for rammerne af en parallelimport alene var knyttet til det indførte middel og ikke til importøren som person, ville det påhvile importøren at foretage den nødvendige kontrol.
40 If, in the context of a parallel import, marketing authorisation were linked only to the imported product and not to the person of the importer, he would have to carry out the necessary checks.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Dels ville der således ikke være nogen garanti for, at importørerne foretager en troværdig kontrol af, om og på hvilke betingelser et parallelimporteret plantebeskyttelsesmiddel er omfattet af en MFT meddelt for et andet middel.
Firstly, it could not be guaranteed that importers would carry out dependable checks as to whether and on what conditions a plant protection product introduced as a parallel import has the benefit of a marketing authorisation issued in favour of another product.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Fransk ret kræver således alene i henhold til bilaget til ministeriel bekendtgørelse af 17. juli 2001, at der til støtte for ansøgningen om MFT fremlægges »det handelsnavn, som foreslås anvendt for midlet i Frankrig«.
French law only requires, under the annex to the ministerial order of 17 July 2001, the provision, in support of an application for marketing authorisation, of ‘the trade name to be used in France for the product for which application is made’.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
– den forenklede procedure for [MFT], der gælder som importtilladelse, er personlig for hver erhvervsdrivende/distributør, der er forpligtet til at benævne det indførte produkt med sit eget mærke og erlægge en afgift på 800 EUR [?]
– the simplified marketing authorisation procedure constituting import authorisation is personal to each operator/distributor, who is required to give the product imported his own brand name and is subject to a charge of EUR 800?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Et plantebeskyttelsesmiddel, der er indført til en medlemsstats område ved parallelimport, er således hverken automatisk, uden undtagelse eller ubetinget omfattet af en MFT, der er meddelt for et plantebeskyttelsesmiddel, som allerede er på markedet i denne stat.
Accordingly, a plant protection product introduced into the territory of a Member State as a parallel import cannot, automatically or absolutely and unconditionally, have the benefit of a marketing authorisation issued to a plant protection product already on the market of that State.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
34 Hvis landbrugere var undtaget fra forpligtelsen til at følge den forenklede procedure for MFT, ville vurderingen af spørgsmålet, om et middel kan være omfattet af en MFT meddelt for et andet plantebeskyttelsesmiddel, alene være disse landbrugeres ansvar.
34 If farmers were relieved of the obligation to comply with a simplified marketing authorisation procedure, the assessment of whether a product may have the benefit of a marketing authorisation issued in favour of another plant protection product would become the responsibility of the farmers alone.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Som generaladvokaten har fremhævet i punkt 19-21 i forslaget til afgørelse, muliggør den samordnede procedure for adgang til MFT en omkostningseffektiv adgang til markederne uden forskelsbehandling, samtidig med at den sikrer, at kravene om beskyttelse af den offentlige sundhed opfyldes.
As the Advocate General stated in points 19 to 21 of his Opinion, the harmonised marketing authorisation procedure enables cost-efficient and non-discriminatory market access, while ensuring that the requirements of safeguarding public health are achieved.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
12 Betingelserne for meddelelse af MFT til plantebeskyttelsesmidler i Frankrig er fastsat i dekret nr. 94-359 af 5. maj 1994 om kontrol med plantebeskyttelsesmidler (JORF af 7.5.1994, s. 6683), der blev udstedt for at gennemføre direktivet i national ret.
12 The conditions for the issue of plant protection product marketing authorisations in France are set out in Decree No 94-359 of 5 May 1994 on the control of plant protection products (JORF, 7 May 1994, p. 6683), which was adopted in order to transpose the Directive into national law.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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