handlingsplan oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Deens - Engels


Inden for rammerne af denne handlingsplan vil vi tage tre emner op.
Within that blueprint, there will be three topics which we want to address.

action plan

Den nationale strategi for narkotikabekæmpelse og den tilhørende handlingsplan er ved at blive gennemført yderligere gennem den anden handlingsplan for perioden 2015-2020.
The National Anti-Drug Strategy and its related action plan is being further implemented through the second action plan for the period 2015-20.

plan of action

Parlamentet anmodede mig om et dokument med politiske retningslinjer og ikke om en handlingsplan, men det fik også en handlingsplan.
Parliament asked me for a policy document and not for a plan of action, but it also got a plan of action.
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handlingsplan for byområder
urban action program


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Medlemsstaterne sikrer, at nabozoner i andre medlemsstater, som har udarbejdet kortsigtede handlingsplaner, modtager alle relevante oplysninger.
Member States shall ensure that neighbouring zones in other Member States which have developed short-term action plans receive all appropriate information.not-set not-set
understreger nødvendigheden af at placere GPEDC centralt i forbindelse med gennemførelsen af 2030-dagsordenen og Addis Abeba-handlingsplanen; understreger, at GPEDC bør spille en stærk rolle i de evidensbaserede aspekter af overvågning og ansvarlighed; understreger behovet for, at GPEDC tilvejebringer klart definerede kanaler for samarbejde for specifikke udviklingsaktører ud over OECD-donorer;
Highlights the need to position the GPEDC strongly in the context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda; stresses that the GPEDC should play a strong role in the evidence-based aspects of monitoring and accountability; underlines the need for the GPEDC to provide clearly defined channels for cooperation for specific development actors beyond OECD donors;eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
På mødet vil det derudover være Den Europæiske Unions holdning at støtte vedtagelsen af den regionale handlingsplan for havaffald, inden for rammerne af gennemførelsen af artikel 15 i protokollen om beskyttelse af Middelhavet mod landbaseret forurening,
At this meeting, the position of the European Union shall also be to support, in the framework of the implementation of Article 15 of the Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-Based Sources and Activities, the adoption of the Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
b) fremme SMV'ers adgang til, ibrugtagning og effektive udnyttelse af ikt ved at yde støtte til netværksadgang, etablering af offentlige steder med internetadgang, udstyr og udvikling af tjenester og applikationer, herunder især udvikling af handlingsplaner for meget små virksomheder og håndværksvirksomheder.
(b) promoting access to, take up, and efficient use of ICTs by SMEs by supporting access to networks, the establishment of public Internet access points, equipment, and the development of services and applications, including, in particular, the development of action plans for very small and craft enterprises.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Evalueringseksperterne mener, at eEurope 2005-handlingsplanen var en vigtig faktor, der var med til at fastholde ikt på den politiske dagsorden på et tidspunkt, hvor interessen for emnet var faldende. E-forvaltning og e-sundhed er to eksempler, hvor medlemsstaterne takket være eEurope arbejder hen imod mere præcise mål, der støttes på højt plan.
The evaluators found that the eEurope 2005 Action Plan was an important factor helping to keep ICT on the political agenda at a time where interest in the subject was waning. eGovernment and eHealth are two examples where, thanks to eEurope, Member States are working towards precise goals underpinned by high-level support.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
12. kraever, at Kommissionen i sin meddelelse om handlingsplanen for vedvarende energikilder redegoer for, hvilke virkninger det vil faa, hvis Den Europaeiske Union og/eller medlemsstaterne indfoerer et program, der omfatter 100.000 tage, med overtagelse af en stor del af udgifterne til smaa private solcelleanlaeg paa tage og fassader;
12. Calls for the Commission to indicate in its communication on the action plan for the exploitation of renewable energy sources what effects it would have if the European Union and/or Member States were to introduce a European '100 000-roofs programme' whereby a large proportion of the costs of private small-scale photovoltaic plants on roofs and house facades would be financed;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Derfor bør der udarbejdes handlingsplaner for de forskellige lande individuelt, hvor alting beregnes ud fra de virkelige omstændigheder.
Therefore, action plans for different countries should be drawn up individually, with everything calculated on a real basis.Europarl8 Europarl8
Forvaltere af pengemarkedsforeninger skal jævnligt gennemføre stresstestning og udarbejde handlingsplaner for forskellige mulige scenarier.
The manager of a MMF shall regularly conduct stress testing and develop action plans for different possible scenarios.not-set not-set
bemærker, at Kommissionens Interne Revisionstjeneste (IAS) i 2015 gennemførte en revision af »Forvaltning af interessenter og ekstern kommunikation«; bemærker, at myndigheden på grundlag af de fem anbefalinger, som IAS fremsatte, udarbejdede en handlingsplan, som blev godkendt af IAS; anerkender, at myndigheden regelmæssigt følger op på gennemførelsen af de foranstaltninger, der er beskrevet i handlingsplanen;
Notes that the Commission's Internal Audit Service (IAS) performed in 2015 an audit on ‘Stakeholder Management and External Communication’; notes that the Authority, based on the five recommendation issued by the IAS, developed an action plan which was accepted by the IAS; acknowledges that the implementation of actions described in the action plan is being followed up regularly by the Authority;eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Ud fra dette synspunkt kan handlingsplanen skabe synergi med direktiv 96/62/EF om luftkvaliteten i europæiske byer.
From this point of view, the Action Plan will be able to create a synergy with the Directive 96/62 on the quality of ambient air in European cities.not-set not-set
Samordningen af reglerne for arbejdsmarkedsorienterede pensionskasser, for hvilke der ikke findes en hensigtsmæssig fællesskabsramme, er et centralt punkt i handlingsplanen.
Coordination of the rules applicable to institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORPs), which currently lack an appropriate Community framework, is a central plank of the Action Plan.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Det Europæiske Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg (EØSU) henstiller, at medlemsstaterne på EU's vegne foretager en prioritering af de aktiviteter, som hvidbogen beskriver dels generelt, dels i den handlingsplan, den indeholder. Dette bør ske i overensstemmelse med Lissabon-traktaten, der forhåbentlig træder i kraft i 2009, eftersom EF-traktatens artikel 149 primært fokuserer på idrættens rolle i forhold til uddannelsesområdet og de unge.
The EESC recommends that Member States define Community priorities from among the activities described in general terms by the White Paper and in the action plan it contains; this should be done in accordance with the Lisbon Treaty, which will hopefully enter into force in 2009, since Article 149 of the Treaty primarily focuses on the role of sport in relation to education and youth.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
EUSR's mandat bygger på Unionens politikmål for menneskerettigheder som fastlagt i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union, Den Europæiske Unions charter om grundlæggende rettigheder og EU's strategiske ramme for menneskerettigheder og demokrati og EU's handlingsplan for menneskerettigheder og demokrati med henblik på:
The mandate of the EUSR shall be based on the policy objectives of the Union regarding human rights as set out in the Treaty on European Union, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union as well as the EU Strategic Framework on Human Rights and Democracy and the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy:EurLex-2 EurLex-2
* udarbejde et detaljeret og koordineret arbejdsprogram for FLEGT-handlingsplanen med EU's medlemsstater
* develop a detailed and co-ordinated work plan for the FLEGT Action Plan with EU Member States;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
glæder sig over, at det anerkendes, at medlemsstaterne har taget til efterretning, at de nationale handlingsplaner må suppleres med lokale og regionale mekanismer; her må man imidlertid undgå en overdimensionering af nationale planer med regionale foranstaltninger, der begrænser sig til regioner, og som er skræddersyet til socialforvaltningernes lokale fremgangsmåder, da disse snarere ville skygge for og besværliggøre sammenligneligheden mellem medlemsstaterne og anvendelsen af færre, mere oplysende og sammenlignelige indikatorer
welcomes the acknowledgment by Member States of the need to complement their national action plans with local and regional measures, although it is important to avoid national plans becoming overloaded with measures that are purely regional and adapted to the local procedures of welfare administrations, which would tend to complicate and hinder comparison between the Member States and the use of fewer, more informative and comparable indicatorsoj4 oj4
Efter vedtagelsen i august 2003 af forfatningscharteret og af handlingsplanen for det indre marked og handel besluttede Kommissionen i september 2003 at påbegynde rapporten om forundersøgelsen af stabiliserings- og associeringsaftalen.
Following the adoption of the Constitutional Charter and of the Internal Market and Trade Action Plan in August 2003, the Commission decided in September 2003 to begin work on its Stabilisation and Association Agreement Feasibility Report.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
E-tilgængelighed skal fortsat have høj politisk prioritet i forbindelse med opfølgningen af i2010-initiativet og handlingsplanen for handicappede.
Ensure e-accessibility remains a policy priority in the follow-up to i2010 and disability action plan.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Landbrugsorganisation (FAO) i 1999 af en international handlingsplan (IPOA) for nedbringning af utilsigtede bifangster af havfugle ved langlinefiskeri.
diminishing the incidental catches provoked by longline fisheries; and the adoption at the Food and agriculture organisation (FAO), in 1999, of the international plan of action (IPOA) for reducing incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Findes der allerede konkrete handlingsplaner for at nå disse mål?
Have any specific plans been made with a view to achieving these targets?not-set not-set
Hjørnestenen i handlingsplanen er oprettelsen af FLEGT-partnerskaber mellem Unionen og træproducerende lande for at stoppe ulovlig skovhugst.
The cornerstone of the Action Plan is the establishment of FLEGT partnerships between the EU and timber-producing countries, aimed at stopping illegal logging.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Den femte statusrapport[10], som blev vedtaget den 15. november 2013, viser, i hvilket omfang de henstillinger, som blev fremsat i den fjerde rapport, er blevet gennemført, og den overordnede opfyldelse af benchmarkene i handlingsplanens anden fase.
The Fifth Progress Report[10] adopted on 15 November 2013 presents the level to which recommendations issued in the Fourth Report have been implemented and the overall fulfilment of the second phase VLAP benchmarks.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Hvad den belgiske handlingsplan angår, så nævner den udtrykkeligt intervention fra mål 4 i Den Europæiske Socialfond med henblik på at øge mulighederne for at uddanne arbejdstagere for at fremme beskæftigelsesevnen og udvikle muligheder for livslang uddannelse - planen støtter rent faktisk dette synspunkt.
The Belgian action plan refers explicitly to the intervention of the European Social Fund Objective 4 with a view to increasing the possibilities for training for workers to promote employability and to develop possibilities for lifelong learning. The plan actually supports that point of view.Europarl8 Europarl8
Gennem Det Europæiske Værdipapir-tilsynsudvalgs netværk og ved hjælp af handlingsplanen for selskabsret og virksomhedsledelse arbejder Kommissionen sammen med de nationale værdipapirtilsynsmyndigheder i EU på, at de internationale regnskabsstandarder håndhæves bedst muligt, og at revisionen i EU forbedres.
The Commission is working on high quality IAS enforcement on different fronts with European national securities regulators through the Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) network, the action plan on company law and corporate governance as well as through improving the audit function in the Union.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets direktiv 2002/49/EF af 25. juni 2002 om vurdering og styring af ekstern støj (5) udgør allerede et grundlag for at udvikle og færdiggøre sættet af EU-foranstaltninger vedrørende støj fra motorkøretøjer og vejinfrastruktur ved at stille krav til de kompetente myndigheder om at udarbejde strategiske støjkort for større veje og handlingsplaner til at nedsætte støjniveauet, hvor eksponeringsniveauet kan medføre skadelige virkninger for menneskers sundhed.
Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 25 June 2002 relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise (5) already provides a basis for developing and completing the set of Union measures concerning noise emitted by road vehicles and infrastructure by requiring competent authorities to draw up strategic noise maps for major roads and to draw up action plans to reduce noise where exposure levels can induce harmful effects on human health.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Kommissionen har endvidere indledt et projekt Det europæiske Virksomhedspanel, som led i handlingsplanen for det indre marked. Via dette panel kan foreslåede EF-retsakter vurderes kritisk af erhvervsvirksomheder i medlemsstaterne.
The Commission has also established the business test panel project, within the single market action plan, which is a mechanism whereby proposed Community legislation can be critically reviewed directly by individual businesses in the Member States.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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