agreement oor Afar


/əˈɡɹiːmənt/, /əˈgriːmənt/ naamwoord
(countable) An understanding between entities to follow a specific course of conduct.

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An understanding between entities to follow a specific course of conduct.
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Ethiopia and Equatorial Guinea today signed a reciprocal visa waiver agreement for holders of diplomatic and service passports.
Ityoppiya kee ekuatorial guinea diplomaatik kee affaf passporti tabbixe korta visah sittin geyil asaaku gili heen.HornMT HornMT
Under a USAID Development Credit Authority (DCA) agreement, this program will expand commercial bank lending into underserved areas and provide the private capital needed to help farmers and businesses intensify production, and support Ethiopia’s efforts to modernize its agricultural sector.
USAIDik Doddos Abuudih Miraacih (DCA) Gubat Sitingey, Ta Tadeera Qambalintam Kabxxa Banki Dafete Duyeyah Arooca Miracisiya kee Canka Gadda Kah Xayosana faxahyan cato Zarqen kee Tellemoma Maqarleh yan Murtil, kee Itiyyobiya Qasri Buqreh sekterih Qokolanama.HornMT HornMT
The agreement is to jointly implement an extra-budgetary in-kind contribution for a project titled “strengthening capabilities of member states in building, strengthening and restoring capacities and services in case of outbreaks, emergencies, and disasters”.
Ta sitigey Sitnah Abnisanah ya Osotinah Mizaniyatih Uwayti Catoh Doori Cugaysoh Amotak " Adoytitih tanih tan Rakaakaiyel Duddusiteta Xisiya Maqroosanamay, Qagisiya Dudditetay, Maqarosiya kee Ayfaf Baxcimiyay, Cubewaynu kee Qawallayla".HornMT HornMT
Semere came to Ethiopia four months ago following the restored relations with the signing of a joint declaration of Peace and Friendship agreement in Asmara last July.
Semere Itiyyobiya Fanah Yemeetem Afara alsih Gidde katayak firmatay Sitalihh salaam kee wadayini kuktih Sitigey Asmarah addal waraye Waysuh Qala qagisanama.HornMT HornMT
Australia and South Korea successfully negotiate a free trade agreement.
Awustaraliya kee Gabi Qaxi Kuriya Curikk yan Kabxah Sitin Gey Yaysen yan Calatal Agaradisenih.HornMT HornMT
Ethiopia has done much in protecting biodiversity after the signing of the Rio Agreement in 1992, according to Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute.
Itiyyobiya Mango monotota dacrisanamal Taysem Abte Sitingey Abtek Lakal Rio Sitigey 1992 Addal, Itiyyobiyak Mango Monotiyih Institut Elle Qadosenal.HornMT HornMT
The loan agreements in question are signed recently with the Chinese Export-Import (EXIM) Bank, which agreed to avail an aggregate outlay of USD 332.7 million for a highway road construction and power transmission projects envisaged to relieve the traffic congestions as well the fluctuating electric power supply in parts of Addis Ababa.
tasitigeyih esseroh addat firawaga xayiwak chaynak iro kee Addah Uwaytiteh xayosah (EXIM) banki, sitageenih sitat 332.7 milyoonih dolaar qiytababur gitih xisne kee cayli tabatabsih cugayso, Manosanama tarafik kaddu kee tahalih Addiss Ababak koran caylih xayoosih gadisiya.HornMT HornMT
A US judge blocks an agreement between Google and publishers about efforts to digitize books online at Google Books.
Ameerikah Cakam Google Kutbebal Kutbeeba Ratotil Xijital Abonuh Macal Google kee Matabaqa Aba fanal tekke sitigey Soliseh.HornMT HornMT
In an unprecedented move, Members of Parliaments (MPs), the 100 percent Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) and affiliates controlled Ethiopian Parliament, demanded to ascertain the country's external debt repayment capacity, before ratifying new concessional loan agreements recently entered into with the Government of China.
Umbuluyeh Amixigesini Aflaam, Barlamah Adoytitite(BA), 100 Gabba Itiyyobiyah Ayyuntak Amobaxaqah Ximokratic Foca (IAAXF/EPRDF/) and Misoynani Lowsisenih Itiyyobiyah Barlama, Faxeenih Dagoo Baaxok Iroh Nel tanim Qidah Qagisak Meklanamih Dudda, qusba qagaqagita nakusile Abudih sitigey Xayiwak chaynah doolat fanah culteh.HornMT HornMT
Noting partnerships engender reliable changes; President Rivlin said “the agreements inked today will set forth to the ever growing ties between the two countries in addressing challenges in health, education and energy in particular”.
Fantaaxaw Kassitaanam Tameemene Milaagitte Baahela Iyyem Kee Ta Prezdenti Rivlin Asaakih Ayro Gili Elle Heenih Yanin Sittin Geyitte Qaafiyataay Tu Barittoo Kee Caylittel Tanih Tan Taqabitte Yafdigoonuh Namma Baaxoh Fanal Abak Yemeeten Fantaxawitte Tablaasem Kinnim Warse.HornMT HornMT
NBA team owners and players reach an agreement to end the 149-day NBA lockout and to begin the current NBA season on Christmas Day.
NBA Dokol leela kee Digir abeenit 149 Ayroora NBA Alifya solisanam kee Tawakih NBA wakti genah ayrot qimbisoonuh sitingey madeenih.HornMT HornMT
The United States notifies the United Nations of its formal withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.
US I.L.L. 2016 Tekkeh tan Berezixantini Dooroh Udur Ruusiyah Kaba Culal 35 takkeRusiyah Xiblomasite Diriyteh.HornMT HornMT
The agreement was signed here by Lelise Neme, CEO of the Corporation and representative of the Chinese company.
Ta sitingey Fermat Takkel Abtem Lelise Neme, CEO Korborrsion saqalay Chaynah Kambaniteh Awlaytuk sugte.HornMT HornMT
In American football, players in the US National Football League ratify a new collective bargaining agreement including provisions for tests for human growth hormone.
Garmanak dumahi forumula 1 Shambiyonmekail shumakere tekkeh tanimit Irih yekkem qagitak Uriyi faransak geronobil hosbital cabeh.HornMT HornMT
Ethiopia and South Korea have signed an agreement that could enable to jointly work on issues tied with urban land development.
Itiyyobiya kee GabiQaxih Kuriya Fermat Sitingey Aben MagaalaH Ardih Daddosul sitalih Kah tamitan Inah.HornMT HornMT
Lawmakers from Ukraine ratify a landmark agreement with the European Union in tandem with a meeting of the European Parliament.
YukreenikTeemte Ganun tayaqo Awrobah inkiinolih Awrobah Inkiinoh Barlamalih Inik Aydaadule Sitigey Faticiselon.HornMT HornMT
The European Union has reached agreement to share at least 40,000 migrants over two years. ,
Awrobah Inkiino Namma Sanatih Addat Walli 40,000 Dabo Xiina Catuh Sitingey Maaden.HornMT HornMT
All stakeholders, including ministries of Revenues and Trade& Industry will follow up the implementation process in accordance with the agreements reached.
Culenta,tellemmo kee inxustri malaak edde anuuk inkih wagitah yan xagaritte sitta elle geyteemik ugutak ellecabo kattaatele.HornMT HornMT
Cuba starts releasing political prisoners as part of an historic agreement with the United States announced last month.
USik Waraye Ala kacantoolitk Aydaadi Sitigeyik tayah yan Addal Kuubah Siyaasent Casbik Fakanam Qimbise.HornMT HornMT
The agreement was signed by State Minister Hirut Zemene and Don Simeon Oyono, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Equatorial Guinea.
Sittin geyil ciggilta malaak Heerut zemene kee ekuatorial guineak iroh caagidah malaak Don Simeon Oyono giliiy heenHornMT HornMT
The National Hockey League locks out its players after the expiry of the collective bargaining agreement.
Jabanak Sayyok Agatak Ibi koqsoh Dokon 2011 Fifa Baad kasal Aysuk Alafatal lowinta qokolah mabux abak illa buxa fanah yuduuren.HornMT HornMT
According to her, the agreement signed between the two countries has helped to improve the tie in the economic sector.
Iss Elle Baxaqisenal, Sitigeyfermat Fanal kak Yekkem Namma Baaxoxa Maduur Sekter Barimuh Cato takkem kini.HornMT HornMT
Benjamin Netanyahu demands that any final agreement on the Iranian nuclear program include a "clear and unambiguous Iranian recognition of Israel's right to exist."
BiyaminTenyaaho Iranak Nukeler Abtootal Faxeemik Ilacabo Sitingey “Israilik Mano Gaaih Qidiinu kee Baye siniiran Mamaxaga Edde kah haytanah Essera.HornMT HornMT
A trade agreement between Australia and the European Union comes into effect stopping Australian wine being marketed using terms such as champagne and port.
Awustraliya kee Awrobah Inkiino fanal Yanih yan Kabxah Fantaaxaw Shambing kee Fordal tanih tan Aroocat Antifiquk qadaagal Kah asanah Awusteraliya wayni Salisaanamih Taama Abtol asele.HornMT HornMT
As part of the agreement, Nokia will work with the two universities to provide tailored training and coaching programs and share the latest technical and business practices in the ICT sector in line with global developments and market demands.
Tasitingeyik , nokiya taamitele Namma jaamiqatlih masowte Aydakaakan kee Aydakaaknise Tadeera Xayosanam kee Xaagi Angaarawih teknolojih sekteril (XAT/ICT/) Mtibanu kee Tellemoh Abnisoh Tabaatabisanamy Baad Daddosite kee Qadaaga Fayxitelih Gacak.HornMT HornMT
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