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(Ecclesiastes 11:6) A number of Christian families have had the same experience as you, and some have seen their wayward children return, much as the father did in Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son.
Иудыруама, арҭ иҧсны икажьу аруаа зусҭцәоу?jw2019 jw2019
Tens of millions of people die of hunger or disease each year, while a small number have vast riches.
Уара аҳақьым иахь заа умцазар, уи иаанагома иузааигуоу ичымазара ма иԥсра уҭахын ҳәа?jw2019 jw2019
12 In recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of those partaking at the Memorial of Christ’s death.
Дышҧааннакылеи аус дахыццакны аӡбара, Саул иҭынчу иҟазшьа, патуқәымҵарала ихцәажәаз ауаа рзыҟазаара аганахьала?jw2019 jw2019
Surprisingly, though, even priests and Pharisees approached Jesus, and a number of them did change their ways and follow him.
Анцәа изкыу адырра иаҳәо иқәныҟәало рзы ари аҧсҭалара аҧсҭазааразы аҧсҭалара акәхоит.jw2019 jw2019
While the Witnesses number into the millions and live in over 200 lands, they are bound together as one in an unbreakable bond.
Умшәан, ухьаа ӷуӷуа антәо. Уамашәа иубартә, зҭынха дызцәыӡыз џьоукы рхьаа ӷуӷуа атәара иацәшәоит, избанзар иԥсыз иахь ирымаз абзиабара хьшәашәоит ҳәа ирԥхьаӡоит.jw2019 jw2019
For a number of years, our publications have explained that Gog of Magog is the name given to Satan the Devil after his ouster from heaven.
2 Насыҧ змоу аҭаацәара аҧҵаразы агәыҕра зманы ҿыц аҭаацәара иалало аӡәырҩы уи азы иахәҭоу «амаҭәахәқәеи» аҧышәеи дмырҳацт.jw2019 jw2019
What has led to the growth in the number of single-parent families, and how are those involved affected?
73 Израил аҵыхәтәантәи аҳ бзиаjw2019 jw2019
We want them to know what kind of person we are and what we have accomplished. —Numbers 11:16, footnote; Job 31:6.
«Шәҽеибышәҭа... гушаҭарала, бзиарала, ҽӡырымгарала, гуԥсшьарала, крычҳарала»,— иҳабжьнагоит Абиблиа (Колоссаа рахь 3:12, 13).jw2019 jw2019
In other words, love does not put a limit on the number of sins that we can forgive.
3. Шаҟа мшы дрызцәырҵуазеи Иисус иҵаҩцәа, насгьы иҟаиҵар акәзеи уажәшьҭа иара?jw2019 jw2019
We are pleased to inform you that over the next several months, a number of new songs will be released on our Web site,
Цхырааҩцәас Иисус ихазы иалихуеит 12-ҩык ахацәа, иапостолцәангьы иҟаиҵоит.jw2019 jw2019
(Numbers 20:2-12) Such honesty is rare in other historical accounts but is found in the Bible because it is a book from God.
Иахәҭаҵәҟьаны ари ибунтҟаҵаҩхаз адоуҳатә шамҭа Аҩсҭаа — аҿагылаҩ, мамзаргьы Аџьныш — ацәгьаҳәаҩ — ҳәа деицырдыруа дҟалеит (Аҟазаара 3:1—5; Иов 1:6).jw2019 jw2019
With that goal in mind, Balaam cast the lure —the seductive young women of Moab. —Numbers 22:1-7; 31:15, 16; Revelation 2:14.
Дааццакны иеидикылеит аибашьыгатә ҽыуардынқәеи аруааи.jw2019 jw2019
(Numbers 18:21) In a similar way, generous women used what they had to support Jesus and his apostles. —Luke 8:1-3.
Иегова иакәзар, уи инагӡаҵәҟьаны диқәгәыҕуазма имаҵуҩы, насгьы иалиршарыма уи иҧышәара?jw2019 jw2019
Identify the numbered items.
Иҵаҩцәа афатә ааргаразы ақалақь ахь ицоит.jw2019 jw2019
The increase in the number of Witnesses brings us constant joy
12, 13. а) Избан ҳара изааҳарԥшуа абзиабара еиԥш иҟоу иссиру аҟазшьақәа, насгьы ишԥаныруеи абзиабара ҳхәаԥшышьа адунеи аҿы иҟоу аҭагылазаашьа аганахьала?jw2019 jw2019
14 Denton continues: “Even if only one hundredth of the connections in the brain were specifically organized, this would still represent a system containing a much greater number of specific connections than in the entire communications network on Earth.”
Уааи, еилаҳкаап.jw2019 jw2019
Using Matthew 22:36-39, number in order of importance the following reasons for attending Christian meetings:
«УГӘЫ шҧаухьуеи, иузааигәоу ауаҩы дануҧхауа; уи иҟамзаара атәы ухаҽы иузаагом».jw2019 jw2019
The number of publishers is now about ten times what it was when I began serving here.
Саргьы сцаны сиеихырхәарц сҭахыуп’.jw2019 jw2019
However, experts have found that in many cases, increasing the number of laws just provides more opportunities for corruption.
Аха иазгәаҳҭап ахадара анасыԥ шаанаго, уи ииашаны ианынарыгӡо.jw2019 jw2019
A number of factors need to be borne in mind.
Ибзиоу аизыҟазаашьақәа реизырҳаразы аџьабаа батәуп.jw2019 jw2019
The references at the end of each paragraph show where in your Bible you can read answers to the numbered questions.
Ҧыҭраамҭак ашьҭахь аҕацәа Павел дыршьыр рҭахыуп — урҭ иргәаҧхом, Павел Иисус изкны иахьдирҵо.jw2019 jw2019
It also gives practical examples of how this “secret” can help resolve a number of challenging family situations.
Ахәылбыҽхазы иааит дара.jw2019 jw2019
Poverty: According to the World Bank, the number of those suffering extreme poverty in Africa alone has grown from 280 million in 1990 to 330 million in 2012.
Дубома урҭ рыбжьара Тимофеигьы?jw2019 jw2019
(Acts 3:19) That protection reminds us of the cities of refuge in Bible times. —Numbers 35:11-15; Deuteronomy 21:1-9.
Уааи, еилаҳкаап.jw2019 jw2019
However, because it is very detailed, it is available in only a limited number of languages.
Урҭ Израилаа ҳәа ирышьҭан, избанзар Анцәа Иаков ихьӡ Израил ала иҧсахит.jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.