caress oor Afrikaans


/kəˈres/ werkwoord, naamwoord
To touch or kiss lovingly; to fondle.

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Surely it would be unclean to allow one’s hands to stray under another person’s clothing, to remove another’s clothing, or to caress another’s intimate areas, such as the breasts.
Dit sal beslis onrein wees om jou hande onder iemand se klere te laat indwaal, iemand se klere uit te trek of iemand anders op intieme plekke, soos die borste, te streel.jw2019 jw2019
Is it not deceitful, and even cruel, to kiss or caress someone you are not in a position to marry or may not even seriously consider as a potential marriage mate?
Is dit nie misleidend, en selfs wreed, om iemand te soen of te liefkoos met wie jy nie kan trou of wat jy selfs nie eers ernstig as ’n moontlike huweliksmaat oorweeg nie?jw2019 jw2019
One U.S. survey found that over two thirds of teenagers polled said that they had engaged in some form of petting involving the caressing of intimate body parts.
Een Amerikaanse opname het bevind dat meer as twee derdes van tieners wat ondervra is, gesê het dat hulle al liefkosing ervaar het wat die streling van intieme liggaamsdele ingesluit het.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus learned, too, that those strong hands that felled trees, hewed beams, and pounded joints together were also gentle hands that caressed and comforted him, his mother, and his siblings.
Jesus het ook uitgevind dat die sterk hande wat bome afgekap, balke gemaak en voeë aanmekaargeslaan het, ook liefdevolle hande is wat hom, sy moeder en sy broers en susters geliefkoos en vertroos het.jw2019 jw2019
But numerous studies have suggested that children who are held, hugged, kissed, and caressed enjoy better health and growth and turn out more intelligent than those kept “at a cold distance,” notes Polityka.
Maar talle studies het getoon dat kinders wat vasgehou word, drukkies kry en gesoen en geliefkoos word, gesonder is, beter ontwikkel en later intelligenter is as dié wat “op ’n afstand gehou word”, sê Polityka.jw2019 jw2019
They rushed to him, caressed him, and quickly ended their letters.
Hulle storm na hom, hom gestreel, en vinnig geëindig hul briewe.QED QED
18 Jesus learned, too, that those strong hands that felled trees, hewed beams, and pounded joints together were also gentle hands that caressed and comforted him, his mother, and his siblings.
18 Jesus het ook uitgevind dat daardie sterk hande wat bome afkap, balke maak en voeë aanmekaarslaan, ook liefdevolle hande is wat hom, sy moeder en sy broers en susters gestreel en vertroos het.jw2019 jw2019
Indeed, many youths do not fully appreciate that a kiss or a caress has the power to arouse strong romantic feelings or sexual urges.
Talle jongmense besef inderdaad nie ten volle dat ’n soen of ’n liefkosing die krag het om sterk romantiese gevoelens of geslagsdrange te wek nie.jw2019 jw2019
Yet, an elephant can also caress you with its trunk or gently take food from your hand.
En tog kan ’n olifant jou ook met sy slurp streel of sagkens kos uit jou hand neem.jw2019 jw2019
We would help them to appreciate that the animals and birds were created by Jehovah for man’s enjoyment and that soon we would have the pleasure of seeing them, not in cages or behind bars, but out in the open, where they could be petted and caressed.
Ons het hulle gehelp om te besef dat Jehovah die diere en voëls vir die mens se genot geskep het en dat ons binnekort die vreugde sal smaak om hulle nie in hokke of agter tralies nie, maar in die oop veld te sien waar hulle gestreel en getroetel sal kan word.jw2019 jw2019
We wished we could hold him in our arms and caress him, but for ten distressing weeks, we were not allowed to touch him at all.
Ons het gewens dat ons hom in ons arms kon vashou en vertroetel, maar tien angswekkende weke lank is ons glad nie toegelaat om aan hom te raak nie.jw2019 jw2019
Also, children have a great need for physical expressions of love —hugging, caressing, handholding, romping.
Kinders het ook ’n groot behoefte aan fisiese liefdeblyke—dat jy hulle omhels en streel, hulle hand vashou, en met hulle baljaar.jw2019 jw2019
“The caress of another person releases hormones that can ease pain and clear the mind,” says U.S.News & World Report.
“Wanneer jy deur iemand gestreel word, word hormone vrygestel wat pyn kan verlig en jou kan help om helder te dink”, sê U.S.News & World Report.jw2019 jw2019
As I put my arm around his shaggy shoulders and caress his chest, he will visibly relax as if all his tensed-up muscles have been deflated. . . .
Wanneer ek my arm om sy ruie skouers plaas en sy bors streel, kan jy duidelik sien hoe hy ontspan asof al sy gespanne spiere slap word. . . .jw2019 jw2019
From birth we crave our mother’s tender caress.
Van geboorte af het ons ’n behoefte aan ons moeder se tere liefkosing.jw2019 jw2019
Under the title “Sex Over the Air,” it said: “Other [stations] have preferred pornography —or we should say, pornophony— and they devote their time to live broadcasting of orgasms, ecstasies and caressings in full detail. . . .
Onder die opskrif “Seks oor die lug” het dit gesê: “Ander [stasies] het pornografie verkies —of moet ons sê, pornofonie— en hulle wy hulle tyd aan lewende sendings van orgasmes, ekstases en liefkosings in volledige besonderheid. . . .jw2019 jw2019
In the Bible the caressing of the breasts is associated with the pleasures reserved for married couples. —Proverbs 5:18, 19.
In die Bybel word die streling van die borste geassosieer met die genietinge wat net vir getroude paartjies bedoel is.—Spreuke 5:18, 19.jw2019 jw2019
So although you may realize that sexual intercourse by unmarried Christians is wrong, you may still wonder how God views kissing, hugging, or caressing someone of the opposite sex.
Hoewel jy dus besef dat geslagsomgang vir ongetroude Christene verkeerd is, wonder jy dalk steeds hoe God dit beskou as ’n mens iemand van die ander geslag soen, omhels of liefkoos.jw2019 jw2019
“Children raised without being regularly hugged, caressed or stroked . . . have abnormally high levels of stress hormones,” according to a study reported in the Toronto Star newspaper.
“Kinders wat grootgemaak word sonder dat hulle gereeld omhels, geliefkoos of gestreel word . . . , het abnormaal hoë vlakke van streshormone”, volgens ’n studie waaroor die koerant Toronto Star berig gelewer het.jw2019 jw2019
Brother Haffner came and placed his arm around my shoulders, caressed my face, and quoted Psalm 20:1 to me: “May Jehovah answer you in the day of distress.
Broer Haffner het gekom en sy arm om my skouers gesit, my gesig gestreel en Psalm 20:1 vir my aangehaal: ‘Mag Jehovah jou antwoord in die dag van benoudheid.jw2019 jw2019
When the trainer is sure that his elephant is friendly, he enters the enclosure and caresses it.
As die afrigter seker is dat sy olifant vriendelik is, gaan hy die kamp binne en streel hy hom.jw2019 jw2019
7 Spiritual fortifications progressively crumble as wrong desires and speech lead to holding hands, kissing, caressing, passion-arousing heavy petting, and other expressions of affection, all of which should be given only to their marriage mates.
7 Hulle geestelike weerstand word geleidelik swakker wanneer verkeerde begeertes en ongepaste gesprekke daartoe lei dat hulle hande vashou, soen, omhels, mekaar op ’n hartstogwekkende, intieme wyse liefkoos en ander liefdesblyke aan mekaar betoon wat slegs hulle huweliksmaat toekom.jw2019 jw2019
Another caresses a “Saint” Christopher medallion during the flight.
Gedurende die vlug streel iemand anders ’n “sint” Christophorus-hangertjie.jw2019 jw2019
Sylvie gently raised her finger toward the first one, a female, and started caressing her—right up to her ear.
Sylvie het haar vingers stadig na die eerste een, ’n wyfie, uitgestrek en haar begin streel—tot by haar oor.jw2019 jw2019
29 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.