as of oor Abkasies

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Perhaps Mordecai thought of them, as well as of his own friends and relatives in Shushan, when he heard the terrible news.
Иҟалап ари ажәабжь бааԥс заҳаз Мардохеи урҭ, иара убас Суза иҟаз иҩызцәагьы иҭынхацәагьы дрызхәыцзар.jw2019 jw2019
You accepted it not as the word of men but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God. —1 Thess.
Ауаҩытәыҩса ихы иҭҳәаау ак еиԥш акәымкәа, ишәыдышәкылт иара шыҟаз аиԥш, Анцәа иитәу... ажәаны (1 Фес.jw2019 jw2019
As you now study each paragraph, read as many of the cited scriptures as you can.
Абзацқәа шәанрыԥхьо иахьынӡашәылшо иаагоу ажәеинраалақәа зегьы шәрыԥхьала.jw2019 jw2019
Congregations will be abuzz with excitement as they actively share in covering as much of their territory as possible.
Аизара иалахәу рҽазыршәоит ирзалху атерриториа гәацԥыҳәарыла аус адулара.jw2019 jw2019
Eggs “have been prominent as symbols of new life and resurrection,” says the Encyclopædia Britannica, while the hare and the rabbit have long served as symbols of fertility.
«Британиатәи аенциклопедиаҿы» иҳәоуп акәтаӷьқәа «аԥсҭазаара ҿыци аиҭаиреи ирсимволын», ажьақәа аханатә аҿиара иасимволын.jw2019 jw2019
8 The vision gave a preview of Jesus’ future glory and power as King of God’s Kingdom.
8 Уи абара иаанарԥшит Иисус Анцәа Иаҳраҿы Аҳас даныҟало имазаауа ахьӡи-аԥшеи амчреи.jw2019 jw2019
12 As followers of Jesus, we need to love one another as he loved us.
12 Ҳара Иисус ишьҭанеицәа, иара бзиа ҳшибоз еиԥш ҳаргьы бзиа ҳаибабалароуп.jw2019 jw2019
She was filled with holy spirit and spoke of Mary as “the mother of my Lord.”
Елизавета иԥшьоу адоуҳа аныррала Мариа лзы илҳәоит: «Иҳақәиҭу Иан».jw2019 jw2019
As one of Jehovah’s servants, you surely view it as an honor to participate in the disciple-making activity.
Шәара Иегова ишаҳаҭцәа ахьшәакәу азы, ҳәарада аҵаҩцәа разыҟаҵара ахә ҳаракны ишәшьоит.jw2019 jw2019
Thereupon, Peter clearly stated: “This is ‘the stone that was treated by you builders as of no account that has become the chief cornerstone.’” —Acts 3:15; 4:5-11; 1 Pet.
Иара иреиҳәеит: «Уи — „аҩныргылаҩцәа рыблаҿ имааиз, рхы иадмырхәаз, аха хадара зманы иҟалаз хаҳәуп“» (Аус.jw2019 jw2019
15:4) We view the Bible, not as a collection of human ideas, but “just as it truthfully is, as the word of God.” —1 Thess.
Ҳара Иԥшьоу Аҩыра иҟәыӷоу ауаа ргәаанагарақәа реизга еиԥш акәымкәа, иара шыҟаҵәҟьоу — Анцәа иитәу ажәаны иҳадаҳкылоит (1 Фес.jw2019 jw2019
They also avoid more subtle forms of idolatry, such as acts of devotion to flags and the singing of songs that glorify nations.
Убри аҟнытә аиаша қьырсианцәа аныхақәеи, аџьарқәеи, ахаҳәчаҧақәеи ирымҵаныҳәом.jw2019 jw2019
4 As people begin to study the Bible, most read accounts of past resurrections, such as the raising of Lazarus.
4 Ауаа Абиблиа аҵара ианалаго дара еилыркаауеит Анцәа анкьа иԥсхьоу рыԥсы шҭеиҵоз, Лазарь ихҭыс уи ибзианы иаҳнарбоит.jw2019 jw2019
This belief often engenders as much fear of the dead as it does concern for their welfare.
Абарҭ реиҧш иҟоу агәаанагарақәа лассы-лассы ауаа аҧсцәа рҿаҧхьа ашәара шрыздырҵысуа еиҧш, урҭ рыбзабаа иеиҷаҳаратәгьы иааҭадыргылоит.jw2019 jw2019
Become imitators of me, just as I am of Christ. —1 Cor.
Сара Христос сшиҿыԥшуа аиԥш, шәаргьы сара шәысҿыԥшла (1 Кор.jw2019 jw2019
It has shaped the laws and languages of some countries, as well as the lives of millions.
Уи тәылақәак рзакәани, ркультуреи, рбызшәеи, миллионҩыла ауаа рыԥсҭазаареи анырра анаҭеит.jw2019 jw2019
As members of God’s household, we learn to think in terms of fulfilling roles in a family or as part of a congregation rather than achieving a rank or climbing a corporate ladder. —1 Tim.
Анцәа иҭаацәара ду иахәҭаку реиԥш, ҳара ҳзышьҭоу аҭыԥ ду аанкылара акәӡам, аха ҳҭаацәараҿы, насгьы аизараҿы иаҳзалху ароль еиӷьны анагӡара ауп (1 Тим.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah’s Witnesses provide this free service as part of their ministerial work in the community.”
Иегова ишаҳаҭцәа рмаҵзура иахәҭакуп ажәлар ахәарҭа рзаазго хәыда-ԥсада имҩаԥырго аҵара».jw2019 jw2019
But we can resist, even as thousands of our brothers have done. —1 Cor.
Аха ҳара зқьҩыла егьырҭ аишьцәа реиԥш гәаԥхашәала ҳацқьаны ҳаанхар ҳалшоит (1 Кор.jw2019 jw2019
3 As servants of Jehovah, we are not among those who are misled.
3 Аха ҳара, Иегова имаҵзуҩцәа, ҳарҩашьам.jw2019 jw2019
19 As worshippers of Jehovah, we need to imitate Noah and his family and obedient first-century Christians.
19 Ҳара, Иегова имаҵзуҩцәа, Нои иҭаацәеи иареи, иара убас азыӡырҩра аазырԥшуаз раԥхьатәи ақьырсианцәеи ҳарҿыԥшлар ауп.jw2019 jw2019
9 As followers of Christ, what may we have to endure?
9 Иарбан ԥышәарақәоу ҳзықәшәар ҳалшо ҳара Христос ишьҭанеицәа реиԥш?jw2019 jw2019
As children of God, they also enjoyed a direct relationship with him.
Урҭ Анцәа ихәҷқәа зларакәыз ала, хаҭала иара иацәажәаларц рылшон.jw2019 jw2019
As children of the first man, Adam, we have all inherited sin and its penalty, death.
Ҳара зегьы Адам ихылҵшьҭрақәа ҳауп аҟынтә, агәнаҳаи аԥсреи ҳҭынхеит.jw2019 jw2019
8 As “children of wrath,” we once displayed many qualities that displease God, perhaps even some beastlike traits!
8 Иегова деилаҳкаанӡа ҳара иҽеимыз аҟазшьақәа ааҳарԥшуан, зны-зынла агыгшәыгқәа ҳреиԥшзаргьы ауан.jw2019 jw2019
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