force oor Afar


/fɔɹs/, /foʊɹs/, /fɔːs/, /fɔː(ɹ)s/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(countable) Anything that is able to make a big change in a person or thing.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Afar


Strength or energy of body or mind; active power; vigour; might; capacity of exercising an influence or producing an effect.
Baylul Affara Daaba

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(Northern England) Falls. used in place names.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Afar

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The United States is to deploy troops to Somalia for the first time since 1994 to help train the Somali Armed Forces in their conflict with al-Shabaab insurgents.
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Poland publishes the transcript of flight data recorders from the fatal 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash which killed 96 officials and intellectuals on 10 April.
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Officials of the Ministry noted that 93 giant enterprises and nearly 6700 small and medium enterprises are found in the region, and that a task force has been established to conduct a survey and investigate the cost of damages to reinvigorate factories into normal production.
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A prolonged drought in the Amazon region forces Brazil to declare a state of emergency in 25 towns.
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Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn has blamed "anti-peace forces" for the violence.
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The Israeli Air Force launches an attack against tunnels leading from Gaza into Israel in response to missile attacks and mortar fire.
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The Trump administration plans to increase the budget of the United States Armed Forces by more than 9%.
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Four bodies are recovered from the ocean after an airplane of the Chilean Air Force crashed near Robinson Crusoe Island on Friday.
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Fighting between Syrian rebels and government forces rages around the Aleppo Central Prison in the war-torn city of Aleppo, but it is unclear whether rebels control all or part of the facility.
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Ukrainian security forces start dismantling protest camps in Kiev with two protesters feared dead after clashes with police. ,
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Speaking to The Reporter, the Amhara regional state police commissioner, Abere Adamu reaffirmed the readiness of the regional police force to go into operation in Benishagul region if the federal government is busy handling other matters.
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Gun battle between security forces and Taliban fighters leave four militants including their commander dead in Wardak province 40 km west of Afghanistan capital Kabul.
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The interim President of Ukraine Olexander Turchynov orders Ukrainian forces to withdraw from Crimea.
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Communitary forces take several towns in Mexican state of Michoacán trying to expel the Knights Templar Cartel forces, and prompting the intervention of Mexican Army against them.
Mannay maqitoHornMT HornMT
US-backed Syrian forces resume their offensive on the final enclave controlled by ISIL in Syria at Baghuz.
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Gaddafi has supplied Viagra to his forces to encourage them to commit mass rape, Susan Rice, United States Ambassador to the United Nations, has alleged.
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One of five Hong Kong booksellers who disappeared in 2015 says he was forced by Chinese agents into a confession of "illegal trading".
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New York-based Human Rights Watch says that more than 400 people have been killed in clashes with the security forces in Oromia, although the government disputes this figure.
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The US launches a fourth round of air strikes targeting Islamic State fighters near Erbil, and Kurdish forces regain control of two towns in Nineveh province after heavy fighting.
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John Key, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, announces plans to deploy up to 143 New Zealand Defence Force personnel to Iraq on a training mission to last no more than two years.
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Iraqi Special Operations Forces have fought their way into the outskirts of Mosul.
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A Syrian military spokesman says more than 400 members of security forces have been killed in the months-long unrest as videos surface allegedly showing children killed in the violence.
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Last week, the National Bank of Ethiopia introduced a new rule that forces depositors make a maximum of five transactions per week.
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A triple suicide bomb attack north of Tikrit kills at least 11 and injures another 34 members of Iraqi security forces.
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However, there is still no indication as to when help will arrive after the UN announced on Wednesday that it was forced to suspend aid distribution in the northern Ethiopian town of Kombolcha after gunmen looted its warehouses.
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