labour market oor Afrikaans

labour market

Alternative form of [i]labor market[/i]

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Perhaps the most important of these related to jobs and labour-market policy.
Miskien die belangrikste hiervan was in verband met werkgeleenthede en arbeidsmarkbeleid.Literature Literature
The jobs crisis was worsened by the draconian labour-market restrictions introduced after 2019.
Die werkgeleenthedekrisis is vererger deur drakoniese arbeidsmarkbeperkings wat ná 2019 ingestel is.Literature Literature
For people with no formal education, the labour-market absorption rate is around 30%.
Vir mense met geen formele opleiding nie is die arbeidsmark-absorpsiekoers omtrent 30%.Literature Literature
There is also a correlation between the labour-market absorption rate and a person’s level of education.
Daar is ook ’n korrelasie tussen die arbeidsmark-absorpsiekoers en ’n persoon se opleiding.Literature Literature
Young people are arguably the greatest beneficiaries of the government’s labour-market reforms.
Jong mense is stellig die grootste begunstigdes van die regering se arbeidsmarkhervormings.Literature Literature
The effects of misguided and inept labour market policy were further exacerbated by militant trade union activity.
Die gevolge van ondeurdagte en ongerymde arbeidsmarkbeleid is verder vererger deur militante vakbondaktiwiteit.Literature Literature
South Africa has seen its labour-market absorption rate increase by more than 10 percentage points over the past decade.
Suid-Afrika se arbeidsmark-absorpsiekoers het oor die afgelope dekade met meer as tien persentasiepunte gestyg.Literature Literature
For many young people, easier access to the labour market has also served as an opportunity to obtain an education.
Baie jong mense het makliker toegang tot die arbeidsmark ook as ’n geleentheid gesien om opleiding te kry.Literature Literature
This will ensure the systematic linkage of beneficiaries of social assistance to municipal services and work opportunities, continuously focused on the task to ensure that as many of our people as possible graduate out of dependence on social grants and enter the labour market. In the meantime, we will continue to explore new initiatives which will progressively improve the social wage
Bogenoemde sal sorg dat mense wat maatskaplike bystand ontvang op sistematiese wyse met munisipale dienste en werksgeleenthede gekoppel word, en sal ons voortdurend gerig hou op ons taak om soveel moontlik van ons mense van hulle afhanklikheid van maatskaplike toelaes te speen en hulle tot die arbeidsmark te laat toetree. Intussen sal ons voortgaan om nuwe inisiatiewe te soek wat die maatskaplike loon progressief sal verbeterSPC SPC
In October another # individuals in # households will be selected to participate in South Africa's first national panel study, the National Income Dynamics Study. These # individuals will be tracked over time, to further our understanding of such issues such as migration, labour market transitions, inter-generational mobility and household formation and dissolution. I wish to take this opportunity to call on all those selected to cooperate fully in these important undertakings
In Oktober sal nog # individue in # huishoudings gekies word om aan Suid-Afrika se eerste nasionale paneelondersoek, die Nasionale Inkomstedinamiekstudie, deel te neem. Die doen en late van hierdie # individue sal oor ́n lang tydperk gevolg word om ons begrip van sake soos migrasie, skuiwe in die arbeidsmark, mobiliteit tussen generasies onderling en huishoudelike inligting en ontbinding te verhoog. Ek wil by hierdie geleentheid ́n beroep doen op diegene wat vir deelname aan hierdie belangrike ondernemings gekies is om hulle volle samewerking aan hierdie belangrike onderneming te verleenSPC SPC
The book Mega-city Growth and the Future similarly observes: “The massive inflow of people often leads to high levels of unemployment and underemployment because the market for labour may be unable to absorb the expanding number of job seekers.”
Die boek Mega-city Growth and the Future sê eweneens: “Die geweldige toeloop van mense lei dikwels tot hoë vlakke van werkloosheid en werkskaarste omdat die arbeidsmark nie die toenemende aantal werksoekers kan absorbeer nie.”jw2019 jw2019
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