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All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Дарбанзаалак ауаҩы дшоуп ихы дақәиҭны. Ауаа зегь зинлеи патулеи еиҟароуп. Урҭ ирымоуп ахшыҩи аламыси, дара дарагь аешьеи аешьеи реиԥш еизыҟазароуп.
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You will enjoy using your talents and abilities to serve your Creator and others.
Уара иулоу аҟазареи абаҩхатәреи Ҳазшаз имаҵ ууларц, насгьы ауаа урыцхрааларц азы ухы иахьаурхәо агәырӷьара узаанагоит.jw2019 jw2019
According to Exodus 23:9, how were God’s ancient people expected to treat foreigners, and why?
Ишԥарызныҟәалар акәыз Анцәа ижәлар атәымтәылауаа Ақәҵымҭа (Исход) 23:9 иану инақәыршәаны, насгьы избан?jw2019 jw2019
Why should you care for your spiritual need, and what does Jehovah provide to help you?
Избан удоуҳатә ҭахрақәа уреиҷаҳалар зухәҭоу, насгьы иуиҭазеи Иегова уи аҟаҵаразы?jw2019 jw2019
After one brother lost his wife in death and he faced other painful circumstances, he said: “I learned that we cannot choose our tests, neither their time nor their frequency.
Иашьак ихатә ҩыза данԥсы, насгьы егьырҭ агәаҟрақәа данрықәшәа ашьҭахь, иҳәеит: «Сара еилыскааит иарбан ԥышәарақәоу ҳзықәшәо, ҳанрықәшәо, насгьы шаҟа ԥышәара ҳрықәшәо ҳара ишаҳхьыԥшым.jw2019 jw2019
If the discussion does not help to make peace between you and your brother, keep trying.
Шәеиҿцәажәара аҭынчра аиҭашьақәыргылара ишәмыцхраазар, шәгәы кашәмыжьын.jw2019 jw2019
And many of them feel that suffering will always be a part of human existence.
Урҭ рахьынтә аӡәырҩы ргәы иаанагоит, агәаҟрақәа ауаҩытәыҩсатә ҧсҭазаара еснагь иахәҭакны иҟазаауеит ҳәа.jw2019 jw2019
How can we honor parents and grandparents?
Ишԥаҳалшо ҳҭаацәеи, ҳандуцәеи, ҳабдуцәеи пату рықәаҳҵалар?jw2019 jw2019
He then enlarged on that basic truth by saying that the dead can neither love nor hate and that “there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave.”
Абарҭ ажәақәа рыла иара иҳаилиркааит иԥсхьоу абзиабареи ацәымӷреи шрылымшо, избанзар «шеол аҿы... иҟам аусурагьы, агәҭакқәагьы, адыррагьы, аҟәышрагьы».jw2019 jw2019
In addition to the extreme mental stress that he was under on his final night, consider the disappointment he must have felt and the humiliation he suffered.
Иисус иԥсра уахык шагыз аҩныҵҟатәи агәҭынчымра адагьы иара агәахшәареи аларҟәреи дрықәшәеит.jw2019 jw2019
And does being willing to decide mean sticking to our choices no matter what?
Насгьы ҳрықәныҟәалар аума еснагь иҳадаҳкылаз аӡбарақәа?jw2019 jw2019
She telephoned the official, who came out to meet me and greeted me in the local language.
Лара уи дизасит. Иара дысԥыларц азы дааин аҭыԥантәи абызшәа ала аԥсшәа сеиҳәеит.jw2019 jw2019
What recent adjustments have particularly impressed you, and why?
Иарбан ааигәа иҟаҵаз ԥсахрақәоу шәара еиҳараӡак шәхаҿы иаанхаз, насгьы избан?jw2019 jw2019
(2 Samuel 12:1-13; 2 Chronicles 26:16-20) Today, Jehovah’s organization appoints imperfect men to offer counsel, and mature Christians gladly accept it and apply it.
Ажәытә Израилтәи аҳ ихадоу аусқәа наигӡон, аха иара идикылалар акәын абжьагарақәа аԥааимбарцәа, аԥшьаҩцәа, иара убас егьырҭ ауаа рҟынтә (2 Самуил 12:1—13; 2 Ашықәсынҵа 26:16—20).jw2019 jw2019
“Soul” and “Spirit” —What Do These Terms Really Mean?
Иаанагозеи аилкаарақәа «аԥсы», насгьы «адоуҳа»?jw2019 jw2019
Listen, obey, and be blessed.
Зылԥхара угмыз зынӡа.jw2019 jw2019
And as individuals, we get sick, we suffer, we lose loved ones in death.
Ауаа чмазаҩхоит, игәаҟуеит, ирзааигәоу ауаа рцәыӡуеит.jw2019 jw2019
With the help of her parents and others in the congregation, this young Christian achieved her goal of becoming a regular pioneer.
Аха лҭаацәеи аизараҿы илырҭоз ацхыраареи рыбзоурала, уи аиаҳәшьа лхықәкы анагӡара лылшеит — лара пионерс амаҵ аура далагеит.jw2019 jw2019
To answer that question, we first need to understand what real joy is and how others have kept their joy even when they had difficulties.
Ари азҵаара аҭак ҟаҳҵарц азы раԥхьа агәырӷьара закәу еилаҳкаар ауп, насгьы шьоукы ауадаҩра ӷәӷәақәа шрымазгьы, агәырӷьара ахьчара шрылшаз еилҳаргар ауп.jw2019 jw2019
At such times, we will be comforted and strengthened by reflecting on our blessings.
Ари аамҭазы ҳара ҳгәы арҭынчуеит, насгьы ҳарӷәӷәоит иҳамоу азылԥхарақәа рызхәыцра.jw2019 jw2019
23:8) Prominent men who were enamored of the philosophies of Aristotle and Plato introduced false religious ideas, gradually replacing the pure teachings of God’s Word. w16.11 4:8
Аристотельи Платони рфилософиатә идеиақәа згәаԥхоз аизараҿы аҭакԥхықәра змаз ахацәа хәыҷы-хәыҷла Анцәа Иажәа ианыз аҵабыргқәа амцдинхаҵаратә ҵарақәа рыла ирыԥсахуан. w16.11 4:8jw2019 jw2019
He showed great courage, went to work, and with Jehovah’s help completed the magnificent temple in seven and a half years.
Иара агәымшәара дуӡӡа ааирԥшит, аусура далагеит, насгьы Иегова ицхыраарала бжьы шықәсеи бжаки рыла ауахәама ду иргылеит.jw2019 jw2019
The 2013 Global Corruption Barometer, published by Transparency International, reported that people worldwide have the perception that the five most corrupt institutions are political parties, the police, public officials, the legislature, and the judiciary.
Аорганизациа «Трансперенси интернешнл» иакьыԥхьыз «2013-тәи адунеизегьтәи акоррупциа абарометр» инақәыршәаны, адунеи ахьынӡа-наӡааӡо ауаа ргәаанагарала, зегь реиҳа акоррупциа ахьыҟоу хә-институтк рҿы ауп — аполитикатә партиақәа, аполициа, ачынуаа, азакәанԥҵаратә, насгьы аӡбаратә мчрақәа.jw2019 jw2019
(Psalm 37:1, 2, 10) Instead, “the meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.”
9 Анцәа Авраам ихылҵшьҭра иатәыз Давид игәазҭеиҵеит ацәгьаҟаҵаҩцәа уаҳа ианыҟамло аамҭа атәы иҳәарц (Аԥсалом 37:1, 2, 10).jw2019 jw2019
6 One way that you can prepare for the Memorial is by reading and thinking about articles that explain why this event is so important.
6 Агәаларшәара ахәылԥаз ҳҽазыҟаҳҵар ҳалшоит, иаҳҳәап, уи ахҭыс зхадоу ҳаилзыркаауа астатиақәа ҳанрыԥхьо, насгьы ҳанрызхәыцуа.jw2019 jw2019
How can you answer his challenge and prove your integrity to God, as Job did?
Ишԥаулшо уара, Иов иеиԥш, Аҩсҭаа аҭак иҭара, насгьы Анцәа иахь уиашара ашьақәырӷәӷәара?jw2019 jw2019
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