strive oor Abkasies


/ˈstrɑɪv/, /ˈstɻaɪv/ werkwoord, naamwoord
To try to achieve a result; to make strenuous effort; to try earnestly and persistently.

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If each one strives to focus on the good qualities and efforts of the other, the marriage will be a source of joy and refreshment.
Арҿиара инаркны адунеизегьтәи аӡхыҵра аҟынӡаjw2019 jw2019
Similarly, we should strive to nourish our heart with spiritual food that fills our personal needs.
Убри ақәцә аҟынтә Моисеи Иордан, нхыҵ ибоит ханаантәи адгьыл ссир.jw2019 jw2019
Or we might strive to improve our understanding of Bible principles and their application.
18 Ишахәҭоу ахәыҷы иааӡара иаанарԥшуеит аҭаацәа иара иахь ирымоу абзиабара (Ауриацәа 12:6, 11).jw2019 jw2019
In contrast, a spiritual person “examines all things” and has “the mind of Christ,” which means that he strives to think as Christ does.
Ишԥарылшо аҭаацәа рхәыҷқәа ирыцхраар аҩызцәа ралхраҿы ажәала акәымкәа усла?jw2019 jw2019
26 All who worship God “with spirit and truth” not only avoid unscriptural celebrations but also strive to be honest in every aspect of life.
Убри азы Израилаа Анцәа иахь иҵәаауеит, Иеговагьы урҭ рыбжьы иаҳауеит.jw2019 jw2019
This article reminds us of the excellent examples that Jephthah and Hannah set for us as we faithfully strive to fulfill our vows to God.
7 Убри азы Анцәа ауаҩы иахьа уажәраанӡа хақәиҭрала анапхгара дақәиҭитәит, гәыҩбарада еилкаахарц азы, иалшома ауаҩытәыҩсатә напхгара иара ихьыҧшым ақәҿиара аиурц.jw2019 jw2019
Why must we strive to control our thinking?
Уахык зны афараон ҩ-ҧхыӡ ҷыдак ибеит, урҭ реилкаарагьы иҽазишәоит.jw2019 jw2019
He will strive to live up to his faith even when faced with peer pressure and temptations.
Уеизгьы сыԥсы ԥыжәжәон, алшара ҳәа акгьы ахьсымамыз азы — амашьына атымеитыша ишҭаҳауа сахуаԥшуаны, иара убри аамҭазы акы аҟаҵара сылымшошәа».jw2019 jw2019
(1 Timothy 2:3, 4) Jehovah’s Witnesses are striving to do just that, and they warmly urge you to share with them in worshiping God “with spirit and truth.”
Ари абзиабара шьаҭас иамоуп Анцәа Иажәа иану ииашоу апринципқәа (Ԥсалом 119:105).jw2019 jw2019
Finally, to benefit from God’s forgiveness, we must strive to avoid making a practice of serious sin.
Шықәсык инеиҳаны урҭ аковчег аҟны ирхыргеит.jw2019 jw2019
People worry desperately about their needs, real and imagined, and strive anxiously to obtain things they do not really need.
«Деилаӡыӡит» ҳәа иеиҭагоу ажәа аагоуп аилаҩынтра ҳәа аҵакы змоу абырзен ажәа (та-рассо) аҟнытә.jw2019 jw2019
A Christian husband will not fail to appreciate how his wife strives to cope with any emotional upset she experiences during her middle years.
4 Уи адагьы, Анцәеи Христоси рыхьӡала ихлымӡаахыз аусқәа акыр шыҟалахьазгьы, Абиблиаҿы џьаргьы, инықәырҧшны акәзаргьы, иаабаӡом, Анцәеи Христоси зныкыр уи иақәшаҳаҭызшәа.jw2019 jw2019
(Acts 16:1, 2; 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14, 15) You can likewise hope for favorable results as you strive to raise your children “in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah.” —Ephesians 6:4.
Мариа дыҩнаҧшуеит Иисус иҧсыбаҩ ахьышьҭарҵаз ауада хәыҷы.jw2019 jw2019
How can you strive to do that when it comes to . . .
Убасоуп араҟагьы, аҵыхәтәантәи амшқәа акы ирылазмырҩашьо аҷыдарақәа, мамзаргьы ахҭысқәа аазырҧшуа рхатәы сахьа рымоуп.jw2019 jw2019
If in Jehovah’s sight We strive to do what’s right,
Абри ажәабжь бзиа ауаа зқәынхо адгьыл зегь аҟны ианрылаҳәахалак ашьҭахь, иаауеит ари система цәгьа аҵыхәтәа.jw2019 jw2019
A family that strives to apply these Bible principles finds that godly devotion really does ‘hold promise of the life now.’
Баргьы бгьежьы’.jw2019 jw2019
13 Today, there are many spiritually-minded brothers and sisters who strive to imitate Christ.
[Адаҟьа зегь хазырҭәаауа асахьа 157]jw2019 jw2019
In this obedience, he set an excellent example for Christian youths, who strive to obey their parents and show them due respect. —Ephesians 6:1, 2.
Содом инхоз даара уаацәгьақәан.jw2019 jw2019
One aspect of having such peace is that we strive to be at peace with those in our family and those in the congregation.
Ишҧаҳнарбо Иоанн 20:8, 9 аҟны иану акрычҳара аарҧшра шахәҭоу, абиблиатә ҧааиамбаражәақәак шыҟало инагӡаны иаҳзеилымкаауазар?jw2019 jw2019
Do you strive to follow the direction to share in special preaching campaigns?
Убри азы урҭ Иезекиил мчыла дрыманы Мсырҟа иҩуеит.jw2019 jw2019
When parents strive for a balance between fair latitude and firm boundaries that are clearly marked, most teenagers will feel less inclined to rebel.
Аха Иегова имаҵзуҩцәа Аҩсҭаа иқәыларақәа рҟнытә ихьчарц илшоит (Ажәамаанақәа 18:10).jw2019 jw2019
Jesus knew that a life devoted to those pursuits “is vanity and a striving after the wind.”
103 9 Ихарҭәаам аҭаацәа насыԥ роур рылшоит!jw2019 jw2019
As parents patiently train their children, they strive to keep the lines of communication open.
Абас ҟалоит, избанзар Адами Евеи Иегова мап ицәыркит, ҳара урҭ рхәыҷқәа ҳауп.jw2019 jw2019
9 Like Noah, we strive to have “plenty to do in the work of the Lord.”
Асахьаҿы ишарбоу еиҧш, Иисус ажәҩанахь дхалоит.jw2019 jw2019
He has high standards, and we happily strive to reflect those standards.
Аицәажәара — аӡырҩрагьы аа́нагоит (Иаков 1:19).jw2019 jw2019
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