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13 Jesus said: “Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God.”
13 Иисус иҳәеит: «Бзазара рымоуп згәы-зыԥсы цқьоу, урҭ Анцәа дырбарҭоуп» (Матфеи 5:8).jw2019 jw2019
(Hebrews 3:4, The Jerusalem Bible) Since any house, however simple, must have a builder, then the far more complex universe, along with the vast varieties of life on earth, must also have had a builder.
Иарбанзаалак, зынӡа имариоугьы, аҩны дамазароуп аргылаҩ, ус анакәха, еиҳагьы иуадаҩу адунеи ирацәаны еиуеиҧшым аҧсҭазаара адгьылаҿы изцу, иара убас дамазароуп аргылаҩ.jw2019 jw2019
(Genesis 4:8) Ever since then, mankind has been plagued with all manner of domestic violence.
Убри аахижьҭеи аҭаацәараҿы ақәымчра ахьыҟоу иахҟьаны, ауаатәыҩса гәаҟуеит.jw2019 jw2019
Since you appreciate it when you receive commendation, should you not, in turn, do your best to give commendation to others? —Read Matthew 7:12.
Ҳәарада, уара иугәаԥхоит уандырҽхәо, нас ус акәзар иухәҭаӡами уара егьырҭ рырҽхәара? (Уаԥхьа Матфеи 7:12.)jw2019 jw2019
What purpose has been served by Gilead School (a) in the past and (b) since 2011?
б) Зҽызыԥсахзеи 2011 шықәса инаркны?jw2019 jw2019
(Acts 9:3-19) That is also why Paul could write: “Since death is through a man [Adam], resurrection of the dead is also through a man [Jesus Christ].
Аҧсцәа рахьтә зыҧсы ҭалаз Иисус Христос ихаҭа иирҵеит Павел (Аусқуа 9:3—19). Убри азыҳәан Павелгьы иҩуан: «Ауаҩы (Адам) ила аҧсра шыҟалаз еиҧш, ауаҩы (Иисус Христос) илагьы иҟалоит аҧсҭалара.jw2019 jw2019
Since the dead cannot know, feel, or experience anything, they cannot harm —or help— the living. —Psalm 146:3, 4.
Иԥсыз акгьы рыздырӡом, ацәаныррақәа рымаӡам, убри аҟынтә дара зыԥсы ҭоу рԥырхагахарагьы, рыцхраарагьы рылшаӡом (Аԥсалом 145:3, 4 [146:3, 4, АдҾ]).jw2019 jw2019
How had the world changed since Noah’s day, and how was Abram affected?
Иарбан ԥсахрақәоу адунеи аҿы иҟалаз Нои ихаан аахыс, насгьы ишԥаидҳәалаз уи Аврам?jw2019 jw2019
Since you desire to obey God’s command to “let marriage be honorable,” you would be moved to improve the situation.
Уара уҭаацәалазаара пату ақәҵаразы Анцәа иԥҟара наугӡаларц уҭахуп аҟнытә, иуҭаххоит ари аҭагылазаашьа ариашара.jw2019 jw2019
Notice that 2 Corinthians 7:1 begins by saying: “Since we have these promises.”
Игәаҭ 2 Коринфаа рахь 7:1 аҟны иану ажәақәа: «Абас еиԥш ала ҳаныргәыӷха».jw2019 jw2019
(2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10) Since Satan is the archdeceiver, he knows how to influence the minds of those who are inclined toward spiritism and how to make them believe things that are not true.
Анцәа Иажәаҿы ишьақәырӷәӷәоуп Аҩсҭаа иџьашьахәу аус дуқәа рыҟаҵара шилшо, аха уи анаҩсангьы иануп агәҽанызаара «амц дыргақәа», насгьы амц ихы ишаирхәо (2 Фессалоникаа 2:9, 10).jw2019 jw2019
16 Since the end of Satan’s system is near, we need to ask ourselves, ‘What should I be doing?’
16 Аҩсҭаа исистема иаарласны иқәххоит, убри аҟынтә иазхәыцтәуп: иҟаҳҵар ҳахәҭоузеи ҳара?jw2019 jw2019
(1 Corinthians 7:39) Since marriage is a sacred arrangement, divorce is not to be taken lightly.
Ишаабо еиԥш, Иеговеи Иисуси аҭаацәалазаара наунагӡа иҟоу еиқәшаҳаҭроуп ҳәа ирыԥхьаӡоит, хаҵеи-ԥҳәыси руаӡәк дыԥсаанӡа (1 Коринфаа 7:39).jw2019 jw2019
Abortion is wrong, since the life of an unborn child is precious in God’s eyes. —Exodus 21:22, 23; Psalm 127:3.
Аҽԥыргара иашам, избанзар Анцәа иҿаԥхьа имиц ахәыҷы иԥсҭазаара пату ақәуп (Ақәҵымҭа [Исход] 21:22, 23; Аԥсалом 126:3 [127:3, АдҾ]).jw2019 jw2019
Since you love Jehovah, you are already trying hard to climb, so to speak.
Шәара Иегова бзиа дыжәбоит аҟынтә, инықәырԥшны иуҳәозар, шәара ашьха ахалара шәаҿуп.jw2019 jw2019
Since God is almighty, do you think that he should be held responsible for all the bad things that happen in the world?
«Анцәа зегь зымчу иакәзар, ихароума иара адгьыл аҿы ацәгьара ахьыҟоу?jw2019 jw2019
Since such a means of execution made the person “a curse,” it would not be proper for Christians to decorate their homes with images of Christ on a cross.
Христос дкыдҵаны даныршьуаз зну асахьақәа рыла, ақьырсианцәа рыҩнқәа арԥшӡара рыхәҭам, избанзар ирџьаз ашьра ашьаҟаҿы шәироуп ҳәа иԥхьаӡан.jw2019 jw2019
Rejoice and be overjoyed, since your reward is great in the heavens, for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you.” —Matthew 5:11, 12.
Агәеиҵыхра шәымаз, шәгәырӷьала, избан акәзар даараӡа идууп ажәҩан аҿы ишәзыԥшу аҳамҭа: убасҵәҟьа иԥхадырсуан шәара шәаԥхьа иҟаз аԥааимбарцәагьы» (Матфеи 5:11, 12).jw2019 jw2019
5 Since the truths from God’s Word are important to us, we obey what the Bible says and we always tell the truth.
5 Ҳара Анцәа Иажәа иану аҵабырг ахә ҳаракны иаҳшьоит, убри аҟынтә Абиблиа иану инақәыршәаны ҳанхоит, насгьы еснагь аиаша ҳҳәоит.jw2019 jw2019
20 “Since we have these promises, beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”
20 «Сгәы ззыбылуа, абас еиԥш ала ҳаныргәыӷха, абри аҩыза ауасиаҭ анҳау, ҳцәеижьи ҳгәи-ҳаԥси ицқьам, ихирым зегь рахьтә иаҳрыцқьап — ацқьацәа рхы шымҩаԥырго ҳхы мҩаԥаҳгап, Анцәа ҳицәшәаӡыӡап» (2 Коринфаа 7:1).jw2019 jw2019
15 Since so many Bible prophecies are being fulfilled today, do you not agree that we are living in the last days?
15 Агәра унаргома уара арҭ абиблиатә ԥааимбаражәақәа рынаӡара, ҳара аҵыхәтәантәи амшқәа раан ҳшынхо?jw2019 jw2019
Has Satan changed since he made that claim?
Иҽиԥсахма Аҩсҭаа уи аахыс?jw2019 jw2019
8 A second reason why there is so much suffering is that, as discussed in Chapter 3, mankind has been imperfect and sinful ever since the rebellion in the garden of Eden.
8 Аҩбатәи мзызс иҟоу, Едем аҿы аҿагылара аныҟала ашьҭахь, ауаа анамӡареи агәнаҳареи ахьырҭынхаз ауп.jw2019 jw2019
8 “Happy are the mild-tempered, since they will inherit the earth.”
8 «Бзазара рымоуп цәгьара злам, урҭ адунеи ртәхоит» (Матфеи 5:5).jw2019 jw2019
Since the great tribulation is fast approaching, do we not want to make sure that we have the type of faith that puts us among those whose faith will be praised by our glorious King when he is revealed?
Арыцҳара ду ирласны ааигәахара иаҿуп аҟнытә, ҳара агәра ганы ҳаҟазароуп ахаҵара ӷәӷәа шҳамоу.jw2019 jw2019
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