white oor Abkasies


/ʍaɪt/, /waɪt/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Bright and colourless; reflecting equal quantities of all frequencies of visible light.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Abkasies


bright and colourless

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adjektief, eienaam, naamwoord
A surname, derived from the common noun white .

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6 At first, a Xhosa-speaking sister named Noma had reservations about inviting white brothers from an English-language congregation to her modest home.
6 Коса бызшәала ицәажәо Нома зыхьӡу аиаҳәшьа раԥхьа лыҩн хәыҷахьы англыз еизараҟынтә ишкәакәоу аишьцәа рааԥхьара лзыгәаӷьуамызт.jw2019 jw2019
One Halloween night I remember seeing a man sitting on his front porch, proudly wearing a white sheet and hood, as those in the KKK did.
Исгәалашәоит Ҳеллоуин аназгәарҭоз уахык азы хаҵак ку-клукс-клан иршәыз амаҭәа аҩыза ишәҵаны иҽырԥагьаны абарҵаҿы дыштәаз.jw2019 jw2019
Yes, an army on white horses.
Ииашоуп — аҽы шкәакәақәа ирықәтәоу аруаа.jw2019 jw2019
He is dressed in white garments.
Уи дауп, насгьы даара дбыргуп.jw2019 jw2019
And the men in white clothing are angels.
Амаҭәа шкәакәақәа зшәу — маалықьцәоуп.jw2019 jw2019
Workers labor day and night spinning milk-white thread from billowy bundles of wool.
Аусуҩцәа уахгьы-ҽынгьы ибыбышӡа иҟаз аласа шкәакәа рхахон.jw2019 jw2019
White teeth, black heart,” says the African proverb.
Африкатәи ажәаԥҟа иаҳәоит: «Ахаԥыц шкәакәа — агәы еиқәаҵәа».jw2019 jw2019
Out of respect for God’s law, they also do not accept the four primary components of blood: red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma.
Анцәа изакәан пату ақәырҵоит азы, дара ашьа иалоу ихадоу ԥшь-хәҭак алаҵара иақәшаҳаҭхаӡом: аеритроцитқәа, алеикоцитқәа, атромбоцитқәа, насгьы аплазма.jw2019 jw2019
One morning I stepped outside to a beautiful world of white.
Шьыжьымҭанк санаадәылҵ зегь ҟәашкакараӡа сыла ихҩан!jw2019 jw2019
It was as if Jesus could look out over those figurative fields and see that they were white with all the ripe grain swaying gently in the breeze, signaling their readiness to be harvested.
Инықәырԥшны иуҳәозар, Иисус амхурсҭақәа днарзыԥшит, насгьы ибеит урҭ хҟәашааӡа ишыҟалаз: ибла ихгылеит аԥша зылсуаз, насгьы аҭагалара иазхиаз ишәыз ачахҳәаҵәқәа*.jw2019 jw2019
We had dear friends in the white congregation.
Ҳара аизара шкәакәаҿы бзиа иаҳбоз аҩызцәа ҳаман.jw2019 jw2019
The next morning when the Israelites see this white stuff that has fallen, they ask one another: ‘What is it?’
Адырҩаҽны ашьыжьымҭан израилаа ирбоит, ари ишкәакәоу акы шакәу, аха уи закәу рзеилкаауам: ‘Абри закәи?’jw2019 jw2019
And it was a white sister who helped her change the way she felt in her heart.
Уи аҽыԥсахра илыцхрааз ишкәакәаз аиаҳәшьа лакәын.jw2019 jw2019
Some had never seen a schooner or a white man before.
Шьоукы аԥрашхәеи ауаҩы шкәакәеи ахаан ирымбацызт.jw2019 jw2019
White blood cells may be a source of interferons and interleukins, used to treat some viral infections and cancers.
Алеикоцитқәа рҟынтә ироуеит аинтерферонқәеи аинтерлеикинқәеи, урҭ рхы иадырхәоит авирустә инфекциақәеи ачымазара бааԥсқәеи рыхәышәтәра аҿы.jw2019 jw2019
You may wonder why Jehovah’s Witnesses would separate black and white publishers.
Иҟалап шәара иџьашәшьозар зцәа шкәакәаз, насгьы зцәа еиқәаҵәаз Иегова ишаҳаҭцәа хаз-хазы иахьеизоз.jw2019 jw2019
A sister who is now a pioneer in Australia says: “My hatred for white people grew as I focused on the injustice that was inflicted on the Aboriginal people —past and present.”
Австралиа пионерс амаҵ зуа аиаҳәшьа илҳәоит: «Аҭыԥантәи ауаа идырҿиоз ацәгьарақәа санрызхәыцуаз, ишкәакәаз ауаа рахь сцәымӷра еиҳа еиҳахон».jw2019 jw2019
But after sharing in the preaching work with the white Witnesses and enjoying hospitality in their homes, she exclaimed, “They are normal people just like us!”
Аха лара ишкәакәоу Иегова ишаҳаҭцәа амаҵ анрыцылу, насгьы дара рахь сасра даннеи ашьҭахь, илҳәеит: «Урҭ иаабац уаауп, ҳара ҳаиԥшҵәҟьа иҟоуп!»jw2019 jw2019
If black Witnesses preached from door to door in a white neighborhood, they would be arrested and probably beaten up.
Еиқәаҵәақәаз Иегова ишаҳаҭцәа ишкәакәаз ауаа ахьынхоз ҩнаҭацыԥхьаӡа ажәабжь рҳәозҭгьы, абахҭа иҭаркыр, мамзаргьы ирыпҟар ауан.jw2019 jw2019
It is white, and it is thin and flaky.
Ишкәакәоуп, иссоуп, еимыппуеит.jw2019 jw2019
White concluded: “I am left with no choice but to acknowledge the existence of a Superior Intellect, responsible for the design and development of the incredible brain-mind relationship—something far beyond man’s capacity to understand. . . .
Уаит иҟаиҵоит алкаа: «Сара исылшом Иреиҳаӡоу Аинтеллект иҟазаара мап ацәкра, ихәарҭоу аиҿартәра автор, насгьы ухахьы иузаамго ахшыбаҩи ахшыҩи реидҳәалашьа аҿиара — афеномен, ауаҩы изы наӡара змам...jw2019 jw2019
Do all the medical personnel involved know that as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I direct that no blood transfusions (whole blood, red cells, white cells, platelets, or blood plasma) be given to me under any circumstances?
Ирдыруама сызхәышәтәуа амедицинатә усзуҩцәа зегьы, сара, Иегова Ишаҳаҭ иаҳасабала, иарбан ҭагылазаашьазаалакгьы ашьа (еибгоу ашьа, аеритроциттә, алеикоциттә, атромбоциттә масса, ма аплазма) сыларымҵарц шрыдысҵаз?jw2019 jw2019
“These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb,” for they exercise faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice.
Абиблиаҿы иҳәоуп: «Арҭ — алахьеиқәра ду ахьтә иаауа роуп; рымаҭәа-ҩыҭәа ршәыхны ирыӡәӡәеит, Асыс ашьала идрышҳаит».jw2019 jw2019
He gave another man a mirror, then covered him with a white cloth.
Аԥшҩы атәым хаҵа диԥхьеит, асаркьа наиркны ба шкәакәала дхиҩеит.jw2019 jw2019
Furthermore, do not expect simple, black-and-white rules on matters of conscience.
Убри адагьы, урзымԥшын аламыс иадҳәалоу азҵаарақәа рҿы иалкаау аҭакқәа.jw2019 jw2019
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