Africa oor Afrikaans


/ˈæfɹɪkə/ eienaam, naamwoord
The continent that is south of Europe, east of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Indian Ocean and north of Antarctica. It holds the following countries:

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Afrikaans


continent south of Europe
The coasts of Africa, for example, have some of the world’s most fertile fishing grounds.
Die kus van Afrika het byvoorbeeld van die wêreld se vrugbaarste viswaters.

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geographic terms (above country level)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Afrikaans


The coasts of Africa, for example, have some of the world’s most fertile fishing grounds.
Die kus van Afrika het byvoorbeeld van die wêreld se vrugbaarste viswaters.

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Soortgelyke frases

Economy of South Africa
Ekonomie van Suid-Afrika
Crime Expo South Africa
Crime Expo South Africa
Southern Africa
South Africa Kaffir people
Green Party of South Africa
Groen Party van Suid-Afrika
Elephants are majestic and beautiful creatures of the jungle. I learned that elephants ears that are shaped like Africa are African elephants and I felt behind the ear and it felt like a clou
Elephants are majestic and beautiful creatures of the jungle. I learned that elephants ears that are shaped like Africa are African elephants and I felt behind the ear and it felt like a clou
Northern Africa
Flag of South Africa
Vlag van Suid-Afrika
South Africa
Republiek van Suid-Afrika · Suid-Afrika


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“With our distinctive, ponderous waddle, we wander the central and southeastern regions of Africa.
“Met ons kenmerkende, lomp gewaggel stap ons in die sentrale en suidoostelike gebiede van Afrika.jw2019 jw2019
3 They Offered Themselves Willingly —In West Africa
3 Hulle het hulle gewillig aangebied —In Wes-Afrikajw2019 jw2019
At one stage during the 1980’s, 25 children in Africa were dying every hour as a result of such conflicts!
Op een tydstip gedurende die tagtigerjare het daar as gevolg van sulke gevegte elke uur 25 kinders in Afrika gesterf!jw2019 jw2019
The drug trade has increased dramatically in Africa over the last decade, as it is geographically well situated for shipments from Colombia and Asia.
Die dwelmhandel het in die laaste dekade opvallend toegeneem in Afrika aangesien dit geografies goed geleë is vir besendings vanaf Colombia en Asië.jw2019 jw2019
Lured by Africa’s treasures and the urge to explore, hardy men sailed to the East African coast from faraway countries.
Geharde manne wat deur Afrika se skatte gelok is en deur verkenningsdrang aangedryf is, het van verafgeleë lande na die kus van Oos-Afrika geseil.jw2019 jw2019
Already, many of the most productive members of Africa’s population have died from the disease, and entire families have died from it in many rural villages.
Baie van die produktiefste lede van Afrika se bevolking, asook hele gesinne in baie plattelandse dorpies, het reeds aan die siekte gesterf.jw2019 jw2019
Boab trees grow naturally in Africa, Madagascar, and northwestern Australia.
Kremetartbome groei wild in Afrika, Madagaskar en die noordwestelike deel van Australië.jw2019 jw2019
“A torch has been lit that will burn through darkest Africa.”
“’n Fakkel is aangesteek wat deur donker Afrika sal brand.”jw2019 jw2019
In 1993, the then 30,000 Witnesses in Malawi, a small country in southeastern Africa, had no suitable places in which to worship and study the Bible.
In 1993 het die 30 000 Getuies wat daar destyds in Malawi was, ’n klein land in die suidooste van Afrika, geen geskikte plekke gehad waar hulle kon aanbid en die Bybel kon bestudeer nie.jw2019 jw2019
Some people in Africa believe that only boys should go to school.
Party mense in Afrika dink dat net seuns skool toe moet gaan.jw2019 jw2019
Terraced fields are found in other countries too, particularly in Southeast Asia, South America, and some parts of Africa.
Landerye wat in terrasse aangelê is, kom ook in ander lande voor, veral in Suidoos-Asië, Suid-Amerika en sommige dele van Afrika.jw2019 jw2019
After serving with Eva for several years in Africa, I received a letter from my mother, saying that Father was dying of cancer.
Nadat ek en Eva ’n hele paar jaar lank in Afrika gedien het, het ek ’n brief van my ma ontvang, waarin sy gesê het dat my pa kanker het en sterwend is.jw2019 jw2019
In Africa thousands of girls and young women are sold into slavery, some for as little as $15.
In Afrika word duisende meisies en jong vroue as slawe verkoop, sommige vir ’n skrale R70.jw2019 jw2019
During that year the South Africa branch of the Watch Tower Society mailed 50,000 pieces of Bible literature to people scattered throughout the country.
In daardie jaar het die Suid-Afrikaanse takkantoor van die Wagtoringgenootskap 50 000 stukke Bybellektuur aan mense regoor die land gestuur.jw2019 jw2019
But in many parts of Africa, hundreds who attend the funeral descend on the home of the deceased and expect a feast, where animals are often sacrificed.
Maar in baie dele van Afrika stroom honderde wat die begrafnis bywoon na die huis van die oorledene, en hulle verwag dan ’n fees, waar diere dikwels geoffer word.jw2019 jw2019
▪ Every day in courts across South Africa, 82 children are charged with “raping or indecently assaulting other children.”
▪ In howe regoor Suid-Afrika word 82 kinders elke dag aangekla van “verkragting of onsedelike aanranding van ander kinders”.jw2019 jw2019
There are about 12 species of cobras scattered from Australia through the tropics of Asia and Africa to Arabia and the Temperate Zones.
Daar is ongeveer 12 kobraspesies wat op verskillende plekke vanaf Australië deur die tropiese dele van Asië en Afrika tot in Arabië en die gematigde klimaatstreke voorkom.jw2019 jw2019
Please continue to publish information on Africa.
Hou asseblief aan om inligting oor Afrika te druk.jw2019 jw2019
Along the eastern part of the Great Rift Valley in Africa is a series of lakes that are tainted with sodium carbonates.
Al langs die oostelike deel van die Groot Skeurvallei in Afrika is daar ’n reeks mere wat baie natriumkarbonaat bevat.jw2019 jw2019
Currently, there is a need for several thousand Kingdom Halls in the territory cared for by the branch office in South Africa.
Die gebied waarna die takkantoor in Suid-Afrika omsien, het tans ’n hele paar duisend Koninkryksale nodig.jw2019 jw2019
THE 1992 Yearbook explained: “Gray Smith and his older brother Frank, two courageous pioneer ministers from Cape Town [South Africa], set off for British East Africa to explore the possibilities of spreading the good news.
DIE 1992 Yearbook het verduidelik: “Gray Smith en sy ouer broer Frank, twee moedige pionierbedienaars van Kaapstad, het na Brits-Oos-Afrika vertrek om die moontlikhede te ondersoek om die goeie nuus daar te versprei.jw2019 jw2019
Nearly two thirds of pregnant women in Africa as well as in southern and western Asia are clinically anemic.
Byna twee derdes van die swanger vroue in Afrika sowel as in suidelike en westelike Asië ly klinies aan bloedarmoede.jw2019 jw2019
This is the case in English, as well as in many languages of Europe, Africa, South America, India, and the islands of the Pacific.
Dit is die geval in Engels, sowel as in baie tale van Europa, Afrika, Suid-Amerika, Indië en die eilande van die Stille Oseaan.jw2019 jw2019
Democracy in South Africa was established on 27 April 1994.
Demokrasie is op 27 April 1994 in Suid-Afrika gevestig.Literature Literature
The book Clinging to a Myth commented on De Chardin’s optimism: “De Chardin must have been quite oblivious of the history of human bloodshed and of racist systems such as apartheid in South Africa.
Die boek Clinging to a Myth het kommentaar gelewer op De Chardin se optimisme: “De Chardin moes heeltemal onbewus gewees het van die geskiedenis van bloedvergieting en van rassestelsels soos apartheid in Suid-Afrika.jw2019 jw2019
203 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.