excommunication oor Afrikaans


The act of excommunicating or ejecting; especially an ecclesiastical censure whereby the person against whom it is pronounced is, for the time, cast out of the communication of the church; exclusion from fellowship in things spiritual.

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censure used to deprive, suspend, or limit membership in a religious community
Copies of the translation were burned, and anyone who possessed or read it was threatened with excommunication.
Kopieë van die vertaling is verbrand, en enigiemand wat dit besit of gelees het, is met ekskommunikasie gedreig.

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Four months after I was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, she was disfellowshipped [excommunicated] from the congregation.
Vier maande nadat ek as een van Jehovah se Getuies gedoop is, is sy uit die gemeente gesit [geëkskommunikeer].jw2019 jw2019
Even though anyone known to have connection with the act of castration was supposed to have been excommunicated, a steady influx of young boys became available as the musical needs of the church prevailed.
Hoewel enigeen wat met die daad van kastrasie verbind kon word, veronderstel was om geëkskommunikeer te word, was daar ’n bestendige stroom jong seuns beskikbaar terwyl die kerk se musiekbehoeftes van oorheersende belang was.jw2019 jw2019
Hitler, here seen with the papal nuncio Vassallo di Torregrossa, was never excommunicated
Hitler, hier saam met die pouslike gesant Basallo di Torregrossa, is nooit geëkskommunikeer niejw2019 jw2019
1965: The pope and the Orthodox patriarch mutually nullified the excommunications that their predecessors had pronounced against each other in 1054.
1965: Die ekskommunikasies wat hulle voorgangers in 1054 teen mekaar uitgespreek het, word onderling deur die pous en die Ortodokse patriarg nietig verklaar.jw2019 jw2019
Interestingly, traditionalist Catholics are asking: ‘Why was Monsignor Lefebvre excommunicated when Catholic priests in Holland who bless homosexual “marriages” and South American priests who advocate revolutionary liberation theology are still a part of the church?’
Dit is interessant dat tradisievaste Katolieke wil weet: ‘Waarom is Monseigneur Lefebvre geëkskommuniseer terwyl Katolieke priesters in Holland wat homoseksuele “huwelike” seën en Suid-Amerikaanse priesters wat revolusionêre vryheidsteologie voorstaan nog steeds lede van die kerk is?’jw2019 jw2019
For example, when Emperor Frederick II (1194-1250) chose not to join a Crusade on behalf of the church, Pope Gregory IX named him the antichrist and excommunicated him.
Byvoorbeeld, toe keiser Frederik II (1194-1250) besluit het om nie ’n kruistog mee te maak wat deur die kerk onderneem is nie, het pous Gregorius IX hom die antichris genoem en hom geëkskommunikeer.jw2019 jw2019
By the sixth and seventh centuries, the Roman Catholic Church excommunicated those who had committed suicide and denied them funeral rites.
Teen die sesde en sewende eeu het die Rooms-Katolieke Kerk diegene wat selfmoord gepleeg het, geëkskommunikeer en geweier om vir hulle ’n begrafnisdiens te hou.jw2019 jw2019
Little wonder, then, that one Episcopalian minister said: “Excommunication is part of our tradition, but I don’t think it’s been invoked in this century.”
Dit is derhalwe geen wonder nie dat een Episkopaalse geestelike gesê het: “Ekskommunikasie maak deel uit van ons tradisie, maar ek dink nie dat dit in hierdie eeu toegepas is nie.”jw2019 jw2019
Copies of the translation were burned, and anyone who possessed or read it was threatened with excommunication.
Kopieë van die vertaling is verbrand, en enigiemand wat dit besit of gelees het, is met ekskommunikasie gedreig.jw2019 jw2019
Church authorities excommunicate a person from the Church only when he has chosen to live in opposition to the Lord’s commandments and thus has disqualified himself for further membership in the Church.
Kerkowerhede ekskommunikeer ‘n persoon van die Kerk slegs wanneer hy gekies het om in teenstelling te lewe met die Here se gebooie en homself dus ongeskik verklaar vir verdere lidmaatskap in die Kerk.LDS LDS
The consequences of excommunication were of a temporal [earthly] as well as a spiritual nature.
Die gevolge van ekskommunikasie was van ’n wêreldlike [aardse] sowel as ’n geestelike aard.jw2019 jw2019
The priest threatened him with excommunication, but Aurelio told him that this would not be necessary as he had already left the church.
Die priester het hom met ekskommunikasie gedreig, maar Aurelio het vir hom gesê dat dit nie nodig sou wees nie aangesien hy reeds die kerk verlaat het.jw2019 jw2019
One woman had been told that she would be excommunicated from her church in an attempt to discourage her from accepting nomination.”
In ’n poging om een van die vroue te ontmoedig om die nominasie te aanvaar, is daar vir haar gesê dat sy uit haar kerk geban sou word.”jw2019 jw2019
Almost immediately two priests came with threats to close us down, and a few weeks later the archbishop ordered that our family be excommunicated.
Twee priesters het feitlik onmiddellik gekom en gedreig om ons onderneming toe te maak, en ’n paar weke later het die aartsbiskop beveel dat ons gesin uit die kerk geban word.jw2019 jw2019
Whether it was his antipapal politics or his preaching that caused his undoing, Savonarola was finally excommunicated, arrested, tortured into making a confession, and then hanged and burned.
Hetsy dit sy antipouslike politiek of sy prediking was wat sy ondergang bewerk het, Savonarola is uiteindelik geëkskommunikeer, in hegtenis geneem, gemartel tot hy ’n bekentenis afgelê het en toe gehang en verbrand.jw2019 jw2019
Excommunication is a disciplinary action that results in exclusion from membership in a religion.
Ekskommunikasie is ’n dissiplinêre stap wat tot uitsluiting uit lidmaatskap van ’n godsdiens lei.jw2019 jw2019
EkskommunikeerLDS LDS
Why weren’t they excommunicated?
Waarom is hulle nie geëkskommunikeer nie?jw2019 jw2019
Actually, the pope judged important matters as the court of last resort and could bend kings to his will by excommunication and by interdict.
Die pous het inderdaad as die hof van laaste instansie oor belangrike sake beslis, en hy kon konings aan sy wil onderwerp deur ekskommunikasie en deur interdik.jw2019 jw2019
* He was condemned and excommunicated in 1410.
* Hy is in 1410 veroordeel en geëkskommuniseer.jw2019 jw2019
Royko added: “I’ve never read anything about O’Connor announcing: ‘Anybody who is connected with a crime family —the Genovese outfit, the Gambino mob and the rest of them— faces excommunication.
Royko het bygevoeg: “Ek het nog nooit enigiets gelees oor O’Connor wat aankondig nie: ‘Elkeen wat verbonde is aan ’n misdaadfamilie—die Genovese-bende, die Gambino-bende en al die ander—staar ekskommunikasie in die gesig.jw2019 jw2019
The truth, Littell said, was that “six million Jews were targeted and systematically murdered in the heart of Christendom, by baptized Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Eastern Orthodox who were never rebuked, let alone excommunicated.”
Die waarheid, het Littell gesê, is dat “sesmiljoen Jode in die hart van die Christendom die skyf van ’n aanval geword het en stelselmatig vermoor is deur gedoopte Rooms-Katolieke, Protestante en Oosters-Ortodokse wat nooit berispe, wat nog te sê geëkskommunikeer, is nie”.jw2019 jw2019
For example, the Catholic Telegraph- Register of Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A., under the heading “Reared as Catholic but Violates Faith Says Cable to Pope,” reported: “An appeal has been made to Pius XII that Reichsfuehrer Adolph Hitler be excommunicated. . . .
Die Catholic Telegraph-Register van Cincinnati, Ohio, VSA, het byvoorbeeld onder die opskrif “As Katoliek grootgemaak maar skend die geloof sê kabelgram aan pous” berig: “’n Versoek is tot Pius XII gerig dat reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler geëkskommunikeer word. . . .jw2019 jw2019
When 15 of those people took a stand for true worship, the church excommunicated them.
Toe 15 van hierdie mense ’n standpunt vir ware aanbidding ingeneem het, het die kerk hulle geëkskommunikeer.jw2019 jw2019
The church even excommunicated one dissident posthumously after the Nazis had executed him.
Die kerk het selfs een andersdenkende wat deur die Nazi’s tereggestel is ná sy dood geëkskommunikeer.jw2019 jw2019
86 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.