first oor Abkasies


/fɜːst/, /fɜː(ɾ)st/, /fɝst/ adjektief, naamwoord, bywoord
Archaic spelling of first.

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What role did the apostles and other elders in Jerusalem play in the first century?
Иарбан рольу инарыгӡоз актәи ашәышықәсазы Иерусалим иҟаз апостолцәеи егьырҭ аизара аиҳабацәеи?


Cardinal number
7 However, those distressing effects that we inherited from our first parents will soon be a thing of the past.
7 Аха арҭ узыргәаҟуа ахҟьақәа ҳазхылҵыз рҟнытә иаҳзынхаз иаарласны ииасхьоу акы акәхоит.
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Of or pertaining to the executive of a particular nation or state.

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To answer that question, we first need to understand what real joy is and how others have kept their joy even when they had difficulties.
Ари азҵаара аҭак ҟаҳҵарц азы раԥхьа агәырӷьара закәу еилаҳкаар ауп, насгьы шьоукы ауадаҩра ӷәӷәақәа шрымазгьы, агәырӷьара ахьчара шрылшаз еилҳаргар ауп.jw2019 jw2019
It is a very meaningful prayer, and a consideration of its first three petitions will help you to learn more about what the Bible really teaches.
Уи иҵаулоу ҵакыла иҭәуп, насгьы ари анцәаиҳәара аҟны иану раԥхьатәи а́ҳәарақәа хԥа уара иуцхраауеит Абиблиа иаҳнарҵаҵәҟьо аилкаара.jw2019 jw2019
As in the first-century Christian congregations, elders today receive instructions and counsel from the Governing Body, either directly or through its representatives, such as traveling overseers.
Актәи ашәышықәсазы ақьырсианцәа реизарақәа рҿы еиԥш, аизара аиҳабацәа ироуеит амҩақәҵарақәеи анапхгареи Анапхгаратә еилазаара, ма уи ахаҭарнакцәа, иаҳҳәап, аизарақәа ирҭаауа ахылаԥшыҩцәа рыла.jw2019 jw2019
This is not the first person Jesus raised from the dead.
Уи Иисус раԥхьаӡа зыԥсы ҭеиҵаз лакәым.jw2019 jw2019
First, note the expression, “a sign of authority.”
Раԥхьаӡа иргыланы, урыхәаԥш ажәақәа «амчра адырга».jw2019 jw2019
Afterward, briefly demonstrate how to use the magazines to start a study on the first Saturday in January.
Анаҩс иааркьаҿны идырба Абиблиа аҵара ишалагатәу ианвар актәи асабшазы.jw2019 jw2019
17 The first-century governing body sent an important letter to the congregations.
17 Актәи ашәышықәсазы анапхгаратә хеилак аизарақәа зегь рахь аҵак ду змаз асаламшәҟәы рҩит.jw2019 jw2019
What comes first when Jehovah extends help to us?
Дышԥаҳацхраауеи Иегова зегь раԥхьа иргыланы?jw2019 jw2019
6 At first, a Xhosa-speaking sister named Noma had reservations about inviting white brothers from an English-language congregation to her modest home.
6 Коса бызшәала ицәажәо Нома зыхьӡу аиаҳәшьа раԥхьа лыҩн хәыҷахьы англыз еизараҟынтә ишкәакәоу аишьцәа рааԥхьара лзыгәаӷьуамызт.jw2019 jw2019
6 Jehovah blessed Judah with peace for the first ten years of Asa’s reign.
6 Иегова Иуда дазылԥхеит — Аса раԥхьатәи ажәашықәса аҩныҵҟа аҳра аниуаз аамҭазы ажәлар ҭынч инхон.jw2019 jw2019
12, 13. (a) How does the master respond to the first two slaves, and why?
12, 13. а) Иреиҳәазеи аԥшәма ҩыџьа итәцәа, насгьы избан?jw2019 jw2019
3 At a marriage feast in Cana of Galilee, Jesus performed his first miracle.
3 Иисус раԥхьатәи иџьашьахәы ҟаиҵеит галилеиатәи ақалақь Кана аҿы.jw2019 jw2019
3 Mark 1:9-11 records the first occasion when Jehovah spoke from heaven.
3 Марк 1:9—11 (шәаԥхьа) аҿы иануп Иегова ажәҩан аҟынтә ибжьы анирга раԥхьатәи ахҭыс.jw2019 jw2019
Over what issue did the consciences of those in the first-century congregation differ, and what did Paul recommend?
Излеиԥшымзи актәи ашәышықәсаан ақьырсианцәа рыламыс, изыдҳәалазеи уи азҵаара, насгьы ирабжьеигози Павел?jw2019 jw2019
A long, long time ago, God created the first man and woman.
Ҽнак зны Анцәа даалаган, раԥхьатәи ахаҵеи аԥҳәыси ишеит.jw2019 jw2019
The army officer in charge says: ‘All of you who can swim jump into the sea first and swim ashore.
Шәҩык иреиҳабыз, аҭакԥхықәра знапы ианҵаз, адҵа ҟаиҵоит: ‘Аӡсашьа здыруа зегьы шәыԥа аӡы ашҟа раԥхьа, аҟәарахьгьы шәыӡсы.jw2019 jw2019
We will soon find out, but first let’s see what happens to Daniel.
Уи хара имгакәа еилаҳкаауеит, аха раԥхьа, уааи, игәаҳҭап Даниил ихьыз.jw2019 jw2019
10 Still, for the first few centuries of our Common Era, many people could read the Bible in either Greek or Latin.
10 Раԥхьатәи ашәышықәсақәа рзы ҳ. ҳ. инхоз ауаа аӡәырҩы Абиблиа бырзен, ма лаҭын бызшәала аԥхьара рылшон.jw2019 jw2019
The truth never came first in the life of such young ones. —Matt.
Арҭ ақәыԥшцәа рыԥсҭазаараҿы аҵабырг ахаангьы аԥхьатәи аҭыԥ ааннакыломызт (Матф.jw2019 jw2019
14. (a) In what way did Abigail take the first step toward righting the wrong that Nabal had committed?
14. а) Иарбан шьаҿоу Авигеиа раԥхьа иҟалҵаз, Навал ицәгьара лыриашарц азы?jw2019 jw2019
Some movies and books promote the “me first” and “family first” ways of thinking and make them seem reasonable, appealing, even right.
Еиуеиԥшым афильмқәеи ашәҟәқәеи ауаа иддырҵоит зегь реиҳа ихадоу дара рхаҭа, насгьы рҭаацәарақәа роуп ҳәа.jw2019 jw2019
How were the spiritual needs of the brothers met during the first world war?
Ишԥацхраауаз Иегова иорганизациа аишьцәа рдоуҳатә ҭахрақәа рынагӡара Актәи адунеизегьтәи аибашьра аан?jw2019 jw2019
(Proverbs 16:31; 20:29) Continue, then, whether married or single once again, to keep Jehovah’s service first in your life.
«Ашлара аԥшӡара иагәыргьынуп, уи амҩа иаша ианызар» (Ажәамаанақәа 16:31; 20:29). Шәыԥсҭазаараҿы Анцәа имаҵзура зегь раԥхьа ишәыргылала, шәҭаацәаразаргьы, шәзаҵәызаргьы.jw2019 jw2019
First, the Master, Christ, has entrusted his anointed slaves with something that he views as precious —the commission to preach and make disciples.
Актәи, Аҳ, Иисус Христос, Анцәа идоуҳала иалху итәцәа даара зыхә ҳараку адҵа риҭеит — ажәабжьҳәара, насгьы аҵаҩцәа разыҟаҵара аус.jw2019 jw2019
Let us start by considering the first category —entertainment that Christians avoid.
Уааи раԥхьа ҳахәаԥшып актәи акатегориа — ақьырсианцәа мап зцәыркуа агәырҿыхагақәа.jw2019 jw2019
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