goal seek oor Afrikaans

goal seek

A method to find a specific value for a cell by adjusting the value of one other cell. When goal seeking, Excel varies the value in a cell that you specify until a formula that's dependent on that cell returns the result you want.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Afrikaans


A method to find a specific value for a cell by adjusting the value of one other cell. When goal seeking, Excel varies the value in a cell that you specify until a formula that's dependent on that cell returns the result you want.

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Goal seeking with cell cell found solution
Teiken soek met sel % # gevind ' n oplossingSPC SPC
Goal seeking with cell %# found a solution
Teiken soek met sel % # gevind ' n oplossingKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Goal seeking with cell %# has found NO solution
Teiken soek met sel % # het gevind Nee oplossingKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Goal seeking with cell found solution
Teiken soek met sel % # gevind ' n oplossingKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Draw close to those in the congregation who can help you reach out for spiritual goals, and seek their guidance.
Kom nader aan dié in die gemeente wat jou kan help om geestelike doelwitte na te streef, en vra hulle om leiding.jw2019 jw2019
17 This shows what can happen when people who claim to serve God lose sight of spiritual goals and seek first material things.
17 Dit toon wat kan gebeur wanneer mense wat beweer dat hulle God dien, hulle geestelike doelwitte uit die oog verloor en materiële dinge eerste stel.jw2019 jw2019
6 You too can reach your spiritual goals as you seek Kingdom interests first.
6 Jy kan ook jou geestelike doelwitte bereik terwyl jy Koninkryksbelange eerste stel.jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 16:24) You may forsake some personal goals and ambitions and ‘seek first the kingdom of God.’
Toewyding behels dat jy ‘jouself verloën’ (Matteus 16:24).jw2019 jw2019
No longer are they in darkness mentally, nor are they motivated by insensible hearts seeking unprofitable goals.
Hulle is nie meer verstandelik in duisternis nie, en hulle word ook nie deur ’n ongevoelige hart beweeg om nuttelose doelwitte na te streef nie.jw2019 jw2019
• What blessings come from seeking spiritual goals?
• Watter seëninge geniet ’n mens wanneer jy geestelike doelwitte nastreef?jw2019 jw2019
• What is the goal behind our praying for and seeking to strengthen our brothers and sisters?
• Met watter doelwit in gedagte bid ons vir ons broers en susters en probeer ons hulle versterk?jw2019 jw2019
Man’s goal is to seek communion with the presence behind the phenomena, and to seek it with the aim of bringing his self into harmony with this absolute spiritual reality.” —An Historian’s Approach to Religion, by Arnold Toynbee.
Die Mens se doel is om gemeenskap met die persoonlikheid agter die verskynsel te soek, en om dit te soek met die oogmerk om homself in harmonie met hierdie absolute geestelike werklikheid te bring.” —An Historian’s Approach to Religion, deur Arnold Toynbee.jw2019 jw2019
What goal do devotees of “Pure Land” Buddhism seek?
Watter doel probeer aanhangers van “Rein Land”-Boeddhisme bereik?jw2019 jw2019
6 By means of the Kingdom-preaching work, people today are being urged to stop walking in their normal way, in ignorance of God’s purposes, in darkness mentally, motivated by insensible hearts seeking unprofitable goals.
6 Mense word vandag deur middel van die Koninkrykspredikingswerk aangespoor om op te hou om op hulle normale wyse te wandel, naamlik in onkunde aangaande God se voornemens, verstandelik verduisterd, beweeg deur ongevoelige harte wat vrugtelose doelwitte nastreef.jw2019 jw2019
Because if we make the doing of God’s will our goal in life, we will seek to reflect the glorious good news in every aspect of our lives.
Omdat ons, as dit ons lewensdoelwit is om God se wil te doen, sal probeer om die glorieryke goeie nuus in elke aspek van ons lewe te weerspieël.jw2019 jw2019
Seek First the Kingdom’ —Our Family Goal
Soek eers die Koninkryk’ —ons gesin se doelwitjw2019 jw2019
Why not seek Jehovah’s help and make it a goal to start a Bible study?
Vra Jehovah gerus om hulp en stel jou dit ten doel om ’n Bybelstudie te begin.jw2019 jw2019
By making the doing of God’s will our goal in life, we will seek to reflect the glorious good news about the Kingdom in every aspect of our lives. —5/1, pages 12, 13.
Deur God se wil ons lewensdoelwit te maak, sal ons probeer om die glorieryke goeie nuus van die Koninkryk in elke aspek van ons lewe te weerspieël. —1/5, bladsye 12, 13.jw2019 jw2019
Most people in that situation are not prepared to sacrifice materialistic interests and to seek God’s Kingdom as the primary goal in their lives. —Luke 18:18-30.
Die meeste mense in daardie situasie is nie bereid om materiële belange prys te gee en God se Koninkryk as die vernaamste doelwit in hulle lewe na te streef nie.—Lukas 18:18-30.jw2019 jw2019
7 Our goal is to help honesthearted ones learn about Jehovah and motivate them to seek the Kingdom first.
7 Ons doel is om opregte mense te help om van Jehovah te leer en hulle te beweeg om eers die Koninkryk te soek en ware vrede en veiligheid te vind.jw2019 jw2019
For your part, why not make it your goal to comment at congregation meetings and thus praise Jehovah and seek to upbuild others?
Waarom stel jy jou dit nie ten doel om by gemeentelike vergaderinge kommentaar te lewer en sodoende Jehovah te loof en ander te probeer opbou nie?jw2019 jw2019
Rather than view them as fixed, legal procedures, seek to grasp their sense, never losing sight of your loving goal.
In plaas van dit as ’n vaste, wetlike prosedure te beskou, probeer eerder die sin daarvan begryp, en moet nooit vergeet wat jou liefdevolle doelwit is nie.jw2019 jw2019
Consider inviting those you teach to set a goal to pray each morning for opportunities to serve and then to seek them throughout the day.
Dink daaroor om diegene wat jy onderrig uit te nooi om ‘n doelwit te stel om elke oggend te bid vir geleenthede om te dien en hulle dan deur die dag uit te soek.LDS LDS
According to the Tribune, the practice of putting written prayers in cracks in the wall is “a good-luck measure” practiced by worshipers who seek divine help in their search for a marriage partner, better health, or other goals.
Volgens die Tribune is die gebruik om geskrewe gebede in krake in die muur in te steek “’n geluksmaatreël” wat gebruik word deur aanbidders wat Goddelike hulp verlang in hulle soektog na ’n lewensmaat, beter gesondheid of ander doelwitte.jw2019 jw2019
25 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.