Differential [math.] oor Engels

Differential [math.]

Vertalings in die woordeboek Duits - Engels


adjective noun

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Weiser, Some a posteriori error estimators for elliptic partial differential equations, Math.
Our school motto was ``First we work and then we play because that is the way to be happy and gay''Literature Literature
Differential {n} [math.]
What is this all about?langbot langbot
Gâteaux-Differential {n} <G-Differential> [noun] [math.]
This can' t help you get them backlangbot langbot
Fréchet-Differential {n} <F-Differential> [noun] [math.]
It' s Fight Club Great jointlangbot langbot
Differential- und Integralrechnung {f} [noun] [math.]
Does it hurt?langbot langbot
partielles Differential {n} <∂> [noun] [math.]
Sometimes even with their help, just the uncovered costs can be pretty staggeringlangbot langbot
Hauptsatz {m} der Differential- und Integralrechnung <HDI> [noun] [math.]
No, Mr Malhotra... don' t take my opinionlangbot langbot
Differential {n} [auch Kurzform für Differentialgetriebe] [noun] [automot.] [math.]
I don' t always tell it in detaillangbot langbot
Rechenmethode {f}; Berechnungsmethode {f}; Berechnungsweise {f}; Kalkül {m} [veraltend] [math.] | Rechenmethoden {pl}; Berechnungsmethoden {pl}; Berechnungsweisen {pl}; Kalküle {pl} | Differenzialrechnung {f}; Differentialrechnung {f} | Fehlerrechnung {f} | Infinitesimalrechnung {f}; Differential- und Integralrechnung {f} | Integralrechnung {f} | Matrizenrechnung {f}; Matritzenkalkül {n} [veraltend] | Prädikatrechnung {f} | Regressionsrechnung {f} (Vermessungswesen) | Theoremrechnung {f} | Variationsrechnung {f} | Zinsrechnung {f}
And some say you can still see their ghosts up therelangbot langbot
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