catalyst oor Afrikaans


/ˈkæt.ə.lɪst/, /ˈkæt.əl.ɪst/ naamwoord
(chemistry) A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process.

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A substance whose presence alters the rate at which a chemical reaction proceeds, but whose own composition remains unchanged by the reaction. Catalysts are usually employed to accelerate reactions(positive catalyst), but retarding (negative) catalysts are also used.(Source: ALL)
The catalyst in this process has been—and will continue to be—the principle of love.
Die katalisator in die proses was nog altyd —en sal altyd— die beginsel van liefde wees.

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“At the moment, countries are poised to go to war over oil, but in the near future, water could be the catalyst for armed conflict,” stated Time magazine.
“Baie lande staan tans gereed om oorlog te voer oor olie, maar water kan in die nabye toekoms die katalisator vir gewapende konflik wees”, skryf die tydskrif Time.jw2019 jw2019
Since alcohol decreases control and raises the potential for acting on impulse, it is not surprising that some feel it can be a catalyst for abuse.
Aangesien alkohol beheerstheid verminder en die moontlikheid van impulsiewe optrede vergroot, is dit nie verbasend dat sommige meen dat dit tot mishandeling kan aanleiding gee nie.jw2019 jw2019
Given that we are approaching the end of our mandate term, the Government decided that it should identify a suite of Apex Priorities on which it must focus in a special way, using these as catalysts further to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the objectives the people mandated us to pursue
Aangesien ons die einde van ons mandaattydperk nader, het die Regering besluit om 'n lys top-prioriteite te identifiseer waarop daar op 'n spesiale manier gefokus moet word. Dit sal gebruik word om die doelwitte wat die mense ons opdrag gegee het om na te streef, nog vinniger te bereikSPC SPC
Calling for education as a catalyst for change, Mathabane said: “With education you are made to accept the universality of human beings.”
Mathabane het gevra dat opvoeding as ’n middel moet dien om verandering te bring en gesê: “Deur middel van opvoeding word jy gedwing om die universaliteit van mense te aanvaar.”jw2019 jw2019
Reflecting the extent of this contribution are articles such as the following: “The Debt of Constitutional Law to Jehovah’s Witnesses,” which appeared in the Minnesota Law Review, of March 1944, and, “A Catalyst for the Evolution of Constitutional Law: Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Supreme Court,” published in the University of Cincinnati Law Review, in 1987.
Die omvang van hierdie bydrae word weergegee in artikels soos: “Jehovah se Getuies se bydrae tot die Staatsreg”, wat in die Minnesota Law Review vir Maart 1944 verskyn het en “’n Katalisator vir die evolusie van die Staatsreg: Jehovah se Getuies in die Appèlhof”, wat in 1987 in die University of Cincinnati Law Review gepubliseer is.jw2019 jw2019
Enzymes serve as catalysts, speeding up chemical reactions, such as those involved with digestion.
Ensieme dien as katalisators, wat chemiese reaksies versnel, soos dié wat betrokke is by vertering.jw2019 jw2019
The hydrocarbons are heated by steam and mixed with the hot catalyst of powdered alumina-silica gel.
Die koolwaterstowwe word met stoom verhit en met die warm katalisator, verpoeierde aluminasilikajel, gemeng.jw2019 jw2019
Catalysts, Guards, and Posts
Katalisators, wagte en stuttejw2019 jw2019
The catalyst in this process has been—and will continue to be—the principle of love.
Die katalisator in die proses was nog altyd —en sal altyd— die beginsel van liefde wees.LDS LDS
Some proteins act as enzymes (catalysts) to digest our food by splitting the proteins in the food into amino acids.
Party proteïene dien as ensieme (katalisators) om ons voedsel te verteer deur die proteïene in die voedsel tot aminosure af te breek.jw2019 jw2019
He then adds: “The catalyst was clearly Gorbachev’s assumption of power in Moscow in March 1985 and his ending of the ‘Brezhnev Doctrine’, which fatally deprived eastern Europe’s regimes of the assurance of Soviet assistance and intervention in the event of popular uprising.”
Dan voeg hy by: “Die katalisator was beslis Gorbatjof se bewindsaanvaarding in Maart 1985 in Moskou en sy beëindiging van die ‘Brezjnef-leer’, wat die Oos-Europese regimes die lewensbelangrike versekering van Sowjetbystand en -ingryping in die geval van ’n gewone opstand ontneem het.”jw2019 jw2019
The catalyst for change in Europe was the upheaval caused by Protestantism, a sectarian movement that refused to go away.
Die katalisator vir veranderinge in Europa was die omwenteling wat veroorsaak is deur Protestantisme, ’n sektebeweging wat net nie van die toneel wou verdwyn nie.jw2019 jw2019
But the music can serve as a catalyst, a means of encouraging vulnerable young people to do things they might not otherwise even contemplate.
Maar die musiek kan as ’n katalisator dien, iets wat vatbare jongmense aanmoedig om dinge te doen wat hulle andersins nie eers sou oorweeg nie.jw2019 jw2019
Says Teen magazine: “A formula of peer pressure, boredom, unchanneled energy and perhaps some other catalyst like a beer . . . can lead teens to take the wrong risk—and pay with their lives.”
Die tydskrif Teen sê: “’n Kombinasie van portuurdwang, verveeldheid, opgehoopte energie en miskien ’n ander katalisator soos ’n bier . . . kan veroorsaak dat tieners die verkeerde kans waag—en met hulle lewe daarvoor betaal.”jw2019 jw2019
Family tension is often a catalyst for depression
Spanning in die gesin gee dikwels aanleiding tot depressiejw2019 jw2019
Thus, even stress can become a catalyst for spiritual growth rather than the source of despair and grief.
Selfs spanning kan dus eerder tot geestelike groei aanleiding gee as tot wanhoop en droefheid.jw2019 jw2019
AIDS —A Catalyst for Change?
Vigs—Het dit verandering teweeggebring?jw2019 jw2019
Powdered catalyst mixes with the hydrocarbon in steam
Verpoeierde katalisator meng met die koolwaterstowwe in stoomjw2019 jw2019
18 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.