conquer oor Abkasies


/ˈkɑŋkɚ/ werkwoord
to defeat in combat; to subjugate

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I took to heart the words of the apostle Paul at Romans 12:21: ‘Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good.’
14 Насыԥны, ақьырсиантә ҭаацәарақәа реиҳарак ирызцәырҵуа ауадаҩрақәа рыӡбара рылшоит.jw2019 jw2019
Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil. —Rom.
Иисус иҳәоит, аибашьра дуқәа шыҟало, ауаа рацәаҩны ишычмазаҩхо, амлагьы ишакло, ақәымчра зехьынџьара ишахаҵәо, адгьылҵысра дуқәагьы шыҟало.jw2019 jw2019
I have conquered the world.” —John 16:33.
Аха уеизгьы, ҳасабырбак ишаҳәо еиҧш, зхыҧхьаӡара дырмаҷхьоу аиадертә бџьархқәа рнаҩс иаанхоит 10 000 инадыркны 20 000 рҟынӡа. Урҭ амчхара ирымоу Аҩбатәи адунеитә еибашьраан иҭырҟьаз раасҭа 900-нтә иреиҳауп.jw2019 jw2019
(John 16:33) May your family also conquer the world and enjoy life forever!
Ишԥарылшо аҭаацәа рхәыҷқәа Иегова имаҵ аушьа дырҵара?jw2019 jw2019
How may we conquer the world and our own sinful tendencies?
Лот иҭаацәеи иареи усҟак иццакӡомызт, убри аҟнытә амаалықьцәа урҭ рнаҧқәа аанкыланы ақалақь иалыргар акәхеит.jw2019 jw2019
How does Jehovah help us to conquer wrong desires?
ИИСУС атәыла далсны дцоит, ачымазаҩцәа хәшәтәуа.jw2019 jw2019
What valuable lesson can we learn from how the Israelites conquered Canaan and how David conquered Goliath?
Мамазаргьы, иламыс иаҵанамк’уазар ҟалоит зынӡа ианаамҭаӡам иара афатә хаа дахьалачои иҩызцәа дахьрацәажәои.jw2019 jw2019
“And thanks to his Word, the Bible, I conquered feelings of anger and resentment.
Ҳаргьы ауаа аиаша дырҵара агәаҳәара ҳамазароуп.jw2019 jw2019
(Isaiah 55:7) If we do, he promises that he will help us and give us the strength we need to conquer our wrong desires. —Genesis 4:7.
21 Иџьанаҭу адгьылаҿы иахьа абри аҩыза ахьаа ҳазҭо аҧсра наҟ иаҧырхзаауеит (Римаа рахь 8:19—21).jw2019 jw2019
To help us understand this better, we will discuss what helped the Israelites to conquer the Promised Land and what gave David the power to conquer the giant Goliath.
«Бзиа иба» Анцәа Иажәа, уи аҵарагьы ушаҿыц уаҿыз.jw2019 jw2019
How do we avoid being conquered by the evil?
Аҵарауаа аӡәырҩы изларҧхьаӡо ала, ари шьаҭас иазыҟоу «иҧсабаратәу, шьҭрала иҳауз» аҧсҭазаара аҵыхәтәоуп.jw2019 jw2019
(Hebrews 11:4-40) Today, a Christian who stays close to God will be able to oppose and even conquer the Devil.
1. Избан Иосиф иашьцәа зиҵашьыцуаз, насгьы иҟарҵазеи дара?jw2019 jw2019
(1 Corinthians 6:18) We will reject violence and will avoid or conquer alcoholism.
Нас Исав ҕәҕәала иашьа дызизгәаашаз хҭыск ҟалеит.jw2019 jw2019
How can a family conquer the world?
Иудыруама, абри анеиҭарҳәо аминуҭаз иҟалаз?jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah can give us the strength to “keep conquering the evil with the good.”
1. Иарбан цәаныррақәоу ирымаз израилаа, Иерусалим аҟны абаагәара ахьыҟамыз иахҟьаны?jw2019 jw2019
Hundreds of years before it happened, the Bible prophesied how Babylon would be conquered.
Зны-зынла иԥшәмеи ихәыҷқәеи ирызхаӡом афатәҵәҟьа азы аԥара.jw2019 jw2019
21 With God’s help through Jesus, Peter conquered his fears and doubts, becoming a pillar of faith among early Christians.
Закәытә хароузеи иаду ауаҩытәыҩсатә напхгара!jw2019 jw2019
6 The angel told Joshua exactly what he needed to do to conquer Jericho.
Абри ҳара иаҳнарҵо рацәоуп.jw2019 jw2019
Near the end of his human life, Jesus was able to say: “I have conquered the world.”
Лазар иԥсра Иисус ишидикылаз иаанарԥшуеит Анцәа Иԥа уамашәа иубаша игуԥшқара.jw2019 jw2019
With Jehovah’s help, he confronted the mighty ruler of Egypt, led perhaps 3,000,000 people through a desert, and helped the nation of Israel conquer their enemies.
8 Угәы унархьыртә иҟоуп иахьа аҭаацәаратә ԥсҭазаара ахьеиӷьымхо.jw2019 jw2019
Would any conquer sickness, old age, and death?
Аџьанаҭ дгьылаҿы ҭаацәара-цыҧхьаӡа рхатәы ҩны рымазаауеит.jw2019 jw2019
It will not be conquered and be replaced by some other government.
10 Ауаҩытәыҩсатә ҳәынҭқарраҿы аус еицызуа амаҵуҩцәа шыҟоу еиҧш, убасҵәҟьа иҟалоит жәҩантә Анцәа Иаҳраҿы.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus conquered the world by not becoming like it in any respect
Абарҭ ахҭысқәа ҳара ҳаамҭазы ишыҟало ҳбартә иҟоума?jw2019 jw2019
This happened in 607 B.C.E. when Jerusalem was conquered by the Babylonians.
Дышԥазнеи Иов иԥҳәыс уи ичымазара, насгьы илхашҭзеи лара?jw2019 jw2019
Keep conquering the evil with the good. —Rom.
5 Ирыԥхьаӡома шәара шәахьынхо атәылаҿы аԥҳәыс шаҟа лылшо ахшара лхылҵлар еиӷьуп ҳәа?jw2019 jw2019
32 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.