partition oor Afrikaans


/pɑɹˈtɪʃən/ werkwoord, naamwoord
An action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Afrikaans




A section of space on a physical disk that functions as if it were a separate disk.
Do not check & partition table
Moet nie bevestig partisie tabel

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Afrikaans

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Soortgelyke frases

disk partition
boot partition


Advanced filtering
Do not check partition table
Moet nie bevestig partisie tabelSPC SPC
That “wall,” or symbol of separation, was the Law covenant arrangement that acted as a partition between Jews and Gentiles.
Daardie “middelmuur”, of simbool van skeiding, was die Wetsverbondsreëling wat as ’n skeidsmuur tussen Jode en nie-Jode gedien het.jw2019 jw2019
The swap space is the virtual memory available to the system. It will be used on demand and is provided through one or more swap partitions and/or swap files
Die uitruil spasie is die virtuele geheue beskikbaar na die stelsel. Dit sal gebruik word op versoek en word voorsien deur een of meer ruil gedeeltes en/of uitruil lÃÂaersSPC SPC
The steps leading down into the water were sometimes divided by a low partition wall.
Die trap wat in die water ingelei het, is soms deur ’n lae muurtjie verdeel.jw2019 jw2019
A gold nose ring inserted through a side of the nose or the partition separating the nostrils suggested that the wearer was a cultured person.
’n Goue neusring wat deur die kant van die neus of deur die neusskot gesteek is, het aangedui dat die draer ’n verfynde persoon is.jw2019 jw2019
Mounted Partitions Monitor
Gekoppelde Partisies MonitorCommentKDE40.1 KDE40.1
After 190 years of British rule, India, under the leadership of Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, gained its independence in 1947, and with it came partition.
Ná 190 jaar van Britse heerskappy het Indië in 1947, onder leiding van Mohandas Gandhi en Jawaharlal Nehru, sy onafhanklikheid verkry, en daarmee saam het verdeling gekom.jw2019 jw2019
Menashe Har-el in his book This Is Jerusalem, “was accepted . . . by the United Nations with the Partition Resolution of November 1947.
Menashe Har-el in sy boek This Is Jerusalem, “is . . . met die Verdelingsresolusie van November 1947 deur die Verenigde Nasies aanvaar.jw2019 jw2019
When India was partitioned, the Islamic nation of Pakistan was born.
Toe Indië verdeel is, is die Islamitiese nasie van Pakistan gevorm.jw2019 jw2019
In 1947, the country was partitioned into India and Pakistan.
In 1947 is die land verdeel in Indië en Pakistan.jw2019 jw2019
The Ottomans, who controlled the country at that time, tried to bring peace by partitioning the holy sites among the different faiths.
Die Ottomane, wat die land op daardie stadium regeer het, het vrede probeer bewerkstellig deur die heilige plekke onder die verskillende gelowe te verdeel.jw2019 jw2019
Partition information
leaving a thin partition there between the water and the bubble, hardly an eighth of an inch thick; and in many places the small bubbles in this partition had burst out downward, and probably there was no ice at all under the largest bubbles, which were a foot in diameter.
laat ́n dun partisie tussen die water en die borrel, skaars ́n agste van ́ n duim dik, en in baie plekke die klein borrels in hierdie partisie het gebars en ondertoe, was en was daar waarskynlik geen ys by almal onder die grootste bel, wat ́n voet in deursnee.QED QED
If a man said, ‘There is no obligation to wear phylacteries’ so that he transgresses the words of the Law, he is not culpable; [but if he said], ‘There should be in them five partitions’, so that he adds to the words of the Scribes, he is culpable.”—The Mishnah, by Herbert Danby, page 400.
As ’n man sê: ‘Daar is geen verpligting om filakterieë te dra nie’ en hy sodoende die woorde van die Wet oortree, is hy nie strafbaar nie; [maar as hy sê]: ‘Daar moet vyf afskortings daarin wees’ en hy sodoende iets by die woorde van die Skrifgeleerdes voeg, dan is hy strafbaar.”—The Mishnah, deur Herbert Danby, bladsy 400.jw2019 jw2019
The thatched-roof houses had dirt floors, no inner partitions, and no furniture, other than hammocks.
Die grasdakhuise het grondvloere gehad, geen binnemure nie en ook geen meubels behalwe die hangmatte nie.jw2019 jw2019
Partition Usage
Partisie GebruikSPC SPC
“The partition line shall be nothing but a line of fire and blood,” warned the Arab League.
“Die skeidslyn sal niks anders wees nie as ’n lyn van vuur en bloed”, het die Arabiese Bond gewaarsku.jw2019 jw2019
The “holy” Crusades (1096-1270), the Thirty Years’ War in Europe (1618-48), two world wars, and the slaughter of some 200,000 Hindus and Muslims on the partition of India (1947) are just a few examples of religion’s bloodguilt.
Die “heilige” Kruistogte (1096-1270), die Dertigjarige Oorlog in Europa (1618-1648), twee wêreldoorloë en die slagting van sowat 200 000 Hindoes en Moslems oor die verdeling van Indië (1948) is net ’n paar voorbeelde van godsdiens se bloedskuld.jw2019 jw2019
This would refer to the practice of partitioning the heavens into fields so as to cast horoscopes.
Dit verwys na die gebruik om die hemel in sektore te verdeel om horoskope te trek.jw2019 jw2019
The brothers had to lift me over a partition and let me down into the water in order for me to be baptized.
Die broers moes my oor ’n afskorting tel en my in die water laat sak sodat ek gedoop kon word.jw2019 jw2019
The interior walls of a Japanese house are intended to be more like partitions than solid barriers.
Die binnemure van ’n Japannese huis is bedoel om meer soos afskortings as soliede mure te wees.jw2019 jw2019
Enter the root filesystem (i. e. the partition that will be mounted as/at boot time) for the kernel you want to boot here
Invoer die root lÃaersisteem (i. e. die partisie wat sal wees gekoppelde as/na boot tyd) vir die kernel jy wil hÃa na boot hierSPC SPC
His room is a section of the first-floor hallway, partitioned off by plywood.
Sy kamer is ’n deel van die gang op die onderste verdieping wat met laaghout afgeskort is.jw2019 jw2019
The partitions between the rooms are of the flimsiest nature.
Die afskortings tussen die kamers van die flimsiest aard.QED QED
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