uddannelsespolitik oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Deens - Engels

education policy

A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which promotes or determines the goals, methods and programs to be used for training, instruction or study that leads to the acquisition of skills or knowledge, or the development of reasoning and judgment.(Source: RHW)
Den europæiske uddannelsespolitik skal kun supplere og støtte den nationale uddannelsespolitik.
European education policy should only supplement and support the national policy on education.

educational policy

Den europæiske uddannelsespolitik skal kun supplere og støtte den nationale uddannelsespolitik.
European education policy should only supplement and support the national policy on education.

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Mange eksperter, kunstnere, borgere og ngo'er, der er involveret i europæiske finansielle programmer under ungdoms‐, kultur‐, medie‐ og uddannelsespolitikken, er ikke tilfredse med de nye finansielle overslag for 2007‐2013 og anmoder om øget finansiel støtte.
Many experts, artists, citizens and NGOs involved in European financial programmes for youth, culture, media and education policy are not satisfied with the new financial perspectives 2007‐13, and are asking for increased financial support.not-set not-set
For så vidt angår uddannelsespolitikken, savner jeg en kommentar til et bestemt punkt - som er medtaget i hvidbogen - nemlig livslang uddannelse.
And with regard to the training and education policy I have not heard anything about a proposal - which was in the white paper - about lifelong learning.Europarl8 Europarl8
Aktion 6.1: Observation af uddannelsessystemer, uddannelsespolitik og innovation
Action 6.1: Observation of education systems, policies and innovationEurLex-2 EurLex-2
e) indgå som et led i sundheds- og uddannelsespolitikken samt i politikken på andre relevante områder
(e) be integrated into health, education and other policies;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ministeriet for uddannelse og kvalifikationer (Department of Education and Skills) er ansvarligt for udformningen af den nationale beskæftigelses- og uddannelsespolitik og national finansiering.
Responsibility for national employment and training policy formulation and national funding resides with the Department of Education and Skills.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
For det første skal de fjerne de strukturbestemte årsager til manglen på IT-kvalifikationer ved at fremme en udfarende uddannelsespolitik og livslang uddannelse, støtte reelle eller virtuelle centre for IT-uddannelse og -omskoling og fremme afskaffelsen af hindringer for, at fagfolk er mobile og arbejder i hele EU.
Firstly, they must tackle the structural causes of the IT skills shortage - by promoting proactive education policies and life-long learning, supporting real or virtual IT training and re-training centres and speeding up the removal of barriers which prevent specialists moving and working across the European Union.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
For at mødegå disse bekymringer var en uddannelsespolitik under udvikling, som var rettet mod vejledende retningslinjer for skolegang.
To address these concerns, educational policies are being developed that are aimed at guiding the scholastic process.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Department of Education and Science (ministeriet for uddannelse og videnskab) er ansvarligt for udformningen af uddannelsespolitikken og den nationale finansiering heraf.
The Department of Education and Science is responsible for policy formulation and national funding of education.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Desuden vil Kommissionen fortsat opstille politiske prioriteter for at målrette programmets målsætninger mod de behov, der udvikler sig inden for europæisk uddannelsespolitik, og opstille de overordnede rammer for livslang uddannelse.
Moreover, the Commission will continue to set political priorities in order to focus the programme objectives on the evolving needs of European training policy and the development of an overall framework for lifelong learning.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Derfor skal uddannelsespolitikken i hoejere grad afspejle oekonomiens og den teknologiske udviklings behov og vaere taet knyttet til de grundlaeggende og vedvarende uddannelser.
It would appear from the above that education policy needs to be more related to economic and technological development needs and closely linked to the initial and further training system.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Den danske udgave af flexicurity, hvor et mobilt arbejdsmarked realiseres igennem socialt tryghedsskabende elementer og en aktiv arbejdsmarkeds- og uddannelsespolitik, bidrager tilsyneladende til landets konkurrencekraft
Danish-style flexicurity, the hallmarks of which are a mobile labour market, achieved through elements of social security and an active labour-market and training policy, does, it would appear, help make the country more competitiveoj4 oj4
I selve EU 2020-strategien og dens vigtigste instrument, Den Europæiske Socialfond, skal der tages højde for, at de eneste beskæftigelses- og uddannelsespolitikker, som kan gøre de europæiske fondes udgifter bæredygtige, er dem, der nødvendigvis sigter mod at opfylde lokale behov og styrke og fastholde små og mellemstore virksomheder som hjørnestenen i den europæiske økonomi.
The EU 2020 strategy itself, together with its principal instrument, the Social Fund, will have to take account of the fact that the only employment and training policies that can make the outlay of European funds sustainable are those which are necessarily targeted at meeting local needs and strengthening and sustaining small and medium-sized enterprises as the cornerstone of the European economy.Europarl8 Europarl8
Inden for rammerne af den sociale dialog, er det nødvendigt at inddrage arbejdsgiverne mere effektivt i udviklingen og gennemførelsen af den nationale uddannelsespolitik for at forbedre adgangen til førskoleundervisningen samt modernisere og rette op på undervisningen i de erhvervsfaglige sekundære og højere uddannelser.
As part of the social dialogue, employers should be more effectively involved in the design and implementation of national education policies to improve the accessibility of pre-school education, and modernise and rehabilitate secondary and tertiary vocational education and training.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
1 for erhvervs-, social- og uddannelsespolitikken er at bekæmpe arbejdsløsheden - både nationalt og europæisk.
There are in fact already refined systems for assisting disadvantaged pupils in many Member States. In Germany, for example, the mechanisms range from the liberal regulations governing access to the sandwichcourse system through the establishment of vocational preparation years and the second-chance system of certificate courses for adults to the so-called Disadvantage Programme under the Promotion of Employment Act of the Federal Republic.Time and again during the discussions held to date in the European Parliament, emphasis has been placed on the links between various policy areas, and rightly so.Europarl8 Europarl8
sammenlignende analyser af de respektive uddannelsespolitikker, kvalifikationer og kundskaber
comparative studies on respective education policies, qualifications and skills,EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Der er store muligheder for at støtte ændringer af arbejdsmarkedet, herunder ved forbedring af uddannelsespolitikkerne, en forbedring af arbejdsstyrkens færdigheder og en forbedring af effektiviteten af de aktive arbejdsmarkedspolitikker, bl.a. også med støtte fra Den Europæiske Socialfond.
There is serious scope for supporting labour market transitions including by improving education and training policies, upgrading the skills of the workforce, and improving the efficiency of active labour market policies, drawing also upon the support of the European Social Fund.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Analysen af resultaterne af Socrates-programmet kræver, at der tages hensyn til denne retlige ramme, hvori det understreges, at det først og fremmest er medlemsstaterne, der har ansvaret for uddannelsespolitikkerne.
Examining what the SOCRATES programme has achieved implies taking account of this legal framework which emphasises the primary responsibility of the Member States when it comes to education policy.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Stoetten henhoerer nemlig dels under uddannelsespolitikken, der ikke som saadan er underlagt faellesskabsinstitutionernes kompetence ( jfr . den foernaevnte dom af 13 . februar 1985 ), dels under socialpolitikken, der er omfattet af medlemsstaternes kompetence i det omfang, EOEF-Traktaten ikke indeholder saerlige bestemmelser herom ( jfr . dom af 9 . juli 1987, Tyskland m.fl . mod Kommissionen, de forenede sager 281, 283 til 285 og 287/85 - indvandrerpolitik - Sml . s . 3203 ).
It is, on the one hand, a matter of educational policy, which is not as such included in the spheres entrusted to the Community institutions ( see Gravier ) and, on the other, a matter of social policy, which falls within the competence of the Member States in so far as it is not covered by specific provisions of the EEC Treaty ( see judgment of 9 July 1987 in Joined Cases 281/85, 283 to 285/85 and 287/85 Federal Republic of Germany v Commission (( 1987 )) ECR 3203 - Migration policy ).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
- etablering af en fælles uddannelsespolitik
- the setting up of a common training programme;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
31 Hertil bemaerkes foerst, at Domstolen allerede i dom af 3 . juli 1974 ( Casagrande, sag 9/74, Sml . s . 773 ) har statueret, at skoent undervisnings - og uddannelsespolitikken ikke som saadan er et af de omraader, som ifoelge Traktaten henhoerer under faellesskabsinstitutionernes kompetence, foelger det ikke deraf, at udoevelsen af de befoejelser, der er tillagt Faellesskabet, er begraenset tilsvarende, naar den beroerer de foranstaltninger, som er truffet til gennemfoerelse af en politik paa f . eks . undervisnings - og uddannelsesomraadet .
31 The Court has already held in its judgment of 3 July 1974 in Case 9/74 Casagrande (( 1974 )) ECR 773 that although educational and training policy is not as such included in the spheres which the Treaty has entrusted to the Community institutions, it does not follow that the exercise of powers transferred to the Community is in some way limited if it is of such a nature as to affect the measures taken in the execution of a policy such as that of education and training .EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Uddannelsespolitik til forbedring af sprogteknologiernes fremtid i Europa
Education policies to improve the future of language technologies in EuropeEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
- finder , at uddannelsespolitikken boer bidrage positivt til etableringsfriheden , navnlig inden for de liberale erhverv .
- considers it appropriate that education policies should make a positive contribution to freedom of establishment, in particular with regard to the liberal professions.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Amsterdam-traktaten og Agenda 2000 gør uden tvivl hele kulturpolitikken, forsknings- og innovationspolitikken og uddannelsespolitikken, eller kort sagt kundskabspolitikken, til et centralt emne i Unionens fremtidige udvikling.
The Treaty of Amsterdam and indeed Agenda 2000 firmly place the whole of cultural policy, research, innovation, education and training policy, in short, knowledge policy, at the centre of the future evolution of the Union.Europarl8 Europarl8
Rådet og Kommissionen vil koncentrere deres indsats om ved hjælp af dette omfattende arbejdsprogram at indføre en konsekvent ramme, der sikrer denne sammenhæng i de forskellige grene af uddannelsespolitikken i Det Europæiske Fællesskab.
The Council and the Commission will focus their efforts on setting in place with this comprehensive work programme a consistent framework bringing such coherence to the various education and training policy strands in the European Community context.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Det er allerede blevet nævnt, at hun er en af de mest erfarne uddannelsespolitikere i Parlamentet. Det har også vist sig i de prioriteringer og vægtninger, som hun har givet denne betænkning.
That she is one of this House's really experienced experts on educational policy has already been mentioned, and that is evident from the priorities and emphases that she has added to this report.Europarl8 Europarl8
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