international FN-overenskomst oor Engels

international FN-overenskomst

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Med meddelelsen »CARS 2020: Handlingsplan for en konkurrencedygtig og bæredygtig bilindustri i Europa« understregede Kommissionen, at accept af internationale regulativer under FN/ECE-overenskomsten af 1958 er det bedste redskab til fjernelse af ikke-toldmæssige handelshindringer.
In its communication CARS 2020: Action Plan for a competitive and sustainable automotive industry in Europe, the Commission highlighted that the acceptance of international regulations under the 1958 UNECE Agreement is the best way to remove non-tariff barriers to trade.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Med meddelelsen »CARS 2020: Handlingsplan for en konkurrencedygtig og bæredygtig bilindustri i Europa« understregede Kommissionen, at accept af internationale regulativer under FN/ECE-overenskomsten af 1958 er det bedste redskab til fjernelse af ikke-toldmæssige handelshindringer.
In its Communication CARS 2020: Action Plan for a competitive and sustainable automotive industry in Europe, the Commission highlighted that the acceptance of international regulations under the 1958 UNECE Agreement is the best way to remove non-tariff barriers to trade.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Med meddelelsen »CARS 2020: Handlingsplan for en konkurrencedygtig og bæredygtig bilindustri i Europa« (6) understregede Kommissionen, at accept af internationale regulativer under FN/ECE-overenskomsten af 1958 er det bedste redskab til fjernelse af ikke-toldmæssige handelshindringer.
In its communication ‘CARS 2020: Action Plan for a competitive and sustainable automotive industry in Europe’ (6), the Commission stressed that the acceptance of international regulations under the 1958 UNECE Agreement is the best way to remove non-tariff barriers to trade.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
(6) Paa grund af uligevaegten mellem de kaffeproducerende og de kaffeforbrugende landes behov undertegnede de paagaeldende lande i 1962 en international kaffeoverenskomst i FN-regi; denne overenskomst blev aendret i 1968 og 1976.
(6) In 1962, in view of the imbalance that had emerged between the interests of the coffee-producing and consuming countries, an International Coffee Agreement was signed under UN auspices by the producer and consumer countries. The Agreement was revised in 1968 and again in 1976.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
- har vedtaget en politik, der støtter øget international teknisk harmonisering af motorkøretøjsregulativer under såvel FN/ECE-overenskomsten af 1958 og FN/ECE-overenskomsten af 1998
- has, adopted a policy of encouraging increased international technical harmonisation of motor vehicle regulations in the framework of both the 1958 and the 1998 Agreements of the UN/ECEEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Efter to altødelæggende verdenskrige oprettede landenes regeringer De Forenede Nationer (FN), Den Internationale Valutafond (IMF), Verdensbanken eller den almindelige overenskomst om told og udenrigshandel (GATT), der senere blev til Verdenshandelsorganisationen (WTO).
After two devastating world wars, Governments created the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank or the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which later became the World Trade Organisation (WTO).eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
For at give lande som f.eks. USA, der af den ene eller den anden grund ikke oensker at tiltraede 1958 - overenskomsten, mulighed for at tage del i den internationale harmonisering, blev der den 25. juni 1998 indgaaet en parallel overenskomst under FN/ECE's auspicier.
In order to allow participation in international harmonisation of countries, such as the United States, that for one reason or other will not adhere to the 1958 agreement, a parallel agreement was concluded under the auspices of the UN/ECE on 25 June 1998.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Der er ikke indgået nogen international overenskomst, som kan forlænges, og gruppen hører ikke under FN, men dens virke og personale reguleres efter principper svarende til dem, der gælder for andre råvareorganisationer under UNCTAD.
It does not have a renewable International Agreement and it is not a body under the aegis of the United Nations, but its operations and staff are regulated in a manner similar to other Unctad commodity organisations.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Hvad angår spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt direktiv 2000/78 er foreneligt med FN-konventionen, skal jeg bemærke, at de forpligtelser, som følger af sidstnævnte internationale overenskomst, er rettet til deltagerstaterne.
With regard to the issue of compatibility between Directive 2000/78 and the UN Convention, I would observe that the obligations laid down in the latter international instrument seem to be addressed to Contracting Parties.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
17 I afsnit 17 i resolution 1333 (2000) opfordrede Sikkerhedsrådet alle medlemsstaterne og alle internationale og regionale organisationer, herunder FN og FN’s særorganisationer, til streng overholdelse af resolutionens bestemmelser, uanset eksisterende rettigheder eller forpligtelser i henhold til en international overenskomst.
17 In paragraph 17 of Resolution 1333 (2000), the Security Council called upon all States and all international and regional organisations, including the United Nations and its specialised agencies, to act strictly in accordance with the provisions of this resolution, notwithstanding the existence of any rights or obligations conferred or imposed by any international agreement.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
- vedtagelse og gennemførelse af internationale instrumenter i relation til bekæmpelse af narkotikahandel, navnlig overenskomsten om ulovlig transport til søs til gennemførelse af artikel 17 i FN-konventionen imod ulovlig handel med narkotika og psykotrope stoffer
- adopt and apply the international instruments related to the fight against drug trafficking, in particular the Agreement on illicit traffic by sea, implementing Article 17 of the United Nations Convention against illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I lyset af den seneste udvikling i de internationale fiskeriregler, særlig indførelsen af FN's havretskonvention i 1982 og FN-aftalen af 1995 om fiskebestande, fandt Norge, at den gældende overenskomst ikke var i overensstemmelse med havretskonventionens gældende regler.
In view of more recent developments in international fisheries law and, in particular, with the introduction of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 and the UN Fish Stocks Agreement of 1995, Norway considered that the existing agreement was not in conformity with the current provisions of the Law of the Sea.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Den internationale harmonisering inden for bilindustrien finder allerede sted inden for rammerne af FN/ECE's reviderede overenskomst fra 1958 om vedtagelse af ensartede tekniske forskrifter for hjulkøretøjer samt udstyr og dele, som kan monteres og/eller anvendes på hjulkøretøjer, samt vilkår for gensidig anerkendelse af godkendelser udstedt på grundlag af disse forskrifter (1958-overenskomsten), som Fællesskabet tiltrådte den 24. marts 1998.
International harmonisation in the automotive sector is already taking place in the framework of the 1958 UN/ECE Revised Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptions (the 1958 Agreement), to which the Community became a Contracting Party on 24 March 1998.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
den internationale harmonisering inden for bilindustrien finder allerede sted inden for rammerne af FN/ECE's reviderede overenskomst fra 1958 om vedtagelse af ensartede tekniske forskrifter for hjulkøretøjer samt udstyr og dele, som kan monteres og/eller anvendes på hjulkøretøjer, samt vilkår for gensidig anerkendelse af godkendelser, udstedt på grundlag af disse forskrifter (herefter kaldet 1958-overenskomsten), som Fællesskabet tiltrådte den 24. marts 1998;
Whereas international harmonisation in the automotive sector is already taking place in the framework of the 1958 UN/ECE Revised Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptions (henceforth the 1958 Agreement), to which the Community became contracting party on 24 March 1998;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(3) Den internationale harmonisering inden for bilindustrien finder allerede sted inden for rammerne af FN/ECE's reviderede overenskomst fra 1958 om vedtagelse af ensartede tekniske forskrifter for hjulkøretøjer samt udstyr og dele, som kan monteres og/eller anvendes på hjulkøretøjer, samt vilkår for gensidig anerkendelse af godkendelser udstedt på grundlag af disse forskrifter (1958-overenskomsten), som Fællesskabet tiltrådte den 24. marts 1998.
(3) International harmonisation in the automotive sector is already taking place in the framework of the 1958 UN/ECE Revised Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptions (the 1958 Agreement), to which the Community became a Contracting Party on 24 March 1998.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
SOM ØNSKER at indføre en international godkendelsesordning for køretøjer (IWVTA) inden for rammerne af overenskomsten for at øge fordelene ved de enkelte FN-regulativer, der er knyttet til overenskomsten, og således give de kontraherende parter mulighed for en forenklet gennemførelse og bredere anvendelse af gensidig anerkendelse af typegodkendelser for køretøjer, og
DESIRING to establish an International Whole Vehicle Type Approval scheme (IWVTA) within the framework of the Agreement to increase the advantages of individual UN Regulations annexed to the Agreement and so create opportunities to simplify implementation by Contracting Parties and the wider adoption of mutual recognition of type approvals for whole vehicles, and,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
SOM ØNSKER at indføre en international godkendelsesordning for køretøjer (IWVTA) inden for rammerne af overenskomsten for at øge fordelene ved de enkelte FN-regulativer, der er knyttet til overenskomsten, og således give de kontraherende parter mulighed for en forenklet gennemførelse og bredere anvendelse af gensidig anerkendelse af typegodkendelser for køretøjer, og
DESIRING to establish an international whole vehicle type-approval scheme (IWVTA) within the framework of the Agreement to increase the advantages of individual UN Regulations annexed to the Agreement and so create opportunities to simplify implementation by Contracting Parties and the wider adoption of mutual recognition of type-approvals for whole vehicles, and,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Vi foreslår en fornyelse og ajourføring af den politiske dialog på ministerplan, en overenskomst i de internationale fora og inden for rammerne af FN-systemet mellem de europæiske og de latinamerikanske holdninger og også undertegnelsen af et euro-latinamerikansk charter om fred og sikkerhed med henblik på at skabe et forum, hvor vi på seriøs vis kan behandle spørgsmål i forbindelse med sikkerhed og forsvar, der på nuværende tidspunkt ikke har et specifikt forum.
We are proposing to renew and update the ministerial political dialogue, to agree in international fora and in the United Nations system between European and Latin American positions and also to sign a Euro-Latin American Charter for peace and security with a view to creating a forum in which we can deal seriously with issues relating to security and defence, which currently have no specific forum.Europarl8 Europarl8
I pagtens artikel 25 hedder det, at medlemmerne af De Forenede Nationer er enige om at godkende og gennemfoere Sikkerhedsraadets beslutninger, og i artikel 103 er det fastsat, at det i tilfaelde af konflikt mellem FN-medlemmernes forpligtelser i henhold til pagten og deres forpligtelser i henhold til enhver anden international overenskomst er forpligtelserne i henhold til pagten, der gaelder.
Article 25 of the Charter provides that the Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council, and Article 103 provides that, in the event of a conflict between the obligations of the Members of the United Nations under the Charter and their obligations under any other international agreement, their obligations under the Charter shall prevail.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Hvad angår den anden problemstilling, der rejses i spørgsmål 5 og 6, nemlig hvorvidt gyldigheden af direktiv 2000/78 kan anfægtes ved påberåbelse af FN-konventionen, følger det af fast retspraksis, at Domstolen udelukkende kan undersøge gyldigheden af afledt EU-lovgivning i lyset af en international overenskomst, når »dennes art og opbygning« ikke er til hinder herfor, og når bestemmelserne i den internationale overenskomst i øvrigt, henset til deres indhold, fremstår som ubetingede og tilstrækkeligt præcise (49).
With regard to the second issue raised by Questions 5 and 6, namely the possibility of challenging the compatibility of Directive 2000/78 with the UN Convention, it is accepted case-law that the Court can only examine the validity of secondary EU legislation in the light of an international agreement where ‘the nature and the broad logic’ of such an agreement does not preclude this and where, in addition, the provisions of the international agreement appear, as regards their content, to be unconditional and sufficiently precise.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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