here oor Abkasies


/hɪɹ/, /hɪər/, /hɪə(ɹ)/ adjektief, naamwoord, bywoord, tussenwerpsel
(abstract) This place; this location.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Abkasies


Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data


Those eight people returned to life here on earth.
Аа-ҩык ҳәа зыӡбахә ҳәоу адгьыл аҿы анхаразы рыԥсы ҭалеит.
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data


People who were restored to life right here on earth were reunited with their loved ones.
Абиблиаҿы еиҭаҳәоуп абра адгьыл аҿы ауаа рыԥсы ҭаҵаны аԥсҭазаарахь ишырхынҳәыз, насгьы ирзааигәази дареи шеиԥылаз.
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data


Since I’m here, I could give you a quick demonstration now.”
Сара ара сахьынӡаҟоу, иааркьаҿны ишәсырбар сылшоит уи шымҩаԥысуа».
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data

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queen of the Olympian gods in ancient Greek mythology; sister and wife of Zeus remembered for her jealously of the many mortal women Zeus fell in love with; identified with Roman Juno

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They have come here many times before.
Урҭ арахь уажәадагьы иааихьеит.jw2019 jw2019
How do you think the people have felt living here all these years without walls around their city?
Угәы ишԥаанаго, закәытә цәаныррақәоузеи ирымаз ақалақь аҟны инхоз ауаа арҭ ашықәсқәа рыҩнуҵҟа, абаагәара ахьыҟамыз иахҟьаны?jw2019 jw2019
Christ now in power is here,
Аԥа итәарҭаҿ дыртәоуп.jw2019 jw2019
(Ephesians 5:1, 2) Here are some ways to do that:
Абиблиаҿы иаҳәоит: «Анцәа шәиҿыԥшла, бзиа ирбо ахшаара реиԥш, бзиабаралагьы шәныҟәала» (Ефесаа рахь 5:1, 2).jw2019 jw2019
You have the prospect of being reunited with dead loved ones right here on earth but under very different conditions!
Ҳаҧхьаҟа, иуцәҧсхьоуи уареи шәеиқушәар шәылшоит, абра адгьыл аҿы, амала зынӡа ихазӡоу даҽа ҭагылазаашьақуак рҟны!jw2019 jw2019
Here I am! Send me, send me!’
Нас, сыхиоуп, сышьҭы сара».jw2019 jw2019
21 Jehovah’s Son knew well in advance that he would face severe opposition when here on earth.
21 Иегова Иԥа идыруан адгьыл аҿы аҿагылара ӷәӷәа дшақәшәо (Исаиа [Исаия] 50:4—7).jw2019 jw2019
It truly is a blessing to have you here in our company.’
Ҳара даара ҳаигәырӷьоит ҳара ҳҿы аус ахьыууа!“jw2019 jw2019
Some of the people are from other nations who have come here for the Israelite feast of Pentecost.
Урҭ ирылоуп егьырҭ ажәларқәа иреиуоу, Ҩынҩажәижәабатәи амшныҳәа азгәазҭарц Иерусалимҟа иааз ауаа.jw2019 jw2019
We refer here to popular Western views regarding the new millennium.
Ари ашьақәырҕәҕәара шьаҭас иамоуп мраҭашәаратәи адунеи иаларҵәоу агәаанагара.jw2019 jw2019
‘You called me, and here I am,’ he says.
‘Усыԥхьазма, абар сахьыҟоу’,— иҳәеит уи.jw2019 jw2019
“Pornography,” as used here, refers to the depiction in pictures, in writing, or by voice of erotic material that is intended to cause sexual excitement.
Ара «апорнографиа» иаҵанакуа иубо ахаҿсахьақәа, ацәеижьтә гәазыҳәарақәа рырҿыхара хықәкыс измоу, иҩу, ма ҿырҳәала иҟоу аеротикатә ҵакы змоу аматериал ауп.jw2019 jw2019
18 At Horeb, Jehovah’s “word” —evidently delivered by a spirit messenger— posed this simple question: “What is your business here, Elijah?”
18 Илиа Хорив дахьыҟаз «Иегова иажәа» изаатит, иҟалап уи амаалықь ила акәызҭгьы: «Илиа, иҟауҵозеи араjw2019 jw2019
And tell him to come and live here.’
Арахьгьы дааиааит, дагьынхалааит абра’.jw2019 jw2019
Here’s a Bible promise that has helped many to maintain a positive viewpoint.
Ари абиблиатә қәыргәыӷра аӡәырҩы аԥсҭазаарахь иҵоуроу ахәаԥшышьа рымазарц ирыцхрааит.jw2019 jw2019
I have not done anything here for which they should put me in prison. —Gen.
Арагьы абахҭа сҭаркыртә еиԥш акгьы ҟасымҵеит (Аҟаз.jw2019 jw2019
Here is a real challenge for the parent.
Ари зыӡбара цәгьоу акоуп аҭаацәа рзы.jw2019 jw2019
4 Upon their return, how do the apostles feel about the remarkable witness that Jesus is giving here?
4 Ишԥазыҟаз апостолцәа Иисус убас ала ажәабжь ахьиҳәаз?jw2019 jw2019
Here is your copy.
Ари шәара ишәтәуп.jw2019 jw2019
And for how long did he want them to live here?
Инхалода џьанаҭ дгьыл аҿы, насгьы шаҟаамҭа инхалар рылшозеи?jw2019 jw2019
But this is why they are here: The ruler of Rome, Caesar Au·gusʹtus, made a law that everyone must return to the city where he was born to have his name written in a book.
Арҭ ара изыҟоу абри азоуп. Римтәи аҳәынҭқар Цезар Август азакәан аԥиҵеит, уаҟа иаҳәоит дызусҭазаалакгьы дахьиз ақалақь аҟны дхынҳәыроуп, ихьӡгьы ашәҟәы иҭеиҩыроуп ҳәа.jw2019 jw2019
Here I Am!
«Абар сахьыҟоу!jw2019 jw2019
So he said to Nathan the prophet: “Here I am living in a house of cedars while the ark of the covenant of Jehovah is under tent cloths.”
Давид аԥааимбар Нафан иеиҳәеит: «Сара аԥса иалху аҩнаҿы сынхоит, Иегова иеиқәшаҳаҭра аковчег ақьала иҵагылоуп».jw2019 jw2019
THESE people here are Jesus’ followers.
АРҬ Иисус ишьҭанеицәа роуп.jw2019 jw2019
People carry him here every day so that he can beg for money from those going into the temple.
Уи арахь есыҽны дааргоит, аныҳәарҭахь иаауа ауаагьы аԥара ирҭарц дрыҳәоит.jw2019 jw2019
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