circus oor Afrikaans


A traveling company of performers that may include acrobats, clowns, trained animals, and other novelty acts, that gives shows usually in a circular tent.

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A travelling company of performers that may include acrobats, clowns, trained animals, and other novelty acts, that gives shows usually in a circular tent.
All of the performers shared in the work of dismantling, transporting, and reassembling the circus.
Almal het gehelp om die sirkus af te breek, te vervoer en weer op te rig.


commonly a travelling company of performers
All of the performers shared in the work of dismantling, transporting, and reassembling the circus.
Almal het gehelp om die sirkus af te breek, te vervoer en weer op te rig.

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Going back to the circus and learning the trapeze had been my focus and dream for years.
Ek wou graag na die sirkus toe terugkeer, want dit was jare lank my doelwit en droom om as ’n sweefstokarties opgelei te word.jw2019 jw2019
“It was a proper circus in the courtroom.
“Nee, ons het lekker sirkus gehad met hom in die hof.Literature Literature
Perhaps it wins our hearts with its fancy coloring, which may remind us of a circus clown.
Dalk hou ons van sy helder kleure, wat ons aan ’n sirkusnar kan laat dink.jw2019 jw2019
They were often tortured . . . , thrown to the beasts in the circus, or crucified to dissuade other slaves from imitating their example.”
Hulle is dikwels gemartel . . . , vir die wilde diere in die sirkus gegooi of gekruisig om ander slawe te laat afsien van die idee om hulle voorbeeld te volg.”jw2019 jw2019
Perhaps you have seen an acrobat in a circus walk across a tightrope.
Jy het dalk al gesien hoe ’n akrobaat in ’n sirkus oor ’n spandraad loop.jw2019 jw2019
In time they were trained for a circus act and performed well.
Met verloop van tyd is hulle opgelei om in ’n sirkus op te tree en het goed gevaar.jw2019 jw2019
The spectacles involving animals were often simple exhibitions of trained wild animals that obeyed the orders of their trainer, much like what we see in a modern-day circus ring.
Die vertonings waarby diere betrokke was, was dikwels net vertonings van opgeleide wilde diere wat die bevele van hulle afrigter gehoorsaam het, baie soos wat ons in ’n hedendaagse sirkusarena sien.jw2019 jw2019
At the Roman circus, spectators were entertained by viewing the sufferings of others.
By die Romeinse sirkus is toeskouers vermaak deur die lyding van ander.jw2019 jw2019
I felt that changing to vaudeville had been the right choice, but I was disappointed that parties, immorality, and heavy drinking were even worse in vaudeville than in the circus.
Ek het gemeen dat die verandering na vaudeville die regte keuse was, maar ek was teleurgesteld omdat die partytjies, onsedelikheid en oormatige drinkery in vaudeville selfs erger as in die sirkus was.jw2019 jw2019
Hardy wrote: “Tertullian enumerates many things which were impossible for a conscientious Christian, as involving idolatry: e.g. oath usual at contracts; the illumination of doors at festivals, etc.; all Pagan religious ceremonies; the games and the circus; the profession of teaching secular [heathen classical] literature; military service; public offices.” —Christianity and the Roman Government.
Hardy het geskryf: “Tertullianus noem baie dinge wat ’n pligsgetroue Christen nie kon doen nie omdat afgodediens daarby betrokke was: bv., die eed wat gewoonlik tydens kontrakte afgelê word; die verligting van deure tydens feeste, ens.; alle Heidense godsdienseremonies; die spele en die sirkus; die onderrigberoep in sekulêre [heidens-klassieke] literatuur; militêre diens; regeringsposte.”—Christianity and the Roman Government.jw2019 jw2019
The last thing he wanted was for the arrest to turn into a media circus.
Die laaste ding wat hy wou hê, was dat die inhegtenisneming in ’n mediasirkus moet ontaard.Literature Literature
In time, my mother decided to retire from circus life and pursue her Bible studies.
Mettertyd het my ma besluit om uit die sirkuslewe te tree en haar Bybelstudie voort te sit.jw2019 jw2019
At the same time that I was contemplating these changes, I was offered a high-paying job with a circus in the United States.
Terwyl ek hierdie veranderinge oorweeg het, is ek ’n goed besoldigde werk by ’n sirkus in die Verenigde State aangebied.jw2019 jw2019
Between the afternoon and evening shows was the time when the many children in the circus learned how to do somersaults, walk on a wire, juggle, swing from a trapeze.
Tussen die middag- en aandvertonings het die talle sirkuskinders geleer om salto’s uit te voer, op ’n styfgespande koord te loop, te jongleer (juggle) en met ’n sweefstok te swaai.jw2019 jw2019
From the time my brother and I could walk, we shared in some facet of circus life.
Vandat ek en my broer kon loop, het ons aan een of ander faset van die sirkuslewe deelgeneem.jw2019 jw2019
At a funeral for a circus performer, the sons of the deceased did a juggling routine in front of the coffin.
By ’n sirkuskunstenaar se begrafnis het die oorledene se seuns ’n ewewigstoertjie voor die kis uitgevoer.jw2019 jw2019
Some of our circus “family,” and my father with his tuba
Sommige van ons “familie” in die sirkus, en my pa met sy tubajw2019 jw2019
‘The last time I saw makeup like that was at the circus.’
‘Ek het laas sulke grimering by die sirkus gesien.’jw2019 jw2019
Then, in 1946, I was offered a job in a circus to learn to be the flier in a trapeze act.
Toe, in 1946, het ek ’n werkaanbod in ’n sirkus gekry om as ’n sweefstokkunstenaar geleer te word.jw2019 jw2019
A boy learns valuable lessons as he spends the first ten years of his life in the circus.
’n Seun leer waardevolle lesse terwyl hy die eerste tien jaar van sy lewe in die sirkus deurbring.jw2019 jw2019
Introduction to Circus Life
Ek leer die sirkuslewe kenjw2019 jw2019
It meant avoiding the ungodly spirit and actions of the world, which included the violent and immoral entertainment of the Roman circus and theater.
Dit het beteken dat hulle die goddelose gees en dade van die wêreld moes vermy, wat die gewelddadige en onsedelike vermaak van die Romeinse arena en teater ingesluit het.jw2019 jw2019
It was especially hard when members of our circus family came to visit and wondered why we were not joining them.
Dit was veral moeilik wanneer lede van ons sirkusfamilie by ons kom kuier het en gewonder het waarom ons nie by hulle aansluit nie.jw2019 jw2019
You do not want to look like a circus clown.
Jy wil nie soos ’n sirkusnar lyk nie.jw2019 jw2019
“Advocates aren’t mannequins and closing arguments are not a circus.”
“Advokate is nie houtpoppe nie en slotpleidooie is nie ’n sirkus nie.”Literature Literature
76 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.