towards oor Abkasies


/tɔːɹdz/, /təˈwɔːdz/, /twɔːɹdz/, /tʊˈwɔːɹdz/ adjektief, bywoord, pre / adposition
Variant of toward.

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All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Дарбанзаалак ауаҩы дшоуп ихы дақәиҭны. Ауаа зегь зинлеи патулеи еиҟароуп. Урҭ ирымоуп ахшыҩи аламыси, дара дарагь аешьеи аешьеи реиԥш еизыҟазароуп.


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2 Think about how you would like others to act toward you if you were in a similar situation.
Ари зынӡа иԥсабаратәу гуаҳәароуп.jw2019 jw2019
4 The Bible leaves no doubt about what our attitude should be toward the impending destruction of this system of things.
Анцәа Иаша Иисус Христос дилаҩашьом, уи хазы иҟоу хаҭароуп (Иоанн 14:28; 1 Коринфаа рахь 15:28).jw2019 jw2019
What is his attitude toward money?
Дара идырҳауеит адоуҳатә, насгьы егьырҭ азаанаҭ дыррақәа, аџьанаҭ ашьақәыргылараз зда ҧсыхәа амам.jw2019 jw2019
I had been as insensitive and ignorant toward them as I now feel people are to me.”
Ари иунарбоит, шаҟа акраҵанакуа еснагь Анцәа идҵақәа рынагӡара.jw2019 jw2019
(John 13:6-10) Peter wrote to Christians: “All of you gird yourselves with lowliness of mind toward one another.”
Амшәгьы ашьҭахьтәи ашьапқәа ианрықәгыла, аҷкәын уи ааникылан, ишьны инкаижьит!jw2019 jw2019
“I went through a series of reactions —numbness, disbelief, guilt, and anger toward my husband and the doctor for not realizing how serious his condition was.”
If you desire God’s forgiveness, be forgiving toward others (See paragraph 11)
Ишԥарылшо аҭаацәа-ақьырсианцәа Иисус ахәыҷқәа аамҭа шырзалихуаз иаҿыԥшлар?jw2019 jw2019
14. (a) In what way did Abigail take the first step toward righting the wrong that Nabal had committed?
3. Избан мсыраа израилаа ирыцәшәо изалагаз?jw2019 jw2019
(Hebrews 13:4) Married persons should therefore feel an obligation toward Jehovah to remain faithful to their mates.—Genesis 39:7-9.
Аха абзиабара аазырԥшуа ахада есымша дашьҭалоит иҭаацәа рдоуҳатә хәаԥшышьа еиӷьызтәуа алшарақәа.jw2019 jw2019
(2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10) Since Satan is the archdeceiver, he knows how to influence the minds of those who are inclined toward spiritism and how to make them believe things that are not true.
sara sanjw2019 jw2019
4 Jehovah considers acts of loyal love expressed toward his servants as being rendered to him personally.
Иҳабжьаргозеи аҟазацәа?jw2019 jw2019
A brother named Steven says: “Working toward a goal, accomplishing it, and then looking back on the improvements I have made brings me satisfaction.”
5 Абасала, уаҳа иҟалаӡом ауаҩшьрақәа, ақәымчрақәа, амцқьарақәа, арҳәрақәа уҳәа убас егьырҭ ацәгьоурақәа.jw2019 jw2019
▪ Beginning with the classes that will be held toward the end of the 2014 service year, the Pioneer Service School will be taught in six days, Monday through Saturday.
Аӡәырҩы абас рҭагылазаашьа аныҟоу, рхы пату рзақәҵом, ақәымчра аадырҧшуеит, аӡәы иҧсра анырхарахогьы ҟалалоит.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah is kind toward all, even those who are “unthankful and wicked.”
Имҩаҧысуеит аҧсахрақәа: секәндцыҧхьаӡа — 3 миллионк иҿыцу аклеткақәа» (ABC’s of the Human Body).jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah considers acts of loyal love expressed toward his servants as being rendered to him personally.
Содом инхоз даара уаацәгьақәан.jw2019 jw2019
Of course, we do not limit such respect to those who approve of our beliefs; we are also respectful when dealing with those who are antagonistic toward Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Аҧстәқәаҵәҟьагьы изаҟаразаалак ҧырхага рырҭомызт, Анцәа Адами Евеи ирыдиҵеит урҭ бзиабарала ирхылаҧшларц.jw2019 jw2019
What lesson can we learn from Jesus’ attitude toward obedience to God? —John 8:29.
7. Иазусҭцәада асахьаҿы иарбоу егьырҭ ахәыҷқәа?jw2019 jw2019
But I am still learning to overcome prejudice toward others, and it is not always easy.
Иаҳҳәап, иҟоуп хыҧхьаӡарақәак, ажәытә классикцәа рнапҩырақәа.jw2019 jw2019
They are working their way south toward Jerusalem, where Jesus will attend his final, climactic Passover.
Ашәҭқәа аӡы рықәылҭәеит.jw2019 jw2019
12 We also share Jehovah’s view of life by cultivating a proper attitude toward safety.
Уи ус шакәу ҩашьом!jw2019 jw2019
(Proverbs 20:21; 1 Corinthians 6:10) Further, the paying of bride-price should never be construed to imply that a wife is simply purchased property; nor should a husband feel that his only responsibility toward his wife and his in-laws is a financial one.
Зегьирхакыу Анцәа имаҵуҩцәа, шәалҵ!’jw2019 jw2019
(Luke 6:40) In the preceding chapter, we discussed his attitude toward the ministry.
Абасала, Иисус даниз инаркны иҧсҭазаара Анцәа изкын (Ақәҵымҭа 19:5, 6).jw2019 jw2019
They can appeal to our fallen flesh and lead us toward immoral acts.
1. Иарбан ҭагылазаашьақәоу иҳамазаало, Абиблиа ишаҳнарбо ала, адгьылаҿы џьанаҭ аныҟалалак?jw2019 jw2019
Why and how has Jehovah shown undeserved kindness toward all mankind?
Уи дырҿыҧшуан Давид, Иосафат, Езекиа реиҧш иҟаз аҳцәа бзиақәа.jw2019 jw2019
(John 17:16) Is your religion involved in ceremonies and holidays that violate the principle of neutrality toward this world’s affairs?
Уи ҳгәалашәалароуп ихбыџхахьоу рбунтҟаҵара апроблема ҳаналацәажәо.jw2019 jw2019
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