knead oor Afrikaans


/niːd/ werkwoord
(transitive) To work and press into a mass, usually with the hands; especially, to work, as by repeated pressure with the knuckles, into a well mixed mass, the materials of bread, cake, etc.

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As we talk, our hostess kindly brings us some traditional mint tea, while the daughters, who have remained in the kitchen part of the tent, knead dough to make flour cakes.
Terwyl ons gesels, bring ons vriendelike gasvrou vir ons tradisionele kruisementtee, en die dogters, wat in die kombuisdeel van die tent gebly het, knie deeg om meelkoeke te maak.jw2019 jw2019
When nearly cold, the paste is so firm that it can be kneaded and stuffed into a mold.
Wanneer die pasta amper koud is, is dit so styf dat dit geknie en in ’n vorm gedruk kan word.jw2019 jw2019
The sons are picking up sticks of wood, and the fathers are lighting the fire, and the wives are kneading flour dough.”
Die kinders maak hout bymekaar, en die vaders steek die vuur aan, en die vroue knie deeg.”jw2019 jw2019
Every morning he woke up at four o’clock to mix and knead the dough for his famous buns, cakes and biscuits.
Hy staan elke oggend vieruur op om die deeg vir sy beroemde broodrolletjies, koek en koekies te meng en te knie.nalibali nalibali
Using his bare feet, Joe kneaded the clay and sand together until it felt just right.
Joe het die klei en sand met sy kaal voete saamgeknie totdat dit net reg gevoel het.jw2019 jw2019
She would knead the dough (6) and then leave the mixture to rise while continuing with other chores.
Sy het die deeg geknie (6) en die mengsel dan laat staan om te rys, terwyl sy met ander take voortgegaan het.jw2019 jw2019
Knead on floured surface for 15 minutes
Knie vir 15 minute op ’n meelbestrooide oppervlaktejw2019 jw2019
And kneading the dough can be a healthy outlet for all sorts of frustrations!
En as jy die deeg knie, kan jy op ’n gesonde manier aan allerhande frustrasies uiting gee!jw2019 jw2019
Eventually, it is kneaded and then stuffed into molds.
Uiteindelik word dit geknie en dan in vorms gedruk.jw2019 jw2019
Be gentle, and do not knead or wring the fabric.
Werk saggies, en moenie die materiaal knie of uitwring nie.jw2019 jw2019
His hand shifted to her breast, small and soft as a bird, his fingers kneaded the tissue carefully under the material.
Sy hand skuif na haar bors, klein en sag soos ’n voëltjie, sy vingers knie die weefsel versigtig onder die materiaal.Literature Literature
Knead lightly, and shape into four loaves
Knie liggies en vorm brodejw2019 jw2019
His mother daily kneaded his damaged muscles and urged him to walk and then run.
Sy ma het elke dag sy beskadigde spiere gemasseer en hom aangemoedig om te loop en toe te hardloop.jw2019 jw2019
“The people carried their flour dough before it was leavened,” explains Exodus 12:34, “with their kneading troughs wrapped up in their mantles upon their shoulder.”
“Die volk [het] hulle deeg geneem voordat dit ingesuur is”, verduidelik Eksodus 12:34, “met hulle knieskottels in hulle mantels toegebind op hulle skouers.”jw2019 jw2019
Blessed will be your basket and your kneading trough.
Geseënd sal wees jou mandjie en jou bakskottel.jw2019 jw2019
Get three measures of fine flour, knead the dough, and make loaves of bread.”
Kry drie sea fynmeel, knie die deeg en maak ronde koeke.”jw2019 jw2019
In part, this is because the carbohydrates in the flour receive an ample amount of hydration during the kneading and leavening process.
Dit is deels omdat die koolhidrate in die meel genoeg met water verbind terwyl die deeg geknie word en rys.jw2019 jw2019
17 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.