fraternity oor Afrikaans


The quality of being brothers; brotherhood

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group of people associated for a common purpose


A group of people associated for a common purpose.

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Such persons were to be marked, and there was to be no fraternizing with them, although they were to be admonished as brothers.
Sulke mense moes geteken, of gemerk, word en daar moes geen broederlike gemeenskap met hulle gehou word nie, hoewel hulle as broers vermaan moes word.jw2019 jw2019
For want of a bishop to ordain new priests, the elderly Lefebvre realized that his Priestly Fraternity risked dying out after his death.
By gebrek aan ’n biskop om nuwe priesters te orden, het die bejaarde Lefebvre besef dat sy Priesterlike Broederskap gevaar loop om na sy dood uit te sterf.jw2019 jw2019
From Fraternizing to Idolatry
Van noue omgang tot afgodediensjw2019 jw2019
I was allowed outside the camp, although fraternization with the local people was restricted.
Ek is toegelaat om die kamp te verlaat, maar ons is nie toegelaat om te vryelik met die plaaslike mense te assosieer nie.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus’ hearers well knew that the Jews of that day had no fraternization with Gentiles and that they shunned tax collectors as outcasts.
Die mense met wie Jesus gepraat het, het goed geweet dat die Jode van daardie tyd glad niks met nie-Jode te doen gehad het nie en dat hulle belastinggaarders as uitgeworpenes vermy het.jw2019 jw2019
In Great Ages of Man, editor Russell Bourne notes that only in the 20th century has “the old ideal of a global fraternity become a practical possibility.”
In Great Ages of Man sê die redakteur Russell Bourne dat “die ou ideaal van ’n wêreldwye broederskap” eers in die 20ste eeu “’n praktiese moontlikheid geword het”.jw2019 jw2019
Once a year, on “Saint” Benedict’s feast day, such fraternities would elect a king and a queen from among their members, a custom derived from the succession of African tribal kings.
Een keer per jaar, op “sint” Benedictus se feesdag, het hierdie broederskappe ’n koning en koningin uit hulle geledere gekies, ’n gebruik wat afkomstig is van die opeenvolging van stamkonings in Afrika.jw2019 jw2019
“Justice and fraternal love are the two indispensable pillars of true peace among people.” —Chief Amadou Gasseto, representative of traditional African religions.
“Geregtigheid en broederliefde is die twee onontbeerlike pilare van ware vrede onder mense.”—Hoofman Amadou Gasseto, verteenwoordiger van tradisionele Afrikagodsdienste.jw2019 jw2019
And though it is known as a fraternal society that provides help for its members, I observed rituals that involved the use of skulls and bones and the invoking of spirits.
En hoewel dit bekend staan as ’n broederbond wat aan sy lede hulp verleen, het ek daar tydens rituele gesien hoe skedels en beendere gebruik en geeste opgeroep word.jw2019 jw2019
It was administered by the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X, which Lefebvre founded the same year.
Dit is bestuur deur die Priesterlike Broederskap van Sint Pius X, wat Lefebvre daardie selfde jaar gestig het.jw2019 jw2019
Should we not expect such detrimental effects if we fraternize with those who may be friendly but do not share Christian beliefs, values, and principles?
Moet ons nie sulke skadelike gevolge verwag as ons noue omgang het met diegene wat dalk vriendelik is, maar nie dieselfde Christelike opvattings, waardes en beginsels as ons het nie?jw2019 jw2019
For one extraordinary week in 1914, soldiers of the British and German armies fraternized, played soccer, and even exchanged Christmas presents.
Vir een buitengewone week in 1914 het soldate van die Britse en Duitse leërs mekaar soos broers behandel, saam sokker gespeel en selfs Kersgeskenke uitgeruil.jw2019 jw2019
Some fraternal organizations, youth clubs, social clubs, and other groups are also secret, or at least semisecret.
Party verenigings van mense met dieselfde belange, jeugklubs, sosiale klubs en ander groepe is ook geheim of ten minste halfgeheim.jw2019 jw2019
We are fully aware that a critical element of our preparations should be the building of a strong South African team which will do us and the whole of the football fraternity proud. I am certain that the South African Football Association, our coaches led by Carlos Alberto Parreira, and the players are aware of the heavy responsibility they carry to prepare a national team of which both we and Africa should be proud
Ons is heeltemal bewus daarvan dat 'n kritieke bestanddeel van ons voorbereidings die bou is van 'n sterk Suid-Afrikaanse span op wie ons en die hele sokkergemeenskap trots kan wees. Ek is seker dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Sokkervereniging, ons afrigters onder leiding van Carlos Alberto Parreira, en die spelers self bewus is van die geweldige verantwoordelikheid wat op hul skouers rus om 'n nasionale span voor te berei waarop ons en Afrika trots kan weesSPC SPC
They formed their own league, or fraternity (Hebrew, chavu·rahʹ).
Hulle het hulle eie bond, of broederskap (Hebreeus, chawoe·rahʹ), gevorm.jw2019 jw2019
Danielle Mitterand, wife of the late French president, remembered about her youth: “People dreamed of living freely in a fraternal society they could trust; of being at one with themselves living among and with others; they dreamed of living healthy, peaceful and dignified lives in a strong and generous world that watched over them.”
Danielle Mitterand, die vrou van die oorlede Franse president, het van haar jeug gesê: “Mense het daarvan gedroom om in vryheid te lewe in ’n broederskap wat hulle kon vertrou; om gemoedsrus te hê terwyl hulle saam met ander lewe; hulle het daarvan gedroom om gesonde, vreedsame en waardige lewens te lei in ’n gevestigde en mededeelsame wêreld wat oor hulle waak.”jw2019 jw2019
“For the fraternity of fortune-tellers, astrologers, and clairvoyants, the year 2001 was another big flop,” states the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.
“Die jaar 2001 was nog ’n groot mislukking vir fortuinvertellers, astroloë en clairvoyante”, sê die Duitse koerant Süddeutsche Zeitung.jw2019 jw2019
(Psalm 139:21, 22) We do not want to fraternize with any willful sinners, for we have nothing in common with them.
(Psalm 139:21, 22). Ons wil nie met enige moedswillige sondaars omgaan nie, want ons het niks met hulle in gemeen nie.jw2019 jw2019
Greek orator Libanius of the fourth century C.E. went so far as to say that tutors had to act as “guards of the blossoming youth,” to “drive out the undesirable lovers, thrusting them away and keeping them out, not allowing them to fraternize with the boys.”
Die Griekse redenaar Libanius van die vierde eeu G.J. het selfs gesê dat tugmeesters moes optree as “beskermers van die ontluikende jeug”, om “die ongewenste minnaars te verdryf, hulle te verjaag en weg te hou, hulle nie toe te laat om oorvriendelik te raak met die seuns nie”.jw2019 jw2019
If we do, we shall encounter the warmth of the sunshine of compassion and fraternity.”
As ons dit doen, sal ons die hartlikheid van die sonskyn van medelye en broederskap ondervind.”jw2019 jw2019
They were indeed fanatic in their drive to be separate from Gentiles, but they also saw their fraternity as separate from—and superior to—the common Jewish people, who were ignorant of the complexities of the oral law.
Hulle was inderdaad fanaties in hulle pogings om afgeskeie van die heidene te wees, maar hulle het ook hulle broederskap as afgeskeie van—en verhewe bo—die gewone Joodse mense beskou wat oningelig oor die ingewikkeldhede van die mondelinge wet was.jw2019 jw2019
We were fraternity brothers, and hey, once a frat bro, always a frat bro.
Ons was in dieselfde koshuis en hei, dis mos ’n broederskap wat vir altyd hou.Literature Literature
It proudly proclaims itself the land of “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.”
Hulle verkondig trots dat hulle die land van “Vryheid, Gelykheid, Broederskap” is.jw2019 jw2019
Fraternizing with those who do not love Jehovah can lead us into idolatry
Noue omgang met diegene wat Jehovah nie liefhet nie, kan daartoe lei dat ons afgodediens beoefenjw2019 jw2019
Statistics indicate a higher incidence of hypertension in identical twins than in fraternal twins.
Volgens statistiek is daar ’n hoër voorkoms van hipertensie by identiese tweelinge as by gewone tweelinge.jw2019 jw2019
32 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.