give way oor Afrikaans

give way

To yield to persistent persuasion.

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It is possible for a person to abandon humility and give way to pride and self-exaltation, which lead to presumptuousness and disaster.
Iemand kan nederigheid laat vaar en toegee aan trots en selfverheffing, wat tot vermetelheid en rampspoed lei.

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Praise and adoration of them will give way to derision and contempt.
Lof en eer sal plek maak vir spot en minagting.jw2019 jw2019
After catching hold of him, Jesus asked him: “Why did you give way to doubt?”
Nadat Jesus hom gegryp het, het hy hom gevra: “Waarom het jy begin twyfel?”jw2019 jw2019
The fact is, the “old earth” has to give way to a new system.
Die feit is dat die “ou aarde” plek moet maak vir ’n nuwe stelsel.jw2019 jw2019
For the tiger, “existence is giving way to extinction.”
Die tier “staar uitwissing in die gesig”.jw2019 jw2019
Rather than give way to despair, ask yourself, ‘Why am I suffering?’
In plaas van aan wanhoop toe te gee, kan jy jou eerder afvra: ‘Waarom ly ek?’jw2019 jw2019
There is evidence, though, that the traditional way of life is beginning to give way to Western modernization.
Daar is egter bewyse dat die tradisionele lewenswyse vir Westerse modernisasie begin plek maak.jw2019 jw2019
7 James tells his readers to “give way to misery and mourn and weep.”
7 Jakobus sê vir sy lesers dat hulle moet ‘toegee aan ellende en treur en huil’.jw2019 jw2019
Similarly, the mottled summer plumage of the ptarmigan gives way to a brilliant white.
So ook maak die sneeuhoender se gespikkelde somervere plek vir ’n skitterwit veredos.jw2019 jw2019
Suddenly, the tar gives way to dirt, rutted and full of potholes.
Skielik hou die teerpad op en die grondpad, uitgery en vol slaggate, begin.jw2019 jw2019
He controls it and carefully weighs what might occur if he gives way to anger.
Hy beheers dit en dink sorgvuldig na oor wat kan gebeur as hy aan sy woede uiting gee.jw2019 jw2019
Never will give way to fear
Sorg dat geen vrees hom verteer,jw2019 jw2019
Slowly, what was at first only impatience gives way to something more disconcerting, something called doubt.
Wat aanvanklik slegs ongeduld was, begin stadigaan oorgaan in iets ontstellenders, iets wat twyfel genoem word.jw2019 jw2019
They must not give way prematurely.
Hulle moet nie te vroeg ophou nie.jw2019 jw2019
Higher up, the moorlands give way to the alpine zone.
Hoër op, ná die moerasland, kry ’n mens die alpynse sone.jw2019 jw2019
Food shortages will give way to abundance.
In plaas van hongersnode sal daar oorvloed wees.jw2019 jw2019
“You with little faith, why did you give way to doubt?” —Matthew 14:31.
“Kleingelowige, waarom het jy begin twyfel?”—Matteus 14:31.jw2019 jw2019
Give way to fear, like the people around them?
Moet hulle swig voor vrees, soos die mense om hulle?jw2019 jw2019
Suddenly, the ground gives way.
Skielik gee die grond mee.jw2019 jw2019
* (29:3-7) The people give way to rejoicing at this privilege.
Die volk verheug hulle oor hierdie voorreg.jw2019 jw2019
But it is not to be considered a sign of weakness to grieve and give way to tears.
Maar dit moet glad nie as ’n teken van swakheid beskou word as ’n mens bedroef is en huil nie.jw2019 jw2019
Squeaking, the rusted hinges gradually give way.
Al krakend gee die geroeste skarniere geleidelik mee.jw2019 jw2019
But behold, Moroni and his men were more powerful; therefore they did not give way before the Lamanites.
Maar kyk, Moroni en sy manne was kragtiger; daarom het hulle nie gewyk voor die Lamaniete nie.LDS LDS
When Jesus sees Mary and the crowd with her weeping, he too gives way “to tears.”
Toe Jesus sien hoe Maria en die skare wat saam met haar was, huil, stort hy ook “trane”.jw2019 jw2019
On the 15th of Adar, there is rest, and the Jews give way to banqueting and rejoicing.
Op die 15de Adar word daar gerus, en die Jode maak dit n dag van feesmaaltye en vrolikheid.jw2019 jw2019
Already, traditional views of governments, religions, and people are giving way to new voices and demands.
Die tradisionele beskouings van regerings, godsdienste en mense word reeds deur nuwe stemme en eise vervang.jw2019 jw2019
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