constructed language oor Afrikaans

constructed language

(linguistics) A human language that has been consciously devised by an individual or a small group, as opposed to having naturally evolved as part of a culture like a natural language.

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kunsmatige taal

A language of which the phonology, grammar and/or vocabulary has been specifically devised by an individual or small group.

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The entire Bible is now available in 363 languages, including constructed languages such as Esperanto.
Die hele Bybel is nou in 363 tale beskikbaar, waaronder saamgestelde tale soos Esperanto.jw2019 jw2019
Bible verses that in the Greek language have a construction similar to that of John 1:1 use the expression “a god.”
Bybelverse wat in Grieks ’n soortgelyke konstruksie het as Johannes 1:1, gebruik die uitdrukking “’n god”.jw2019 jw2019
9 Do such renderings agree with the grammatical construction of John 1:1 in the Greek language?
9 Stem sulke weergawes ooreen met die grammatikale konstruksie van Johannes 1:1 in Grieks?jw2019 jw2019
Sharon, who has served with her husband on construction projects in different countries, says: “Not knowing the language of the country where you serve is a challenge.
Sharon, wat al in verskillende lande saam met haar man op bouprojekte gehelp het, sê: “Dit is ’n uitdaging as jy nie die taal kan praat van die land waar jy dien nie.jw2019 jw2019
German scientist Bernd-Olaf Küppers stated: “Carried over to the realm of human language, the molecular text describing the construction of a bacterial cell would be about the size of a thousand-page book.”
Die Duitse wetenskaplike Bernd-Olaf Küppers het gesê: “As ’n mens die molekulêre teks wat die samestelling van n bakteriesel beskryf, in menslike taal sou omskakel, sou dit ’n boek met duisend bladsye vul.”jw2019 jw2019
Åke and Ing-Mari, a couple who assisted with construction projects in Guadeloupe, Malawi, Mexico, and Nigeria, admit that using another language when sharing in the field ministry in a foreign country takes courage.
Åke en Ing-Mari, ’n egpaar wat met bouprojekte in Guadeloupe, Malawi, Mexiko en Nigerië gehelp het, erken dat dit moed verg om die predikingswerk in ’n vreemde land in ’n ander taal te doen.jw2019 jw2019
After learning another language, we again had the privilege of serving our spiritual brothers in the circuit work and of spending a year at the construction site of the new Bethel Home near Madrid.
Nadat ek nog ’n taal geleer het, het ons weer die voorreg gehad om ons geestelike broers in die kringwerk te dien, en om ’n jaar lank by die bouperseel van die nuwe Bethelhuis naby Madrid te bestee.jw2019 jw2019
7 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.