hand oor Abkasies


/hændz/, /hænd/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(transitive) To give, pass, or transmit with the hand.

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6 In contrast with those wicked kings, others saw God’s hand, even though they were in the same situation as those mentioned above.
6 Аха иҽеимыз арҭ аҳцәа реиԥш акәымкәа, убас еиԥш иҟаз аҭагылазаашьақәа рҿы Анцәа инапы збоз ауаа ыҟан.jw2019 jw2019
7 Rahab too perceived God’s hand in the events of her day.
7 Раавгьы Анцәа инапы аус шауа лбон.jw2019 jw2019
16:3-6); Ishmael is against everyone and everyone’s hand is against him. —Gen.
[Быт.] 16:3—6); Измаил зегьы дырҿагылоит, насгьы зегьы иара иҿагылоит (Аҟаз. [Быт.]jw2019 jw2019
Then we will learn how we can clearly see Jehovah’s hand in our life through our eyes of faith.
Иара убас еилаҳкаауеит агәрахаҵара ҳаԥсҭазаараҿы Иегова инапы абара еиҳа еиӷьны ишҳацхраауа.jw2019 jw2019
This fulfilled the prophecy at Psalm 110:1, where God tells him: “Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.”
Убри ала инаӡеит аҧааимбаражәа Ҧсалом 109:1 аҟнытә, Анцәа иара иахьиеиҳәо: «Утәа Сара сарҕьарахь, Уара уаҕацәа Уара ушьапаҵаҟа иҟасҵаанӡа».jw2019 jw2019
Do you believe that Jehovah uses his “great power” and “mighty hand” to strengthen his servants today?
Агәра жәгома шәара Иегова иахьагьы имаҵзуҩцәа «имч дуӡӡеи инапы ӷәӷәеи рыла» рыцхраара шилшо?jw2019 jw2019
Many view divination as harmless fun, but the Bible shows that fortune-tellers and wicked spirits go hand in hand.
Аӡәырҩы аҧшра цәгьара зҵам гәырҿыхагас ирыҧхьаӡоит, аха Абиблиа иаҳнарбоит, адырҩцәеи адоуҳа цәгьақәеи еицҿакны аус шеицыруа.jw2019 jw2019
5 Later, wicked King Ahab had every opportunity to see God’s hand in events.
5 Уи ашьҭахь ԥыҭраамҭак анца, иҽеимыз аҳ Ахав изныкымкәа ибахьан Анцәа ихаҭа ахҭысқәа напхгара шырзиуаз.jw2019 jw2019
Is it likely to get out of hand, becoming a wild party?
Иалшома аҭагылазаашьа ахылаԥшра агхар, аиԥылара аҩҽаршьрахьы ииасыр?jw2019 jw2019
Yes, God’s mighty hand enabled the Israelites to win the battle. —Ex.
Анцәа инапы ӷәӷәа ала израильаа дрыдгылан, убри аҟынтә аиааира ргеит (Ақәҵ.jw2019 jw2019
The hand, for example, is mentioned hundreds of times.
Иаҳҳәап, ажәа «анапқәа» Абиблиаҿы зқьынтә инареиҳаны иуԥылоит.jw2019 jw2019
They are your servants and your people, whom you redeemed by your great power and by your mighty hand. —Neh.
Дара, умч дуӡӡеи унапы ӷәӷәеи рыла ахақәиҭра зуҭаз умаҵзуҩцәа роуп, ужәлар роуп (Неем.jw2019 jw2019
Washing the hands with soap and water can prevent illness and actually save lives.
Сапынла анапыӡәӡәара ашьцылара ачымазарақәа рҟынтәи ҳахьчоит, насгьы ҳаԥсҭазаара еиқәнархоит.jw2019 jw2019
15 On the other hand, as Christians we are encouraged by visualizing our hope, whether it is heavenly or earthly.
15 Аха ҳара, ақьырсианцәа раҳасабала, ҳалаԥш ақәкызар ауп аҳамҭа — ажәҩан аҿы, ма адгьыл аҿы.jw2019 jw2019
“For the joy that was set before him,” states Hebrews 12:2, “he endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Ауриацәа рахь 12:2 иануп иара иаҭәаз агәырӷьаразы «аџьар [«ашьаҟа», АдҾ] дахәхеит, убри ала дларҟәын, ицәа ԥҽын, аха уажәы Анцәа иарӷьараҿ дтәоуп» ҳәа.jw2019 jw2019
His own countrymen turned against him, crying out for his death by torture at the hands of Roman soldiers.
Иисус тәылак аҿы ицынхоз ауаа иҿагылеит, урҭ ирҭахын римтәи аруаа иара дыргәаҟны дыршьырц.jw2019 jw2019
(Genesis 5:29, footnote) Jehovah inspired Lamech to say about his son Noah: “This one will bring us comfort from our labor and from the painful toil of our hands because of the ground that Jehovah has cursed.”
Уи иаанагоит «аԥсшьара» ма «агәырҭынчра» (Аҟазаара 5:29, албаага). Иегова Ламех иԥа Нои изкны абас иҳәартә игәазҭеиҵеит: «Иегова иишәииз адгьыл аҿы ҳнапы зырааԥсо аџьабаа цәгьа аҿы иара ҳгәы ирҭынчуеит».jw2019 jw2019
How did Jehovah strengthen the hands of Moses, Asa, and Nehemiah?
Ишԥаирӷәӷәеи Иегова Моисеии, Асеи, Неемиеи рнапқәа?jw2019 jw2019
Because it conveys the idea of hand-to-hand combat.
Павел ихы иаирхәоз «ақәԥара» ҳәа еиҭагоу абырзен ажәа иаанагоит напышьашәалатәи аибашьра, ма аицлабра.jw2019 jw2019
Why did Israel’s opponents fail to see God’s hand?
Иаҳзеиҭашәҳәа ажәытәан Иегова ижәлар раӷацәа Анцәа инапы зырымбаз.jw2019 jw2019
Furthermore, in most cases Jesus did not have written scrolls at hand.
Иазгәаҭатәуп Иисус еиҳарак ацитатақәа анааигоз урҭ аикәарҳәқәа инапаҿы ишыҟамыз.jw2019 jw2019
The apostles, on the other hand, failed to persevere in prayer that night.
Апостолцәа ракәзар, уи ауха аҷаԥшьара, насгьы Анцәа иҳәара аҭыԥан, иамхацәеит.jw2019 jw2019
Even when under terrible pressure, they left their problems in Jehovah’s hands.
Ауадаҩра ӷәӷәақәа ианрықәшәозгьы, дара зегьы Иегова инапы ианырҵон.jw2019 jw2019
Good hygienic habits include washing our hands with soap and water before eating or handling food, after using the toilet, and after washing or changing a baby.
Ибзиоуп шьцыларас иҳамазар акрыфара, ма афатә архиара ҳалагаанӡа сапынла анапыӡәӡәара, мамзаргьы ашьышьма ашьҭахь, ма ахәыҷы данаҳаӡәӡәа, насгьы дызлаҳәоу икәыршақәа анаҳаԥсахлак ашьҭахь.jw2019 jw2019
As a result, I have experienced working hand in hand with Jehovah.”
Сара избон Иегова снапы шику».jw2019 jw2019
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