half oor Abkasies


/hɑːf/, /hæf/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord, pre / adposition
(obsolete) part; side; behalf — Wyclif

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He showed great courage, went to work, and with Jehovah’s help completed the magnificent temple in seven and a half years.
Иара агәымшәара дуӡӡа ааирԥшит, аусура далагеит, насгьы Иегова ицхыраарала бжьы шықәсеи бжаки рыла ауахәама ду иргылеит.jw2019 jw2019
They started at our home, walked for about one and a half kilometers (1 mile) through the town, and then came back to us.
Дара ҳаҩнынтәи идәықәлан километраки бжаки раҟара ирхысит, анаҩс шьҭахьҟа ихынҳәит.jw2019 jw2019
At last, after three and a half years, rain fell on the soil of Israel.
Абар хышықәсеи бжаки анҵы, израильтәи адгьыл аҿы ақәа ауит.jw2019 jw2019
Gagik relates: “My income dropped by about half, so it was a challenge to provide for my family.
Гагик иациҵоит: «Схашәалахәы уаанӡатәи аасҭа ҩынтә еиҵахеит, убри аҟынтә сҭаацәа рныҟәгара сцәыцәгьахеит.jw2019 jw2019
It seems that Mary was not able to travel with Jesus during the three and a half years that he preached.
Иисус хышықәсеи бжаки рыҩныҵҟа ажәабжь бзиа аниҳәоз Мариа уи дицмызҭгьы ҟаларын.jw2019 jw2019
“By the year 2020, noncommunicable diseases are expected to account for seven out of every ten deaths in the developing regions, compared with less than half today.”—“The Global Burden of Disease,” Harvard University Press, 1996.
«Излазҧшу ала, 2020 шықәсазы иҿиауа атәылақәа рҟны аҧсрақәа 10 рҟынтә 7 инфекциатәым ачымазарақәа ирыхҟьалоит, иахьатәи ҳаамҭазы урҭ рҟынтәи 5 инареиҵуп» «The Global Burden of Disease», Гарвардтәи ауниверситет аҭыжьымҭа, 1996).jw2019 jw2019
Revelation 12:6, 14 indicates that three and a half times equal “1,260 days.”
Аатра 12:6, 14 аҟынтә ҳара еилаҳкаауеит хԥеи бжаки зҵазкуа аамҭа «зқьи ҩышәи хынҩеижәамш» ишаҟароу.jw2019 jw2019
Imagine that older man trudging through the trackless wilderness day after day, week after week, for nearly a month and a half!
Шәхаҿы иаажәг ари зықәрахь инеихьаз аԥааимбар дгәагәо ацәҳәыра дшықәыз мышла, мчыбжьыла, убас мызки бжаки раҟара.jw2019 jw2019
Thus, when Elijah announced the end of the drought “in the third year” from his previous announcement, the drought had already lasted nearly three and a half years.
Убас ала, аарҩара нҵәоит ҳәа анрылаҳәаз, хышықәсеи бжаки ҵхьан.jw2019 jw2019
Judah says to his half brothers: ‘Let’s sell him to the Ishʹma·el·ites.’
Иуда анык ицылхылҵыз иашьцәа ирыдигалоит: ‘Шәааи, измаилаа драаҳархәап’.jw2019 jw2019
▪ The title of the public talk to be given by the circuit overseer during the second half of the 2014 service year is “Rescue From World Distress.”
▪ 2014 шықәса аҩбатәи азбжазы араионтә хылаԥшҩы иман дықәгылоит ажәахә «Аиқәырхара арыцҳара ду аан» захьӡу.jw2019 jw2019
He was from Gath-hepher, just two and a half miles (4 km) from Nazareth, the town where Jesus Christ would grow up some eight centuries later.
Иара шьҭрала Гафхефертәын, уантәи Назаретынӡа ԥшь-километрак бжьан, уи ақалақь аҟны аашәышықәса рышьҭахь дираны дыҟан Иисус Христос*.jw2019 jw2019
For seven and a half years he rules in Heʹbron.
Бжьышықәсеи бжаки уи Хеврон дахагылоуп.jw2019 jw2019
Once, he ordered a man to be cut in half and displayed as a warning to others.
Ҽнак зны ауаа рыршәаразы иара адҵа ҟаиҵеит уаҩык игәҭа дааиҩшаны зегьы иахьырбо дышьҭарҵарц.jw2019 jw2019
Joseph now does something to test his 10 half brothers.
Уажәы Иосиф 10-ҩык иашьцәа гәакьацәа ԥишәарц азы акы ҟаиҵақәоит.jw2019 jw2019
As we learn from Jesus’ example, our good conduct can disprove any half-truths and false accusations.
Иисус иҿырԥштәы ишаҳнарбо еиԥш, ҳаԥсҭазаашьа ала ҳара ишьақәҳарӷәӷәоит иаҳхарарҵо зегьы шиашам.jw2019 jw2019
Now, imagine talking about God and his Kingdom for just a few hours and managing to work in references to over half of the books of the Hebrew Scriptures!
Уажәшьҭа ухаҿы иааг сааҭқәак рыҩныҵҟа Анцәеи Иаҳреи рыӡбахә уҳәалар акәушәа, убри аамҭазы Ауриатә Ҩырақәа рахь иаҵанакуа ашәҟәқәа рыбжеиҳарак рҟынтә ацитатақәа ааугалар акәушәа!jw2019 jw2019
But it is good to spend time, perhaps half of each study period, meditating on what we have read. —Psalm 119:97; 1 Timothy 4:15.
Аха аҭҵаара иазалаҳхыз аамҭа абжа иадамзаргьы ҳзыԥхьаз азхәыцра иазаҳкуазар, уи ахәарҭа ҳзаанагоит (Аԥсалом 119:97; 1 Тимофеи иахь 4:15).jw2019 jw2019
In some places you might even say, “It is half two,” meaning 30 minutes before two.
Ҭыԥқәак рҿы ҩба рыбжа ыҟоуп ҳәа рҳәаргьы алшоит.jw2019 jw2019
To carry out this educational work, Jehovah’s Witnesses publish nearly one and a half billion Bibles, books, magazines, and other Bible study aids each year —in some 700 languages!
Ари арҵаратә программа азы Иегова ишаҳаҭцәа есышықәса иҭрыжьуеит миллиардки бжаки раҟара Абиблиақәа, ашәҟәқәа, аброшиурақәа, иара убас егьырҭ абиблиатә рҵагақәа — 700-ҟа бызшәа рыла!jw2019 jw2019
In the fourth year of his rule, Solomon begins building the temple, and it takes seven and a half years to finish it.
Иаҳра аԥшьбатәи ашықәс азы Соломон аныҳәарҭа аргылара напы аиркуеит, бжьышықәсеи бжаки рышьҭахьгьы далгоит уи.jw2019 jw2019
What will the 10 half brothers do now?
Иҟарҵои уажәшьҭа 10-ҩык аишьцәа?jw2019 jw2019
Worldwide, there are now more than one and a half billion registered motorized vehicles and millions of miles of good roads.
Иахьа адунеи аҿы ашәҟәы иҭаҩуп миллиардки бжаки амашьынақәа, иара убас акыр ирацәаны ицо амҩа бзиақәа ыҟоуп.jw2019 jw2019
The drought, three and a half years long, had left its mark on them.
Абар шьҭа хышықәсеи бжаки ҵуеит дара аарҩара ӷәӷәа иаргәаҟуеижьҭеи.jw2019 jw2019
After that they spend a year and a half preaching in Corinth.
Нас шықәсыки бжаки Коринф ажәабжь еиҭарҳәоит.jw2019 jw2019
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