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/faʊ̯nˈdei̯ʃn̩/ naamwoord
The act of founding, fixing, establishing, or beginning to erect.

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Young ones require constant help if they are to appreciate that obedience to godly principles is the foundation of the very best way of life. —Isaiah 48:17, 18.
Иқәыԥшу Анцәа ипринципқәа рықәныҟәара зегь иреиӷьу аԥсҭазааратә мҩа ишықәнаҵо еилыркааразы, иааиԥмырҟьаӡакәа ацхыраара рҭахуп (Исаиа 48:17, 18).jw2019 jw2019
Hebrews 11:10 says of Abram: “He was awaiting the city having real foundations, the builder and maker of which city is God.”
Ауриацәа 11:10 аҟны иануп: «Уи дазыԥшын зшьапы ркраны, идыргылараны иҟаз ақалақь, Анцәа иакәын уи ргылаҩыс, шаҩыс иамаз».jw2019 jw2019
The sample conversation should be used as the foundation for the discussion.
Аусуратә тетрад адаҟьа 1 аҿы иаагоу аицәажәарақәа рыхкы шьаҭас иҟаҵатәуп.jw2019 jw2019
They even say that the foundation of this new world is being laid right now!
Уи аума дара ишьақәдырҕәҕәоит, ари адунеи ҿыц ҳара ҳаамҭаз ашьаҭа акра ишаҿу.jw2019 jw2019
* In some cases the husband, without foundation, might even unconsciously blame his wife.
* Зны-зынла ахаҵа, ихаҭа изымдырӡакуа, ҵаҵҕуыда иҧҳәыс ахара лыдиҵар ауеит.jw2019 jw2019
The New World’s Foundation Now Being Formed
Уажәы адунеи ҿыц ашьаҭа акра иаҿупjw2019 jw2019
What was the foundation of Joseph and Mary’s marriage, and what prospect lay before them?
Иарбан шьаҭоу Иосифи Мариеи аҭаацәалазааразы ишьҭарҵаз, насгьы ирзыԥшызи урҭ ԥхьаҟа?jw2019 jw2019
The sample conversation in the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook should be used as the foundation for the discussion.
Аусуратә тетрад адаҟьа 1 аҿы иаагоу аицәажәарақәа рыхкы шьаҭас иҟаҵатәуп.jw2019 jw2019
10. (a) When was the foundation of God’s Messianic Kingdom laid?
10. а) Анцәа имессиатә Аҳра ауасхыр анбазышьҭаҵаз?jw2019 jw2019
Before our very eyes, God is collecting people from all nations and forming them into the foundation of a new earthly society that will soon replace today’s disunited world.
Ҳара ҳала ишабо Анцәа еизигоит ажәларқәа зегьы рҟнытә ауаа, насгьы дара рыла адгьыл ҿыц аилазаара ашьаҭа икуеит, иаарласны иахьатәи еиҟәҭхоу адунеи зыҧсахуа.jw2019 jw2019
14 The foundation of the new world now being formed by God in the international society of Jehovah’s Witnesses is getting stronger and stronger.
14 Адунеи ҿыц ашьаҭа, Анцәа еиҿикаауа Иегова Ишаҳаҭцәа жәларбжьаратә еилазаарахь, еиҳа-еиҳа аҽарҕәҕәахоит.jw2019 jw2019
Foundation laid
Ашьаҭа шьҭаҵоупjw2019 jw2019
WHAT is also marvelous is the fact that the foundation of God’s new world is being formed right now, even as Satan’s old world degenerates.
ИАРА убас иџьашьатәу убри ауп, иара уажәы, Аҩсҭаа идунеи анеицакуа, адунеи ҿыц ашьаҭа акра иаҿуп.jw2019 jw2019
Before the foundation is laid, land must be acquired and plans drawn up.
Аҩны ашьаҭаркра уалагаанӡа, адгьыл умазароуп, насгьы аҩны аплан ҭухроуп.jw2019 jw2019
The foundation of God’s new world is now being formed
Анцәа идунеи ҿыц ашьаҭа уажәы акра иаҿупjw2019 jw2019
What is happening to the foundation of the new world now?
Адунеи ҿыц ашьаҭа уажәы иахҭысуазеи?jw2019 jw2019
22 That young couple certainly started their marriage off on the best of foundations.
22 Арҭ ҿыц аҭаацәара аԥызҵаз арԥыси аҭыԥҳаи аҭаацәалазааразы иреиӷьыз ашьаҭа шьҭарҵеит.jw2019 jw2019
In this way you too can become part of the foundation of the new world.
Абасала, уара адунеи ҿыц уахәҭакны уҟалоит.jw2019 jw2019
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom , justice and peace in the world ,
Дызус0заалак , ауаатъыюсатъ 0аацъара иалахъу ища0ыри , иара иузийъым0хо имоу изин6ъеи , аха6ъи0реи , аиашареи , адунеижъларбжьаратъи а0ынчреи шьа0ас ишрымоу хшыюзышь0ра азуа ,Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Bible states: “[God] has established the earth on its foundations; it will not be moved from its place forever and ever.”
Абиблиа иануп: «[Анцәа] адгьыл ашьаҭа ӷәӷәа аиҭеит, иҵысӡом уи наунагӡа, наӡаӡа» (Ԥсалом 104:5).jw2019 jw2019
The firmness of a wall depends very much on the strength of its foundation.
Аҭӡамц аӷәӷәара еиҳараӡак изыбзоуроу, уи ашьаҭа шаҟа иӷәӷәоу ауп.jw2019 jw2019
Today, both Matthew’s and Luke’s genealogical records remain a part of the foundation of our faith and a testimony to the sureness of the promises of God.
Иахьа аҩ-шьҭрак ҳагәрахаҵара арӷәӷәоит, насгьы агәра ҳдыргоит Анцәа иқәыргәыӷрақәа зегьы шынаӡо.jw2019 jw2019
We can only imagine the joy and satisfaction that he experienced as his Father “prepared the heavens” and “established the foundations of the earth.”
Амала шәазхәыц шаҟа агәырӷьареи агәахәареи изаанагоз Аԥа, Иаб «ажәҩан аназыҟаиҵоз», насгьы «адгьыл ашьаҭақәа анышьақәиргылоз».jw2019 jw2019
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