end oor Abkasies


/ˈɛnd/, /ɛnd/ Verb, werkwoord, naamwoord
Extreme part.

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come to an end


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27 Today, we face the end of Satan’s entire world.
27 Иахьа ҳара Аҩсҭаа идунеи ақәхра ашәхымс ҳалагылоуп.jw2019 jw2019
How will the present wicked system end?
Иахьатәи асистема цәгьа аҵыхәтәа шҧаҟалои?jw2019 jw2019
Question: What will happen after “the end”?
Азҵаара: Иҟалозеи «зегьы рҵыхәтәа» анԥҵәалак ашьҭахь?jw2019 jw2019
It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever.”
Иара арҭ аҳрақәа зегьы ықәнахуеит, насгьы урҭ рҵыхәтәа ԥнаҵәоит, аха иара ахаҭа наӡаӡа игылазаауеит» (Даниил 2:44).jw2019 jw2019
These things happened to them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have come. —1 Cor.
Абарҭқәа зегьы дара изрыхҭысуаз ҿырԥштәыс иҟаларазы акәын, аҵыхәтәантәи аамҭақәа раан инхо ҳгәаҳҽанҵаразы (1 Кор.jw2019 jw2019
That day is also called the end, as discussed in the cover articles of this issue.
Уи амш угәуҽанӡамкәа иааиуеит, хыхь зыӡбахә ҳәаз 1 000 шықәсатәи апериод алагаанӡа.jw2019 jw2019
All the evidence indicates that this captivity ended in 1919 when anointed Christians were gathered into the restored congregation.
Ашьақәырӷәӷәарақәа зегьы иаадырԥшуеит Анцәа ижәлар адоуҳатә тҟәара аҟынтәи 1919 шықәсазы рхы ишақәиҭхаз, усҟан Анцәа идоуҳала иалхыз рыла ақьырсиантә еизара шьақәыргылан.jw2019 jw2019
Sometimes their labors lead to dead ends, but in many cases they deliver benefits to mankind.
Зны-зынла рҽазышәарақәа лҵшәадахоит, аха еиҳарак рџьабаа ауаа ахәарҭа рзаанагоит.jw2019 jw2019
17 We must endure, not for a time, but to the end.
17 Ҳара ахачҳара аамҭак аҩныҵҟа акәымкәа, аҵыхәтәанынӡа иааҳарԥшлар ауп.jw2019 jw2019
Then analyze the presentations from beginning to end.
Анаҩс хәҭа-ҳәҭала еилырга ари адгалара.jw2019 jw2019
Then analyze the sample presentations from beginning to end.
Анаҩс хәҭа-хәҭала еилырга арҭ адгаларақәа.jw2019 jw2019
After this terrible situation ended, Jehovah gave Job double what he had before and 140 more years of life.
Иегова ибон Иов ахаан дышицәхьамҵуаз, Аҩсҭаа дааҟәымҵӡакәа Иов дыширгәаҟуазгьы.jw2019 jw2019
But instead of tying a hook to the other end of the rope, they attached a can.
Алаба аԥынҵа ашаха адҿаҳәалан, аҵәгәыр аҭыԥан — аҭанақьы иалхыз аӡтага.jw2019 jw2019
Is the End Near?
Иааигәоума аҵыхәтәа?jw2019 jw2019
The end “will not be late!” —Habakkuk 2:3.
Аҵыхәтәа «агхаӡом» (Аввакум [Аввакум] 2:3).jw2019 jw2019
16 Since the end of Satan’s system is near, we need to ask ourselves, ‘What should I be doing?’
16 Аҩсҭаа исистема иаарласны иқәххоит, убри аҟынтә иазхәыцтәуп: иҟаҳҵар ҳахәҭоузеи ҳара?jw2019 jw2019
Interestingly, events that occurred during World War I and thereafter give us confidence that very soon God will fulfill this prophecy and end war forever.
Актәи аџьынџьтәылатә еибашьра аан, насгьы уи ашьҭахь иҟаз ахҭысқәа агәра ҳдыргоит хара имгакәа Анцәа ари аԥааимбаражәа шынаигӡо, насгьы наӡаӡа аибашьрақәа рҵыхәтәа шԥиҵәо.jw2019 jw2019
▪ Beginning with the classes that will be held toward the end of the 2014 service year, the Pioneer Service School will be taught in six days, Monday through Saturday.
▪ 2014-тәи амаҵзуратә шықәса анҵәамҭа инаркны Апионертә маҵзура ашкол аҿы аҵара мҩаԥыслоит фымш, ашәахьа инаркны асабшанӡа.jw2019 jw2019
Include a reenactment of the experience related at the end of the article “Use Our Web Site in the Ministry —‘Bible Questions Answered’” from the November 2014 Our Kingdom Ministry.
Еиҿкаа ақәгылара 2014 шықәса ноиабр мзазы иҭыҵыз «Иԥшьоу ҳмаҵзура» адаҟьа 3 аҟны иаагоу ахҭыс узырбо. Уи ахҭыс аҿы иаарԥшуп араионтә хылаԥшҩы иԥҳәыс аудионҵамҭа лхы иархәаны қәҿиарала ажәабжь шылҳәо.jw2019 jw2019
What are some benefits that will come as a result of the end of human rule?
Иарбан зылҧхарақәоу ирышьҭанеиуа ауаҩытәыҩсатә напхгара аҧыхра иабзоураны?jw2019 jw2019
What is one of the last remaining prophecies to be fulfilled before this system’s end?
Иарбан аҵыхәтәантәи ҧааимбаражәқәа рҟнытә иҟалараны иҟоу, ари асистема аҵыхәтәа аҧхьа?jw2019 jw2019
In the end, the choice is yours! —Joshua 24:15.
Алхра уара иҟауҵароуп! (Иисус Навин [Иисус Навин] 24:15).jw2019 jw2019
How, then, will death be brought to an end?
Ишԥақәгахо аԥсра?jw2019 jw2019
I saw that those who resort to violence often end up dead.
Избон ақәымчра ауаа лассы-лассы аԥсрахьы ишкылнагоз.jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 24:3) Jesus answered by detailing world-shaking events and conditions that would combine to show that mankind had entered “the time of the end,” “the last days” of this system of things.
Урҭ иара иазҵааит, иарбан Аҳра амчхараҿ иара иааира «дыргас» иаиуа, насгьы «ашәышықәса анҵәара» (Маҭфеи 24:3).jw2019 jw2019
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