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10 Continue learning about Jehovah.
Евтих зыхьӡыз ари аҷкәын аҧенџьырхамс дықәтәан, дагьамхацәеит.jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 26:39-41) When the crowds interrupted his search for quiet, rest, and privacy, he did not send them away; he continued to give of himself, teaching them “many things.”
Мариам афараон иҧҳа длазҵааит: ‘Сцаны израилаа рҟнытә зкыкыхшла дзааӡаша слыҧхьарыма?’.jw2019 jw2019
Brothers, continue to rejoice, to be readjusted, to be comforted, to think in agreement, to live peaceably. —2 Cor.
Дазусҭазаалак, дара реиҧш, дуаҩыцәгьаны иҟаҵара иашьҭан.jw2019 jw2019
13 Jehovah’s counsel would continue to benefit Job even after his trials were over.
Уи иааирыхуеит ача, ашәырқәеи ауҭраҭыхи.jw2019 jw2019
Feeling disheartened by the people’s negative response, you would probably not have the inner strength to continue for very long.
Аха Иисус илымҳа днакьысуеит, дагьихәышәтәуеит иара.jw2019 jw2019
We must continue to look to Jehovah and always obey him
Зны-зынла аҭаацәа ргәы иаанагоит асекс иазку адырра рхәыҷқәа ирырҭар, ииашам ахәыцрақәеи игәаԥхашәадоу ахымҩаԥгашьеи рахь икылнагоит ҳәа!jw2019 jw2019
Nehemiah continued to remove all uncleanness from Jerusalem
б) Ишҧаҳирбеи апостол Павел, иқьырсианхаз ауриацәа рахь асаламшәҟәы аниҩуаз аамҭазы, Азакәан ауасиаҭи ашьаҧаҿы аихырхәареи шажәыз?jw2019 jw2019
Rest assured that Jehovah will continue to bless your faithful service.
Ҳәарада, зны-зынла аҩны анеилыргам ҟалалоит, аха аҩны цқьаны иҟазарц азы, дасу иҽалаирхәыр илшоит, иаҳҳәап акрыфара ашьҭахь аишәа аилыргара.jw2019 jw2019
11 If we treasure our ministry, we will be like the apostle Paul, continuing to preach despite persecution.
Уи инаҷыдангьы, Иисус адгьылаҿы данынхоз, Иегова ихаҭа ажәҩан аҟынтә ибжьы иргалон, игәаҧхара ҳалал уи изаарҧшуа (Маҭфеи 3:16, 17; 17:1—5).jw2019 jw2019
If he continues to feed the ravens, you can trust that Jehovah will provide your material necessities too. —Ps.
Абас ирыцқьоу адгьылаҿы ауп Анцәа Иегова идҵала Иисус Христос иԥсхьоу ауаа рыԥсы ахьҭеиҵо.jw2019 jw2019
How did the apostle Paul continue to find ways to witness even while imprisoned in Rome, and how do Jehovah’s servants today follow his example?
Мариа зыхьӡу аҭыҧҳа ссир лахь даашьҭын амаалықь Гавриил.jw2019 jw2019
(b) How did Samuel continue to help Jehovah’s people?
б) Иаҳнарбозеи Ахан ихьыз, насгьы избан уи ҳара агәҽынҵара зҳанаҭо?jw2019 jw2019
(Proverbs 16:31; 20:29) Continue, then, whether married or single once again, to keep Jehovah’s service first in your life.
Давид даара диҭаххеит Вирсавиа, иханахьгьы дааигеит.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah’s Witnesses continue to deliver that message, using methods that Jesus and his disciples used. w16.05 2:10, 12
2. Избан Иегова Гедеон изиеиҳәаз, аруаа рацәа ицуп ҳәа?jw2019 jw2019
We need to continue learning how to be more skillful in our ministry. —Prov. 1:5; read 1 Timothy 4:13, 15.
Изакәу удыруама?jw2019 jw2019
We need to continue to strengthen our faith.
Иаанарԥшуазеи ааӡара, насгьы рхы зцәырыхьчозеи аҭаацәа рхәыҷқәа ииашаны ирааӡалар?jw2019 jw2019
continue all our days.
Хыхь иҳадгалаз абжьгарақуа зегьы Анцәа Иажәа, Абиблиа, шьаҭас ирымоуп, мамзаргьы иара иақушаҳаҭуп.jw2019 jw2019
Job focused on his hope in the resurrection and continued to endure faithfully
а) Иргәазырҧхозеи израилаа аргылара анагӡара, ҕәҕәала ишырҿагылозгьы?jw2019 jw2019
This Bible book has encouraged Christians for hundreds of years and continues to encourage us today.
Иузҿлымҳау уҩызеи уареи шәеицәажәара ашьҭахь угу еиҳа иҭынчхазар, шаҟа иузымариахарызеи, «зегь рзы ҳгуаҳхазыршҭуа Анцәа» угуы изаауртыр! (2 Коринфаа рахь 1:3).jw2019 jw2019
For us to stay happy, it is very important that we continue to apply what we learn
Арҭ иреиуоу азҵаарақәа раԥхьатәи ахқәа рҿы еилырган.jw2019 jw2019
17 As long as this system of things lasts, humans will be imperfect and will continue to offend others.
УАҚӘШӘАХЬОУМА абри аҩыза: аҿаҭахьа ууит, нас уи анагӡара уцәыцәгьахеит?jw2019 jw2019
(1 Corinthians 15:24) If you continue loyally following Christ, you will be granted a blessing so wonderful that it is hard even to imagine —“the glorious freedom of the children of God”!
15 Абри аган аҟны ауп андуцәеи абдуцәеи ацхыраара ду ҟарҵар ахьрылшо.jw2019 jw2019
Even as he was dying, he continued to share with others the good news of God’s Kingdom! —Luke 23:39-43.
Аха Есфир ааҧхьара лмоукәан дцоит.jw2019 jw2019
Meantime, however, he is alive and continues to mislead mankind.
Иисус — ари аиҳабыра аҳ иоуп.jw2019 jw2019
But they unselfishly encourage their children to continue serving Jehovah wherever they are.
Абаагәара дыргылошәа анырбалак, раҕацәа еицәажәоит: ‘Шәаала ҳцаны иаҳшьып, аргыларагьы аанаҳкылап’.jw2019 jw2019
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