overdosis af heroin oor Engels

overdosis af heroin

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Lægen havde givet udtryk for at Johns symptomer ikke var forenelige med en overdosis af kokain og heroin.
The doctor had indicated that John's symptoms were not consistent with an overdose of cocaine and heroin.Literature Literature
„Min pige døde af en overdosis heroin,“ sagde han uden indledning, „ingen identifikation endnu.
“My girl died of a heroin overdose,” he said without preamble.Literature Literature
Senere samme år døde McCulloch i en alder af 26 som følge af en overdosis heroin.
That same year, McCulloch died at the age of twenty-six from a heroin overdose in his flat in Maida Vale.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Den 23. december 1987 omkom Sixx næsten af en overdosis heroin.
On December 23, 1987, Sixx suffered a heroin overdose.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
”Sofija, den rigtige Sofija, er en stripper, der døde af en overdosis heroin i München for to år siden.
“Sofia, the real Sofia, was a stripper who died of a heroin overdose in Munich two years ago.Literature Literature
Han havde ingen søskende bortset fra søsteren Mags, der var død af en overdosis heroin for fem år siden.
His only sibling, his sister Mags, had died from a heroin overdose five years back.Literature Literature
En kvinde først i tyverne er blevet fundet død i sin lejlighed i North Hollywood, formentlig af en overdosis heroin.”
Woman, early twenties, found dead in her apartment in North Hollywood.Literature Literature
Han døde af en overdosis Fentanyl, medicinsk heroin.
He died from an overdose of fentanyl, a medical heroin.Literature Literature
Hvis man var til kanyler, kunne man få en overdosis heroin for en tiendedel af prisen.
If a guy was into needles, he could OD on heroin at a tenth of the price.Literature Literature
Harry Johnson, den medicinske leder af Life Extension Institute i New York, siger: „Sandsynligheden for at dø af akut alkoholforgiftning og ved abstinens fra kronisk alkoholisme er langt større end sandsynligheden for at dø af en overdosis heroin eller ved abstinens fra denne last.“
Harry Johnson, medical director of the Life Extension Institute of New York, says: “The likelihood of death from acute alcoholic poisoning and in withdrawal from chronic alcoholism is much greater than from overdosage and in withdrawal from heroin addiction.”jw2019 jw2019
Receptpligtig medicin har en højere grad af overdosis end selv ting, vi betragter som forfærdelige, såsom amfetamin, heroin.
Prescription drugs have a higher rate of overdose than even things we think of as being horrific like methamphetamine, heroin...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Men Brent døde af en overdosis af kokain og morfin, og du har også været igennem en lang kamp med heroin.
Yet Brent died of a cocaine and morphine overdose, and you also had a long struggle with heroin.Literature Literature
Demi Lovato - TMZ fortalte, at popstjernen Demi Lovato var blevet indlagt på hospitalet den 24. juli for det, man til at starte med troede, var en overdosis af heroin.
TMZ reported that pop star Demi Lovato had been hospitalized on July 24 for what was initially alleged to be a heroin overdose, then later rumored to be opioids.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I år 2015 døde 20.101 af en overdosis af hovedpinepiller, mens 12.990 døde af en heroin overdosis.
In 2015, over 20,101 deaths were caused by prescription painkillers overdose. An additional 12,990 deaths were attributed to heroin overdoses.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Han døde af en overdosis heroin i 1988.
He died in 1988 from a fatal drug overdose.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Før sin tragiske død af en overdosis heroin nåede Basquiat at sætte et afro- og latinamerikansk præg på den etablerede kunstscene.
Before his tragic heroin overdose, Basquiat imprinted the unique African-American and Latino experience upon the elite art world. Average Customer Rating by PowerReviewsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Før sin tragiske død af en overdosis heroin nåede Basquiat at sætte et afro- og latinamerikansk præg på den etablerede kunstscene.
Before his tragic heroin overdose, Basquiat imprinted the unique African-American and Latino experience upon the elite art world.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Skuespilleren, som angiveligt døde af en overdosis heroin, blev søndag fundet død i sit hjem i Greenwich Village i New York.
The Academy Award winner is believed to have died from an accidental overdose of heroin.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ironisk nok berettes det, at modefotografen Davidé Sorrenti (ovenfor) – modefotografen, hvis arbejde var synonymt med ”heroin chic” – døde allerede som 20-årig af en heorin overdosis.
It is grimly ironic that Davidé Sorrenti (above)—the fashion photographer whose work was synonymous with “heroin chic”—reportedly died at the age of twenty from heroin overdose. Photo credit: Courtesy of Francesca Sorrenti The HEROIN “Look”ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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