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In addition, there are some other factors that we do well to weigh when making decisions about employment.
«Мап, шәыҧсӡом» ҳәа шьақәырҕәҕәо, Аџьныш Анцәа «ҧсышьала уҧсуеит» ҳәа иеиҳәахьаз иажәақәа гәрамгарҭас иҟаиҵеит.jw2019 jw2019
In order to learn the truth, we may need to give up a well-paid job or a successful career in this system.
(Matthew 5:21, 22, 27, 28) When we allow Jehovah’s principles to guide us, our conscience will be well-trained, and we will make choices that bring honor to God. —1 Corinthians 10:31.
Акырӡа еиӷьуп угуы урдар.jw2019 jw2019
5 Perhaps at this point you are thinking: ‘Well, I love my family, but it is not like the one just described.
Аҟәыӷара аашәырԥшы, насгьы шәмаҭацәа ирабжьыжәга рҭаацәа имӡакәа зегьы рзеиҭарҳәарц.jw2019 jw2019
11 To imitate God’s wisdom, we would do well to think about or even visualize the likely consequences of our actions.
Заа иӡбуп уи аҵыхәтәагьы.jw2019 jw2019
Like the “capable wife” described in the Bible, her days are well filled.
Амц динхаҵараjw2019 jw2019
So we might well ask, Whom should we honor, and why is such honor merited?
Адами Евеи иаадырҧшыз аҿагылара, убри афырҭын еиҧш, аҧхасҭа ахылҿиааит ауаатәыҩса зегьы рзы.jw2019 jw2019
In a similar way, Christians should be repulsed by the thought of betraying their God, Jehovah, as well as their spouse by committing adultery —no matter what the incentive to sin might be.
12 Исаиа ишәҟәы 11:9 аҟны иаҳәоит, адгьылаҿы изаҟаразаалак цәгьарак ҭыҧ аманы изыҟамло.jw2019 jw2019
Whatever the problem may be, we do well to heed the words of the psalmist who said the words of today’s text. w17.03 4:6
Ишәаӡазаргьы ҟалап, Иерихон иҟаз Анцәа ижәлар раҕацәа.jw2019 jw2019
(Mark 6:34) So if we can help them to cultivate compassion, their hearts may well move them to be like Jesus and share the good news with others.
80 Анцәа иуаажәлар Вавилон аанрыжьуеитjw2019 jw2019
The reason we die is that Adam’s sinful condition as well as death was passed on to all of his descendants.
б) Ишҧашьақәнарҕәҕәо Иисус хыхьтәи имаҭәа иамаз ашьа, инагӡаны ҕьеҩлаҵәҟьа аиааира шииго?jw2019 jw2019
A successful life: For many people who do not know Jehovah, success means making a lot of money, having many material comforts, or being well-known for their talents or abilities.
ИУДЫРУАМА, арҭ ауаа зусҭцәоу, насгьы уажәы иҟарҵо?jw2019 jw2019
The king grants Ezra “everything he requested” for Jehovah’s house —gold, silver, wheat, wine, oil, and salt, all worth well over $100,000,000 (U.S.) at modern values
Иара убас, аҵыхәтәантәи ашықәсқәа рыҩныҵҟа ицәырҵуеит ачымазара ҿыцқәа, урҭ реиҳарак ирымаӡам зегьы еицырзеиԥшу ахәышәтәышьа.jw2019 jw2019
Well, today a person who was once decent and honest may become a thief.
Ақьырсианцәа аҭынчра иашьҭоуп (Римаа 12:18).jw2019 jw2019
How delighted we are that so many of our children read well!
Иисус ибоит, уажәшьҭа амра аҭашәара шааигәахаз.jw2019 jw2019
We do well to help Bible students grasp that fact.
Аламыс иадҳәалоу азҵаарақәа рҿы ауадаҩра анцәырҵуа, агәрахаҵара змам ахаҵа иԥҳәыс еиҳа патуқәҵарала длызнеиуеит, лара «ҳаҭырла, аамысҭашәала» зегь иеиллыркаар.jw2019 jw2019
Would anyone who truly loves you endanger your physical and emotional well-being?
Иуҭахума уара унхар абри аџьанаҭ аҿы?jw2019 jw2019
While still single, develop qualities, habits, and abilities that will serve you well in marriage
Иааҳгап абри аҩыза аҩырԥштәы: ауаҩы авидеолента ианиҵоит ауасиаҭ, данԥслак ашьҭахь иуацәеи иҭахцәеи дырбоит, дагьраҳауеит иԥсыз — иҭынхаз амазара шшатәу ҳәа идеилиркаауа раҳауеит.jw2019 jw2019
21 Jehovah’s Son knew well in advance that he would face severe opposition when here on earth.
Убри азы афараон Иосиф иеиҳәоит: ‘Ауаҩ ҟәыш далх, дагьыҟаҵа хадас афатә еидкылараҿы абарақьаҭра ианаамҭоу бжьышықәса рыҩнуҵҟа.jw2019 jw2019
His godly devotion as an adult reflected well on his early training.
Уаҟа уи Аҩсҭаа дизнеиуеит.jw2019 jw2019
We should be well-groomed; yet, we don’t want to go overboard.”
Узгуҭылакыу ргуы иаанагар — иагьуарҳәар алшоит — уара мыцхуы, мамзаргьы имаҷны угурҩоит ҳәа.jw2019 jw2019
8 Parents today may well sympathize with Noah and his wife.
Ишԥаҿагылатәу ацәеижьтә еизааигәахара иазку ииашам аинформациа?jw2019 jw2019
In some lands, young ones are pressured to set goals that center on higher education and a well-paying job.
а) Иабантәаадыруеи Иеффаи иҧҳа «былтәыс» лнагара, кәырбанс днаганы амцаҿы диблит ҳәа шаанамго?jw2019 jw2019
Faith is needed to please God well. —Heb 11:6
Угәы ишҧаанаго, ари аеҵәа ҿыц азыркыда?jw2019 jw2019
When Eliezer and the other servants arrived at Haran, they stopped at a well because Eliezer knew that people would soon come to get water.
7 Ус еиԥш иҟоу аԥсахрақәа зны-зынла ибзиоу ҳәа акгьы алҵӡом.jw2019 jw2019
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