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Alvisi Chong

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One way you can do this is by writing to an address below.
Уи ҟашәҵарц азы ҵаҟа иарбоу адресқәа руак ахь ашәҟәы жәҩыр шәылшоит.jw2019 jw2019
If you would like one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to call at your home, please fill out the coupon below.
Иегова Ишаҳаҭцәа рахьтә аӡәы дшәызнеирц шәҭахызар иҟалозар, ихашәырҭәаа абри адаҟьа аҟны иарбоу акупон.jw2019 jw2019
12 Feeling powerless to help, Jonah went below the deck of the ship and found a place to lie down.
12 Акгьы шилымшоз анеиликаа, иара аӷба акыӷә ахь дылбаан дахьықәиаша аҭыԥ иԥшааит.jw2019 jw2019
But he dozed off and fell from the third story to the ground below.
Иара дамхацәеит, насгьы ахԥатәи аихагыла аҟынтә далыбган дкаҳаит.jw2019 jw2019
He fell over, and right out the window, three stories to the ground below!
Данҵысы, ахԥатәи аихагыла аԥенџьыр аҟынтә дышиашаз адгьылахь дкаҳаит!jw2019 jw2019
Or on the earth below.
Уа ухьӡ илашало.jw2019 jw2019
He calls out to the gatekeepers below, and they respond immediately by closing the city gates and locking them from the inside.
Иара ҵаҟа игылоу агәашәхьчаҩцәа адырра риҭоит, даргьы иаразнак агәашәқәа адыркырц иалагоит.jw2019 jw2019
From the shores of the Sea of Galilee, that 30-mile (50 km) journey took the group from about 700 feet (210 m) below sea level to 1,150 feet (350 m) above, through regions of great natural beauty.
Галилеиатәи амшын аӡы аҳаракыра амшын аҳаракыра аасҭа 210 метра раҟара иеиҵан, уантәи Иисус иҵаҩцәеи иареи ацара иаҿын амшын аҳаракыра аҟынтә 350 метра раҟара ахьыбжьоу иҟоу аҭыԥ ахь. 50 метра раҟара иҟаз дара рымҩа даара иблахкыгаз аҭыԥқәа ирылганы иган.jw2019 jw2019
9 The heights of Mount Carmel commanded a sweeping view —from the torrent valley of Kishon below to the Great Sea (Mediterranean Sea) nearby and to the mountains of Lebanon on the far northern horizon.
9 Ашьха Кармил ақәцәа аҟынтә иубарҭан ҵаҟа иҟаз аӡиас Киссон аԥшаҳәеи Амшын дуи (Адгьылбжьаратә мшын), насгьы хара аҩада игылаз Ливантәи ашьхақәа*.jw2019 jw2019
8:11) Furthermore, unrepentant sinners could become “rocks hidden below water” and shipwreck the faith of others in the congregation. —Jude 4, 12.
Уи адагьы, иахьымхәуа агәнаҳаҟаҵаҩцәа аӷба ӡаазырҟәрыло «аӡы аҵаҟа иҟоу арифқәа» реиԥш, аизара иалахәу рыгәрахаҵара ӡаадырҟәрылар рылшоит (Иуда 4, 12).jw2019 jw2019
The suggestions below are based on the comments of publishers from some 20 different countries.
Ҵаҟа иаагоу алабжьарақәа шьаҭас ирымоуп 20 тәыла рҟынтә ажәабжьҳәаҩцәа рызгәаҭарақәа.jw2019 jw2019
In each of the lists below, put a check mark next to the correct answer.
Ҵаҟа иаагоу аҭакқәа рҿы ииашоу аҵшь.jw2019 jw2019
As he gazed down on the town and the valley that spread out below it on one side, his heart likely swelled with joy and pride when he caught sight of Jehovah’s tabernacle.
Иҟаларын иара игәы ҭгәырӷьаауазҭгьы, агәадура изцәырҵуазҭгьы Иегова иԥшьоу иқьала данахәаԥшуаз.jw2019 jw2019
2 Find Answers to These Questions: As you listen to the program, make note of the answers to the questions listed below.
2 Ишәыԥшаа арҭ азҵаарақәа рҭак. Апрограмма шәаназыӡырҩуа, ҵаҟа иаагоу азҵаарақәа рҭак анышәҵала.jw2019 jw2019
You can see him doing this in the picture below.
Уахәаԥш ҵаҟа асахьа, иагьыубоит уи иара ишыҟаиҵо.jw2019 jw2019
As the people wait below, Moses climbs the mountain.
Ауаа ҵаҟа ианыҟоу аамҭазы Моисеи ашьхарахь дхалоит.jw2019 jw2019
(See illustration below.)
(Шәахәаԥш ҵаҟа иаагоу аҿырԥштәы.)jw2019 jw2019
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