male oor Abkasies


/meɪl/ adjektief, naamwoord
Belonging to the sex which is generally characterized as having the smaller gametes (for species which have two sexes and for which this distinction can be made) which fertilize the female-produced eggs [from 14th c.]

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Abkasies


Although we refer to the alcoholic as a male, the principles herein apply equally when the alcoholic is a female.
Алкоголик ҳәа ҳзыхцәажәо ахаҵа иоуп, аха арҭ апринципқәа аԥҳәысгьы илыҵанакуеит.
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▪ Should a female publisher wear a head covering if she is accompanied by a male publisher at a doorstep Bible study?
▪ Илыхәҭоума ажәабжьҳәаҩ лхы ахҩара ахаҵа ажәабжьҳәаҩ данлыцу, аҩнашә аԥхьа Абиблиа аҵара мҩаԥылгозар?jw2019 jw2019
They teach us that God is not partial, for the resurrected ones include young and old, male and female, Israelite and non-Israelite.
Урҭ ҳара иаҳдырҵоит Анцәа еилых шыҟаимҵо, избанзар иара рыԥсы ҭеиҵон, иқәыԥшызи зықәрахь инеихьази, ахацәеи аҳәсеи, ауриацәеи иауриацәамзи.jw2019 jw2019
A year before Isaac was born, when Abraham was 99 years old, Jehovah required that all males of Abraham’s household be circumcised.
Исаак иира шықәсык шагыз, Авраам 99 шықәса анихыҵуаз, Иегова адҵа ҟаиҵеит Авраам иҩнаҭаҿы инхоз аҷкәынцәеи ахацәеи зегьы раԥхьатә хсазарц.jw2019 jw2019
Have you ever stood face-to-face with an adult male lion?
Уҭаԥшхьоума уара зныкыр алым алакҭа?jw2019 jw2019
Abraham obediently circumcises all males of his household
Авраам Иегова ииҳәаз дазыӡырҩны, иҩнаҭаҿы иҟаз аҷкәынцәеи ахацәеи зегьы раԥхьатә хисоитjw2019 jw2019
If the male publisher who accompanies the sister while she conducts an established Bible study is baptized, the sister would certainly want to wear a head covering.
Ақьырсиан ԥҳәыс иааиԥмырҟьаӡакәа Абиблиа аҵара мҩаԥылгозар аӡы иӡааху ажәабжьҳәаҩ ахаҵа длыцны, усҟан лхы ҵалклароуп.jw2019 jw2019
◆ Man and beast will live in peace: “And the wolf will actually reside . . . with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, . . . and a mere little boy will be leader over them.”—Isaiah 11:6; compare Isaiah 65:25.
◆ Ауааи агыгшәыгқәеи ҭынч еицынхалоит: «Усҟан ақәыџьмеи асыси еицынхалоит, абжьаси аӡыси еицышьҭазаауеит... ахәыҷгьы инеигааигалоит урҭ» (Исаиа 11:6; иаҿшәырҧш Исаиа 65:25).jw2019 jw2019
In a “Questions From Readers” item published in The Watchtower of July 15, 2002, it was stated that a sister should cover her head if she conducts a Bible study in the presence of a male publisher, whether he is baptized or not.
2002 шықәса ииуль 15 рзы иҭыҵыз «Ахьчаратә бааш» аҿы иану арубрика «Аԥхьаҩцәа рызҵаарақәа» аҟны ианын аиаҳәшьа лхы ҵалклароуп абиблиатә ҵара анымҩаԥылго ажәабжьҳәаҩ ахаҵа длыцзар, уи аӡы дӡаахзаргьы, дӡаахымзаргьы ҳәа.jw2019 jw2019
God’s Law to the Israelites showed Jehovah’s strong feelings against clothing that does not make clear the distinction between male and female —what has been described in our day as unisex fashion.
Анцәа израильаа ириҭаз Азакәан ишаанарԥшуа ала, Иегова даара ицәымӷуп ауаҩы дхаҵоу-дыԥҳәысу узеилымкаартә еиԥш иҽанеилеиҳәо (Ҩынтә.jw2019 jw2019
On the other hand, if a doorstep Bible study has not yet been established, a sister would not need to wear a head covering in the presence of a male Kingdom publisher, even if the purpose of the return visit is to demonstrate a Bible study or to consider material in one of the recommended study publications.
Ганкахьала, аҩнашә аԥхьа ацәажәара макьана абиблиатә ҵароуп ҳәа иԥхьаӡамзар, аиаҳәшьа лхы хылҩар акәӡам ахаҵа ажәабжьҳәаҩ длыцзар, абиблиатә ҵара шымҩаԥысуа дырбара, ма аҵара зламҩаԥаҳго даҽа публикациак аҟынтәи аматериал аилыргара хықәкыс илымазаргьы.jw2019 jw2019
The right to marry such a widow was evidently extended first to the deceased man’s brothers and then to the nearest male relatives, as was the right to inheritance. —Num.
Ҳәарада, еибахаз ԥҳәысс лгара раԥхьа азин змаз иԥсыз ауаҩы иашьцәа ракәын, нас иааигәоу иуацәа ракәын, уи азакәан иԥсыз имазарагьы аҵанакуан (Ахыԥхь.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Peter 3:7) Husbands should remember that it is faithfulness, not whether a person is male or female, that makes one precious to God. —Psalm 101:6.
Ахацәа ирхадмыршҭлароуп Анцәа иҿаԥхьа ауаҩы акыр даԥсаны дҟазҵо, дахьхаҵоу, ма дахьԥҳәысу шакәым, аха ииашара абзоуралоуп (Аԥсалом 100:6 [101:6, АдҾ]).jw2019 jw2019
For example, she does not need to do so when commenting at Christian meetings, engaging in the door-to-door ministry with her husband or another baptized male, or studying or praying with her unbaptized children.
Иаҳҳәап, лхы хылҩаӡом ақьырсиантә еиԥыларақәа рҿы аҭакқәа аналҭо, ҩнаҭацыԥхьаӡа лхаҵа, ма иӡааху аиашьа длыцны ажәабжь анылҳәо, Абиблиа аҵара иӡаахым лхәыҷқәа рҿы ианымҩаԥылго, ма Анцәа данрыциҳәо.jw2019 jw2019
At all times, our appearance ought to reflect “modesty and soundness of mind,” which along with “good works” is fitting for anyone —male or female— “professing devotion to God.”
Ҳҭеиҭыԥш еснагь ианыԥшуазароуп «иахмырҟьацәакәа иаҩцацәамкәа», мамзаргьы ахӡырымгареи, абзиахәыцшьеи «Анцәа игәрахаҵара здызкылаз» соуп ҳәа зҳәо дыԥҳәысума, ма дхаҵоума «аус хирқәа» аазырԥшуа реиԥш.jw2019 jw2019
Why should we not view male children as superior to female?
Избан ҳара аӡӷабцәа раасҭа аҷкәынцәа еиӷьаҳшьар захәҭам?jw2019 jw2019
If you . . . give to your servant a male child, I will give him to Jehovah all the days of his life. —1 Sam.
Умаҵзуҩы... аԥа длуҭар, иԥсы ҭанаҵы Иегова дисҭоит (1 Сам.jw2019 jw2019
The Bible reports eight instances of humans —young, old, male, and female— who were brought back to life on earth.
Абиблиа ааҩык рыхьӡ аҳәоит — уахь ирыҵанакуан зықәрахь инеихьаз, иқәыԥшыз, ахацәеи аҳәсеи, адгьыл аҿы зыԥсҭазаара ззырхынҳәыз.jw2019 jw2019
God said to bring in two of some kinds of animals, both a male and a female.
Ԥстәқәак ҩба-ҩбала иҭагалатәын: абаӷьи аԥси.jw2019 jw2019
(Acts 20:28) Occasionally, though, circumstances may require that a Christian woman be called on to handle a duty normally performed by a qualified baptized male.
Ахацәа мацара роуп аизара еиҳабацәаны, насгьы маҵзуратә цхырааҩцәаны иҟалар зылшо, Анцәа урҭ иԥсаса ахылаԥшрагьы рыдиҵоит (Аусқәа 20:28).jw2019 jw2019
* If she were to pray or to teach in the presence of her minor baptized son, she would likewise wear a head covering, not because he is the head of the family, but because of the authority granted to baptized male members of the Christian congregation.
Лара зықәра наӡам иӡааху лԥа ишиаҳауа Анцәа диҳәозар, ма Абиблиа аҵара мҩаԥылгозар, лара убасҵәҟьа лхы хылҩароуп иара аҭаацәара хадас дамоуп ҳәа акәым, аха иӡааху ахацәа ақьырсиан еизараҿы амчра ахьрыҭоу азы.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Timothy 2:11-14; Hebrews 13:17) Only males are appointed as elders and ministerial servants with the God-given responsibility to care for the flock of God.
Ақьырсиантә еизараҿ хадара зуа иӡааху ахацәа роуп (1 Тимофеи 2:11—14; Ауриацәа 13:17).jw2019 jw2019
Although we refer to the alcoholic as a male, the principles herein apply equally when the alcoholic is a female.
Алкоголик ҳәа ҳзыхцәажәо ахаҵа иоуп, аха арҭ апринципқәа аԥҳәысгьы илыҵанакуеит.jw2019 jw2019
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