bird oor Abkasies


/bɜː(r)d/, /bɜːdz/, /bɜjd/, /bɜːd/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A member of the class of animals Aves in the phylum Chordata, characterized by being warm-blooded, having feathers and wings usually capable of flight, and laying eggs.

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Then Noah let a black bird called a raven out of the ark.
Усҟан Нои аковчег аҟнытә иоуишьҭит аҧсаатә еиқәаҵәа — аҟәраан.
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Jesus did not die for the birds of heaven, but he did die for us so that we might enjoy unending life. —Matt.
Ааи, Иисус дзыԥсыз аҵарақәа рзы акәӡам, ҳара ҳзы ауп! Уи абзоурала наӡаӡа ҳанхалар ҳалшоит (Матф.jw2019 jw2019
The birds do not sow and reap, nor do the lilies spin and weave.
Аԥсаатә лаҵом иҭагалом, адәыкрынқәагьы аџьабаа рбом, ихахом.jw2019 jw2019
Then Noah let a black bird called a raven out of the ark.
Усҟан Нои аковчег аҟнытә иоуишьҭит аԥсаатә еиқәаҵәа — аҟәраан.jw2019 jw2019
And how would you compare the sound of an airplane to the singing of a bird?
Ирҭахума аҵарақәа аҳаирпланқәа реиԥш иахьынтәишьҭыԥраауа аҭыԥқәа?jw2019 jw2019
And there was no curse on the animals, including birds and fish; nor on the mountains, lakes, rivers, and seas; nor on the skies, clouds, sun, moon, and stars.
Иара убас ашәира иаҵанакуамызт ашьхақәа, аӡиақәа, аӡиасқәа, амшынқәа, иара убас ажәҩан, аԥсҭҳәақәа, амра, амза, насгьы аеҵәақәа.jw2019 jw2019
God later made fish to swim in the water and birds to fly in the sky.
Нас Анцәа ԥсыӡла ирҭәит аӡқәа, иагьишеит аԥсаатәқәа, ажәҩанаҿы иԥырларц.jw2019 jw2019
God also told Noah to bring in all the different kinds of birds.
Анцәа иара убас Нои идиҵеит зеиуахкыуҭахыу аԥсаатәқәагьы ҭеигаларц.jw2019 jw2019
For example, when urging his disciples not to be anxious over daily needs, he pointed to “the birds of heaven” and “the lilies of the field.”
Иаҳҳәап аҵаҩцәа ирымаз аҭахрақәа хьаас иҟарымҵарц ргәаназҭеиҵоз, Иисус ҿырԥштәыс иааигеит «ажәҩан иалоу аԥсаатә», насгьы «адәыкрынқәа».jw2019 jw2019
For example, to allay the people’s anxieties over their daily need for food, he referred to how Jehovah provides for the birds of heaven.
Иаҳҳәап, ауаа зда ԥсыхәа рымам ача мыцхәы иашьҭамзарц азы, иара Иегова ажәҩан иалоу аԥсаатә дышреиҷаҳауа иазхьаирԥшит.jw2019 jw2019
So who is more intelligent —the maker of airplanes or the Creator of birds?”
Иаҿурԥшыртә иҟоума аҳаирплан абжьы аҵарақәа рашәаҳәабжь?jw2019 jw2019
The point is easy to see —namely, that if God takes care of birds and flowers, surely he will look after humans who “keep . . . seeking first the kingdom.” —Matthew 6:26, 28-33.
Иажәақәа рҵакы аилкаара мариоуп: Анцәа аԥсаатәқәеи ашәҭқәеи дреиҷаҳауазар, ҳәарада иара дреиҷаҳауеит «зегь раԥхьаӡа акәны» Анцәа Иԥсҳара иашьҭоу (Матфеи 6:26, 28—33).jw2019 jw2019
So the people came here and bought the animals or birds they needed.
Убри азоуп ауаа ааны абраҵәҟьа ирҭахыз аԥстәқәеи аԥсаатәқәеи заархәоз.jw2019 jw2019
And what about the living things on earth—colorful flowers, birds with their delightful songs, powerful whales that leap in the ocean?
Ашәҭ шьыҵәрақәеи, игәыҟаҵагаха иҷырҷыруа аҵарақәеи, аокеанқәа ихәӡааҵәиуа ирҭоу аҧсыӡ дуқәеи рзы угәы иаанагозеи?jw2019 jw2019
But many Israelites didn’t own any animals or birds.
Аха израилаа аӡәырҩы ирымамызт рхатәы ԥстәқәеи аԥсаатәқәеи.jw2019 jw2019
What do we learn from the way Jehovah cares for the birds of heaven?
Иаҳҵозеи ҳара Иегова аҵарақәа дышреиҷаҳауа аҟынтә?jw2019 jw2019
(Luke 12:24, 27, 28) If Jehovah cares for birds and flowers, how much more will he care for humans who love and worship him!
(Лука 12:24, 27, 28). Ииашаҵәҟьаны Иегова аԥсаатәқәеи ашәҭқәеи дреиҷаҳауазар, заҟа еиҳаны дрыхӡыӡаауазеи бзиа дызбо изиашоу имаҵзуҩцәа!jw2019 jw2019
In the Law that Jehovah gave the Israelites, he commanded: “If one of the Israelites . . . is hunting and catches a wild animal or a bird that may be eaten, he must pour its blood out and cover it with dust. . . .
Израильаа ирыҭаз азакәан аҟны иаҳәон: «Дазусҭазаалак... иуфар иҟало ашәарах, ма аԥсаатә анишьуа, аԥыхьашәа аҟынтә ашьа ишьҭыроуп, нас нышәла ихиҩароуп...jw2019 jw2019
She had, indeed, decided to take refuge under the wings of Jehovah God, like a young bird securely nestled against a protective parent.
Ииашаҵәҟьаны, лара илыӡбеит Анцәа Иегова инапаҵаҟа аҽыҵәахырҭа аԥшаара, аҽыҵәахырҭа иашьҭоу аҵыс ԥшқа ан ианаҵатәо еиԥш.jw2019 jw2019
Birds and other animals are called souls in the footnotes found at Genesis 9:10; Leviticus 11:46; and Numbers 31:28.
Аҟазаара (Бытие) 9:10, Алевит (Левит) 11:46, насгьы Ахыԥхьаӡарақәа (Числа) 31:28 рҟны аԥсаатәқәеи аԥстәқәеи «аԥсқәа» ҳәа рыӡбахә ҳәоуп.jw2019 jw2019
It is because the Israelites need animals and birds to sacrifice to God.
Избанзар израилаа Анцәа акәырбан изнагаразы аԥстәқәа рҭахыуп.jw2019 jw2019
What proves that we are worth more than the birds of heaven?
Избан аҵарақәа раасҭа ҳахә шыҳараку агәра ҳгар зҳалшо?jw2019 jw2019
But where could an Israelite get birds and animals to offer to God?
Аха иабантәааигоз Израил инхоз ауаҩы аԥсаатәқәа ма аԥстәқәа, урҭ кәырбанс Анцәа изнеигарц азы?jw2019 jw2019
Birdcatchers carefully study the habits of birds and devise ways to trap them
Аҵыскыҩцәа аҵарақәа рҟазшьақәа ҭырҵаауеит, насгьы еиуеиԥшым акаҭақәа дыргылоитjw2019 jw2019
How did Jesus use birds and flowers to illustrate God’s care for us?
Ишԥааирԥши Иисус Анцәа ҳара дышҳаиҷаҳауа аԥсаатәи ашәҭқәеи рҿырԥштәы ала?jw2019 jw2019
If God provides food for birds and clothes flowers with beauty, will he not provide the necessities of life for humans who make his worship a priority in their life?
Иара аԥсаатәқәа афатә риҭозар, ашәҭқәа ԥшӡаны еилеиҳәозар, дырмеиҷаҳаӡои иара имаҵ аура зегь раасҭа ихаданы изыԥхьаӡо ауаа?jw2019 jw2019
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