content oor Afrikaans


/kənˈtɛnt/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
(uncountable) That which is contained.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Afrikaans


The information in a campaign that is intended to be communicated to marketing list members about the campaign. For example this content could be the dialog for a phone call or the body text of an e-mail message.
Take one or two minutes to review the contents of the magazines.
Gebruik een of twee minute om ’n oorsig te gee van die inhoud van die tydskrifte.


The amount of threedimensional space occupied by an object.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


An option on the Views menu in Windows Explorer that shows the most appropriate details for the file type in a flexible layout rather than only showing the details associated with the column headers in the view.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Afrikaans


An option on the Views menu in Windows Explorer that shows the most appropriate details for the file type in a flexible layout rather than only showing the details associated with the column headers in the view.
Allow previews, " Folder Icons Reflect Contents ", and retrieval of meta-data on protocols
Voorskoue toegelaat, " Houer Ikone Reflekteer Inhoud ", en terugvraging van meta-data op protokolle

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

television content rating system
content control
active content
aktiewe inhoud
alcoholic content
content class
external content type


Advanced filtering
“Happiness or related mental states like hopefulness, optimism and contentment appear to reduce the risk or limit the severity of cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, hypertension, colds and upper-respiratory infections,” says a report in Time magazine.
“Geluk of soortgelyke geestestoestande soos hoopvolheid, optimisme en tevredenheid verminder blykbaar die risiko of beperk die erns van hartvatsiekte, longkwale, suikersiekte, hoë bloeddruk, verkoues en infeksies in die boonste lugweg”, sê ’n berig in die tydskrif Time.jw2019 jw2019
INHOUD VAN JUDASjw2019 jw2019
Several years have passed since these were released, and perhaps newer publishers have not had a chance to examine their contents.
Etlike jare het al verstryk vandat hulle verskyn het, en nuwer verkondigers het dalk nog nie die geleentheid gehad om hulle inhoud te bestudeer nie.jw2019 jw2019
▪ Keep moving: Vigorous exercise reduces stress and increases feelings of contentment and a sense of control.
▪ Hou aan beweeg: Goeie oefening verminder spanning, laat jou meer tevrede voel en laat jou voel dat sake onder beheer is.jw2019 jw2019
“If someone else had been in the shoes of the two unfortunate [Witnesses],” said Il Gazzettino di Treviso, “he would probably have . . . kept the wallet’s considerable contents.
“As iemand anders in die twee ongelukkige [Getuies] se skoene gestaan het”, het Il Gazzettino di Treviso gesê, “sou hy waarskynlik . . . die aansienlike inhoud van die notebeurs gehou het.jw2019 jw2019
Do your friends add to your contentment or undermine it?
Laat jou vriende jou meer of minder vergenoeg voel?jw2019 jw2019
The study concluded that “movies with the same rating can differ significantly in the amount and type of potentially objectional content” and that “age-based ratings alone do not provide good information about the depiction of violence, sex, profanity and other content.”
In die studie is bevind dat “rolprente met dieselfde ouderdomsbeperking aansienlik kan verskil wat die hoeveelheid en soort potensieel aanstootlike dinge in die film betref” en dat “beperkings wat net op ouderdom gebaseer is, nie genoeg inligting voorsien oor die uitbeelding van geweld, seks, vuil taal en ander dinge nie”.jw2019 jw2019
One Bible writer learned how to be content when he had little.
Een Bybelskrywer het geleer hoe om vergenoeg te wees wanneer hy min gehad het.jw2019 jw2019
Get to Our Online Content Quickly!
Kom vinnig by ons aanlyn inligting uit!jw2019 jw2019
“Abusive speech” (Greek, bla·sphe·miʹa) refers more to the content of the message.
“Smadende taal” (Grieks, bla·sphe·miʹa) verwys meer na die inhoud van die boodskap.jw2019 jw2019
7:7) He was content to serve Jehovah without a wife, but he respected the right of others to enjoy marriage.
7:7). Hy was vergenoeg om Jehovah sonder ’n vrou te dien, maar hy het ander se reg gerespekteer om ’n huwelikslewe te geniet.jw2019 jw2019
error occurred while parsing content
fout voorgekom terwyl verwerking inhoudQXmlKDE40.1 KDE40.1
And if you look at the contents of this space, you'd have your lung and you'd have your heart.
As jy kyk na die inhoud van hierdie spasie - het jy die longe en die hart.QED QED
You are sure to experience genuine joy and contentment by being wholehearted in Jehovah’s service. —Prov.
Jy sal beslis ware vreugde en voldoening verkry deur Jehovah heelhartig te dien.—Spr.jw2019 jw2019
So we read: “A man given to anger stirs up contention, and anyone disposed to rage has many a transgression.”
Ons lees dus: “’n Opvlieënde man verwek twis, en ’n driftige man is ryk aan oortreding” (Spreuke 29:22).jw2019 jw2019
The content of their song suggests that these mighty spirit creatures play an important role in making Jehovah’s holiness known throughout the universe.
Die inhoud van hulle lied dui aan dat hierdie magtige geesskepsele ’n belangrike rol daarin speel om Jehovah se heiligheid deur die ganse heelal bekend te maak.jw2019 jw2019
But I am content to look back on my many years of service to Jehovah, confident that he will remain my firm pillar and support, for he says of himself: “I am Jehovah; I have not changed.”—Malachi 3:6.
Maar ek is tevrede om terug te kyk op my baie jare van diens aan Jehovah, vol vertroue dat hy my onwrikbare pilaar en stut sal bly, want hy sê van homself: “Ek, die HERE, het nie verander nie.”—Maleagi 3:6.jw2019 jw2019
8 What was the content of Haggai’s first message?
8 Wat was die inhoud van Haggai se eerste boodskap?jw2019 jw2019
Still others join in with contented sounds as the mother softly sings to the rhythm of her footsteps.
Nog ander val met tevrede geluidjies in terwyl die moeder saggies op die maat van haar voetstappe sing.jw2019 jw2019
This manuscript of the prophet Isaiah is some one thousand years older than any other surviving copy, yet its contents are not greatly different.
Hierdie manuskrip van die profeet Jesaja is sowat eenduisend jaar ouer as enige ander bestaande afskrif, en nogtans is daar nie ’n groot verskil in die inhoud nie.jw2019 jw2019
Its sugar content determines whether the champagne will be dry, medium, or sweet, to suit the consumer’s taste.
Die suikerinhoud daarvan bepaal of die sjampanje droog, semisoet of soet sal wees, om in die verbruiker se smaak te val.jw2019 jw2019
(Acts 20:35) And they “abound in hope” and have inner peace and contentment.
Hulle ondervind die groter vreugde wat dit verskaf wanneer ’n mens gee, en hulle gee op watter manier hulle ook al kan (Handelinge 20:35).jw2019 jw2019
After analyzing 102 local TV newscasts from 52 metropolitan areas in the United States for content and presentation, a media-watch group found that only 41.3 percent of the programs contained news.
Nadat ’n media-waakgroep die inhoud en aanbieding ontleed het van 102 plaaslike TV-nuusuitsendings van 52 stedelike gebiede in die Verenigde State, het hulle gevind dat net 41,3 persent van die programme uit nuus bestaan.jw2019 jw2019
Because of their content, these meetings were also called Prayer, Praise and Testimony Meetings.
Vanweë hulle inhoud is hierdie vergaderinge ook Gebeds-, Lof- en Getuienisvergaderinge genoem.jw2019 jw2019
Do you feel happy and contented just being who you are?
Voel jy dikwels gelukkig en tevrede met wie jy is?Literature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.