women oor Abkasies


/ˈwɪmən/, /ˈwɪmɪn/ naamwoord
Plural form of woman.

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11. (a) Why can women everywhere empathize with Mary?
11. а) Избан дарбанзаалак аԥҳәыс Мариа лцәаныррақәа еилылкаар злылшо?jw2019 jw2019
DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE: “One in three women has been a victim of physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner at some point in her lifetime,” reports the United Nations.
АҬААЦӘАРА АҨНЫҴҞА АҚӘЫМЧРЕИ АСЕКСУАЛТӘ ҚӘЫМЧРЕИ. «Хҩык рахьтә ԥҳәыск лыԥсҭазаараҿы илыцынхо ахаҵа знык иадамзаргьы дипҟоит, ма асексуалтә қәымчра ааирԥшуеит»,— аҳәоит Еидгылоу Амилаҭқәа Рорганизациа (ООН).jw2019 jw2019
(Isaiah 65:13) For instance, the Israelite priests gathered men, women, and children for group instruction in God’s Law.
6 Иегова еснагь, иеидкылам ауаа ракәымкәа, ижәлар зегьы доуҳатә фатәыла еиқәиршәон (Исаиа 65:13).jw2019 jw2019
And how did he feel when he learned that Hophni and Phinehas also disregarded Jehovah’s laws on sexual morality, as they had relations with some of the women who were serving there at the tabernacle?
Иарбан цәаныррақәоу иара изцәырҵуаз, Офнии Финееси иԥшьоу ақьалаҿы амаҵ зуаз аҳәса цәеижьла ирзааигәаханы, ахаҵара-ԥҳәысратә мораль иазку Анцәа изакәан анеиларгоз?jw2019 jw2019
Men and women of full age , without any limitation due to race , nationality or religion , have the right to marry and to found a family . They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage , during marriage and at its dissolution .
Зы6ъра наёоу ар8арацъеи ащъса хъ36ъеи цъа8шшъахъыла , мила0ла ма динха7арала щъа 8кра йам7акуа а0аацъара алалара азин рымоуп.Ур0 а0аацъара ианалало аам0азгьы , 0аацъаракны ианеицынхогьы , мамзаргьы еилы7уазар аёъи аёъи зинла еийароуп .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
When the women tell the disciples that Jesus is alive and they have seen him, the disciples find this hard to believe.
Аха урҭ Иисус иԥсы шҭоу, насгьы дара дшырбаз аҵаҩцәа ианрарҳәалак, аҵаҩцәа абри ахаҵара рцәыуадаҩуп.jw2019 jw2019
How different these women are from the woman in the container!
Шаҟа илеиԥшымзеи арҭ аҳәса акалаҷкәыр иҭатәоу аԥҳәыс!jw2019 jw2019
How may the Shulammite girl serve as an example to unmarried godly men and women?
Иарбан ҿырԥшу ирылҭаз суламиттәи аҭыԥҳа аҭаацәара иалам ақьырсианцәа?jw2019 jw2019
In their congregation activity, why do Christian women at times wear head coverings?
Избан ақьырсианҳәсақәа зны-зынла рхы зхырҩо, аизара иадҳәалоу усқәак анынарыгӡо?jw2019 jw2019
2 God’s Word teems with accounts of faithful men and women who feared Jehovah, put faith in him, and became his close friends.
2 Анцәа Иажәаҿы ирацәоуп иара ицәшәоз ахацәеи аҳәсеи рҿырԥштәқәа. Урҭ Иегова иахь агәрахаҵара аадырԥшуан, насгьы иҩызцәа гәакьақәаны иҟалеит.jw2019 jw2019
What helped men and women of old to be willing to wait on Jehovah?
Ирыцхраауази ажәытәан инхоз Анцәа имаҵзуҩцәа Иегова изыԥшра?jw2019 jw2019
Later, when the army returns from fighting the Phi·lisʹtines, the women sing: ‘Saul has killed thousands, but David tens of thousands.’
Акраамҭа анҵлак, аруаа филистимаа рабашьра аҟынтә ианыхынҳәуа, аҳәсақәа шәаҳәоит: «Саул зқьҩык ишьит, Давид — жәа-нызқьҩык».jw2019 jw2019
What did Paul mean when he wrote that women should “keep silent in the congregations”?
Ииҳәарц ииҭахызи Павел: «Аҳәса аизарақәа рҿы ҿырымҭлааит» ҳәа аниҳәаз?jw2019 jw2019
With that goal in mind, Balaam cast the lure —the seductive young women of Moab. —Numbers 22:1-7; 31:15, 16; Revelation 2:14.
Абри хықәкыс иҟаҵаны Валаам «ахьырԥшыга» ҭаиршәит — ирабжьеигеит ухызхуа Моаваа рҭыԥҳацәа нарышьҭырц (Ахыԥхьаӡарақәа 22:1—7; 31:15, 16; Аатра 2:14).jw2019 jw2019
From God’s stated direction about clothing, we clearly see that God is not pleased with styles of dress that feminize men, that make women look like men, or that make it hard to see the difference between men and women.
Амаҭәа аганахь ала Анцәа иҟаиҵаз амҩақәҵарақәа иаадырԥшуеит Анцәа ишигәамԥхо аԥҳәыс ахаҵа иеиԥш лҽанеилалҳәо, ахаҵа аԥҳәыс леиԥш иҽанеилеиҳәо, мамзаргьы дхаҵоу-дыԥҳәысу анузеилмырго.jw2019 jw2019
(Numbers 18:21) In a similar way, generous women used what they had to support Jesus and his apostles. —Luke 8:1-3.
Убас еиԥш агәыҳалалра злаз аҳәса ирылшоз ала Иисус иапостолцәеи иареи ирыцхраауан (Лука 8:1—3).jw2019 jw2019
(See also footnote.) (b) How do men and women of faith today imitate the example of Mordecai?
(Шәахәаԥш иара убас албаага.) б) Ишԥаиҿыԥшуеи Мардохеи иахьа Анцәа пату иқәызҵо аҳәсеи ахацәеи?jw2019 jw2019
5 As we have seen, the Bible’s men and women of faith were not born faithful.
5 Ишаҳбаз еиԥш, Абиблиаҿы зыӡбахә ҳәоу Анцәа изиашаз ахацәагьы аҳәсагьы рыгәрахаҵара еиздырҳауан.jw2019 jw2019
We read that day by day, he made his way as near as he could to the house of the women and endeavored to learn of Esther’s welfare.
Абиблиаҿы иануп иара илыԥсҭазаашьоу еиликаарц азы есыҽны аҳәса рыҩны ашҭахь дышнеиуаз (Есф.jw2019 jw2019
After describing various men and women of faith, Paul highlighted the most outstanding example of all —our Lord Jesus Christ.
Павел агәрахаҵара ӷәӷәа аазырԥшуаз аҳәсеи ахацәеи рыӡбахә аниҩы ашьҭахь, уи аҿы аҿырԥш дуӡӡа ҳазҭаз Иҳақәиҭу Иисус Христос иӡбахә иҳәеит.jw2019 jw2019
23 As the two women settled into life in Bethlehem, Ruth began thinking about how best to take care of herself and Naomi.
23 Вифлеемҟа данааи, Руфь азхәыцра далагеит ланхәеи лареи рхы зланыҟәыргаша.jw2019 jw2019
Older women, though unable to do many of those things, are also a blessing to the congregation.
Зықәрахь инеихьоу аиаҳәшьцәа рылшарақәа шмаҷугьы аизаразы зылԥхара дууп.jw2019 jw2019
The women there would peer at her and say, “Is this Naomi?”
Аҳәса лхаҿсахьа иахәаԥшны иҵаауан: «Ноеминь лакәҵәҟьоума ари?»jw2019 jw2019
In our day many men and women live together as husband and wife without any legal commitment.
Иахьа ирацәоуп ахацәеи аҳәсеи, закәанла џьаргьы иарбаӡамкәа хаҵеи-ԥҳәыси реиԥш еицынхо.jw2019 jw2019
7 Recently, thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses —men, women, and children— had to flee conflict and persecution in eastern Ukraine.
7 Ааигәа Украина мрагыларатәи ахәҭаҿы зықьҩыла Иегова ишаҳаҭцәа — ахацәеи, аҳәсеи, ахәыҷқәеи — аибашьреи ашьҭашәарыцарақәеи ирыхҟьаны рыҩнқәа аанрыжьыр акәхеит.jw2019 jw2019
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