contend oor Afrikaans


to strive in opposition; to contest; to dispute; to vie; to quarrel; to fight.

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10 Some people have lived through one conflict after another as contending factions fought for control.
10 Party mense beleef die een konflik na die ander terwyl strydende faksies veg om beheer te verkry.


Some experts contend that swearing adds to stress in the workplace.
Party deskundiges beweer dat vloekery stres by die werksplek vererger.
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Later, after more evidence was available, he wrote: “I now believe that marijuana is the most dangerous drug we must contend with: 1.
Later, toe daar meer getuienis beskikbaar was, het hy geskryf: “Ek meen nou dat dagga die gevaarlikste dwelm is waarmee ons te kampe het. 1.jw2019 jw2019
They kept on contending and acting in harmony with their earnest prayers.
Hulle het aangehou om te stry en om in ooreenstemming met hulle opregte gebede op te tree.jw2019 jw2019
However, The New York Times states that a federal inspector contends that the Red Cross often failed to do this.
Maar The New York Times sê dat ’n federale inspekteur aanvoer dat die Rooi Kruis dikwels nagelaat het om dit te doen.jw2019 jw2019
19. (a) What thoughts did Job have to contend with?
19. (a) Met watter gedagtes moes Job worstel?jw2019 jw2019
* Cease to contend with one another, D&C 136:23.
* Hou op om met mekaar te twis, L&V 136:23.LDS LDS
14. (a) From early days, with whom has the Christian congregation had to contend, and how did the apostle Paul describe them?
14. (a) Met wie het die Christengemeente van die begin af te kampe gehad, en hoe het die apostel Paulus hulle beskryf?jw2019 jw2019
Why did some Jewish Christians contend with Peter, and how did he explain his actions?
Waarom het party Joodse Christene met Petrus getwis, en hoe het hy sy optrede verduidelik?jw2019 jw2019
They contend that blood transfusion should be employed only in emergency situations.
Hulle voer aan dat ’n bloedoortapping slegs in ’n noodgeval toegedien moet word.jw2019 jw2019
Dermatologist Jaime Abarca contends that “what’s happening here is something totally new in the world.
Die dermatoloog Jaime Abarca sê dat “wat hier gebeur iets heeltemal nuuts in die wêreld is.jw2019 jw2019
3 Now these are their names who did contend for the judgment-seat, who did also cause the people to contend: Pahoran, Paanchi, and Pacumeni.
3 Nou, hierdie is hul name wat getwis het oor die regterstoel, wat ook die volk laat twis het: Pahoran, Paänchi en Pacumeni.LDS LDS
Morrison also had to contend with Chinese law, which sought to maintain China’s isolation.
Morrison het ook ’n probleem met die Chinese wetgewing gehad, wat China afgesonderd probeer hou het.jw2019 jw2019
(Mark 9:47, 48) Influenced by the words in the apocryphal book of Judith (“He will send fire and worms in their flesh and they shall weep with pain for evermore.” —Judith 16:17, The Jerusalem Bible), some Bible commentaries contend that Jesus’ words imply eternal torment.
Party Bybelkommentare wat beïnvloed is deur die woorde in die apokriewe boek Judit (“Hy gee hulle vlees aan die vuur en die wurms, sodat hulle ewig sal weeklaag in smart.”—Judit 16:17, Die Bybel met Deutero-kanonieke boeke) sê dat Jesus se woorde ewige foltering beteken.jw2019 jw2019
Nevertheless, they did rebuke the judges in the words which they had spoken against Nephi, and did contend with them one by one, insomuch that they did confound them.
Nogtans, hulle het die regters bestraf betreffende die woorde wat hulle gespreek het teen Nefi en het met hulle getwis een vir een, in soverre dat hulle hul verwar het.LDS LDS
33 But Alma, with his guards, contended with the guards of the king of the Lamanites until he slew and drove them back.
33 Maar Alma, met sy wagte, het teen die wagte van die koning van die Lamaniete geveg totdat hy hulle verslaan en teruggedryf het.LDS LDS
AS DISCUSSED in the preceding article, the Devil contends that Jehovah exercises his sovereignty in an unworthy way and that mankind would be better off ruling themselves.
SOOS ons in die vorige artikel gesien het, beweer die Duiwel dat Jehovah se heerskappy onregverdig is en dat mense gelukkiger sal wees as hulle oor hulleself regeer.jw2019 jw2019
According to The Tribune, a San Diego, California, newspaper, Bishop contended that pornography “was ‘devastating’ to him as a boy and led to his downfall.”
Volgens The Tribune, ’n koerant van San Diego, Kalifornië, het Bishop aangevoer dat pornografie “’n ‘verwoestende’ uitwerking op hom gehad toe hy ’n seun was en tot sy ondergang gelei het”.jw2019 jw2019
Some people have contended that AIDS is a curse from God on the wicked.
Sommige mense voer aan dat vigs ’n vloek van God op die goddeloses is.jw2019 jw2019
For the true faith to contend.
Om vir die geloof te stry.jw2019 jw2019
Some contend that the three Gospel accounts that report on Jesus’ sending out the apostles contradict one another.
Party mense voer aan dat die drie Evangelieverslae oor die geleentheid toe Jesus die apostels uitgestuur het, mekaar weerspreek.jw2019 jw2019
13 Satan contended that Jehovah was using His protective power to buy Job’s devotion.
13 Satan het beweer dat Jehovah Sy beskermende mag gebruik om Job se toegewydheid te koop.jw2019 jw2019
Why must we conduct ourselves like soldiers and contenders “in the games”?
Waarom moet ons ons soos soldate en deelnemers “aan ’n wedstryd” gedra?jw2019 jw2019
“If anyone contends . . . in the games, he is not crowned unless he has contended according to the rules.” —1 Corinthians 9:25; 2 Timothy 2:5.
“As iemand . . . in die spele meeding, word hy nie gekroon tensy hy volgens die reëls meegeding het nie.”—1 Korintiërs 9:25; 2 Timoteus 2:5.jw2019 jw2019
* Contend against no church, save it be the church of the devil, D&C 18:20.
* Stry teen geen kerk nie, behalwe as dit die kerk van die duiwel is, L&V 18:20.LDS LDS
8 Keep Contending for Jehovah’s Blessing
8 Hou aan om te stry vir Jehovah se seënjw2019 jw2019
Not only had they raised up persecution against God’s people but they had also incurred heavy bloodguilt by supporting the contending nations during the first world war.
Hulle het nie alleen die vervolging teen God se volk aangestig nie, maar het hulle ook groot bloedskuld op die hals gehaal deur die strydende nasies gedurende die Eerste Wêreldoorlog te ondersteun (Openbaring 18:21, 24).jw2019 jw2019
202 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.