per capita oor Afrikaans

per capita

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shared equally among all individuals

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Afrikaans

Per capita

According to the study, “nine of 10 countries with the highest incidence rates per capita were in Africa.”
Volgens die studie was “nege van die 10 lande met die hoogste voorkomssyfers per capita in Afrika”.

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This country has one of the world’s highest per capita consumptions of pure alcohol.
Hierdie land is een van die wêreld se grootste verbruikers van suiwer alkohol per persoon.jw2019 jw2019
For example, you state that Switzerland has the highest per capita gun ownership in Europe.
Julle sê byvoorbeeld dat Switserland die hoogste vuurwapenbesit per persoon in Europa het.jw2019 jw2019
The average per capita income in the 42 nations is only $200 (U.S.) a year.
Die gemiddelde inkomste per capita onder die 42 nasies is slegs R520 per jaar.jw2019 jw2019
Finland has the world’s greatest per capita consumption of alcoholic spirits.
Finland het die wêreld se hoogste drankverbruik per capita.jw2019 jw2019
Venezuelans drink more alcohol per capita than any other Latin-American country, reports El Universal newspaper, of Caracas.
Die mense van Venezuela drink meer alkohol per capita as in enige ander Latyns-Amerikaanse land, berig die koerant El Universal, van Caracas.jw2019 jw2019
The next-largest per capita greenhouse gas emitters were Canada (22 tons) and the United States (21.4 tons).
Kanada (22 ton) en die Verenigde State (21,4 ton) was volgende op die lys van lande wat die meeste kweekhuisgasse per capita vrygestel het.jw2019 jw2019
Worldwide, Americans hold the lead, eating more than 21 quarts [20 L] each year per capita.
Wêreldwyd loop die Amerikaners nog voor, waar elke persoon meer as 20 liter per jaar eet.jw2019 jw2019
According to the study, “nine of 10 countries with the highest incidence rates per capita were in Africa.”
Volgens die studie was “nege van die 10 lande met die hoogste voorkomssyfers per capita in Afrika”.jw2019 jw2019
Per capita GDP rose quickly in the 2000s but then flattened out and is now declining.
Die per capita-BBP het in die 2000’s vinnig gestyg, maar het toe afgeplat en is nou aan die afneem.Literature Literature
Middle Eastern countries, with three times South Asia’s per capita income, receive $55 per person.
Lande in die Midde-Ooste, waarvan die inkomste per persoon drie keer soveel as dié van Suid-Asië is, ontvang R151 per persoon.jw2019 jw2019
It is possible to imagine a future scenario in which per capita GDP again rises quickly.
Dit is moontlik om ’n toekomsscenario voor te stel waarin die per capita-BBP weer vinnig styg.Literature Literature
EARNING A LIVING: Per capita income for sub-Saharan Africa reported to be about $480 (U.S.) a year.
EKONOMIESE PROBLEME: Per capita-inkomste in Afrika suid van die Sahara na berig sowat R3 500 per jaar.jw2019 jw2019
In the graph below we track GDP per capita from 1981 onwards.
In die grafiek hieronder volg ons die BBP per capita sedert 1981.Literature Literature
The cost of one round of golf is more than the per capita monthly wage in this African country.
Een rondte gholf kos meer as die per capita- maandelikse inkomste in hierdie Afrikaland.jw2019 jw2019
Even with a GNP exceeding $27,000 (U.S.) per capita, 40 percent of the Japanese confess that they are not happy.
Selfs met ’n BNP van oor die R80 000 per capita, sê 40 persent van die Japannese dat hulle nie gelukkig is nie.jw2019 jw2019
European and Chinese citizens are the world’s highest consumers of tobacco per capita, reports the Nassauische Neue Presse of Frankfurt, Germany.
Europese en Chinese burgers is die wêreld se grootste verbruikers van tabak per capita, berig die Nassauische Neue Presse van Frankfurt, Duitsland.jw2019 jw2019
Britain reportedly has the most surveillance cameras per capita in the world —1 for every 55 people, according to one study.
Na bewering het Brittanje die meeste waarnemingskameras per capita in die wêreld—volgens een studie 1 vir elke 55 mense.jw2019 jw2019
With an appetite for such seasonings, is it any wonder that in per capita consumption of spices, India is number one?
Met so ’n aptyt vir sulke smaakmiddels is dit geen wonder nie dat Indië per capita die meeste speserye verbruik.jw2019 jw2019
You can follow in the graph how per capita GDP levels fell to reach just over R40,000 per head in 1993.
Jy kan in die grafiek sien hoe per capita-BBP-vlakke gedaal het tot net meer as R40 000 in 1993.Literature Literature
Trade was so profitable that by the 17th century, the Netherlands had become the wealthiest state per capita in Western Europe.
Die handel was so winsgewend dat die Nederlande teen die 17de eeu die rykste staat per kapita in Wes-Europa was.jw2019 jw2019
In 1993, however, the difference in the average annual per-capita income between industrial nations and developing nations had grown to $15,400.
Maar in 1993 het die verskil in die jaarlikse per capita-inkomste tussen nywerheidslande en ontwikkelende nasies tot R71 900 gegroei.jw2019 jw2019
“Australia is the driest inhabited continent, but we have the highest per capita water use in the world,” states the Australian newspaper.
“Australië is die droogste bewoonde kontinent, maar ons het die hoogste waterverbruik per capita ter wêreld”, sê die koerant die Australian.jw2019 jw2019
There are also “more churches per capita in the United States than in any other nation on Earth,” said U.S.News & World Report.
Daar is ook “meer kerke per capita in die Verenigde State as in enige ander nasie op aarde”, het U.S.News & World Report gesê.jw2019 jw2019
“This seldom amounts to more than 10 cents (U.S.) per capita in developing countries, which is affordable even in the worst economic conditions.”
“Dit is selde meer as 60 sent per persoon in ontwikkelende lande, wat selfs onder die moeilikste ekonomiese omstandighede bekostigbaar is.”jw2019 jw2019
Meanwhile, in Eastern Europe, with only one fourth as many autos per capita as Western Europe, there are some 400 million potential customers.
Intussen is daar in Oos-Europa, wat slegs ’n kwart soveel motors per capita as Wes-Europa het, ongeveer 400 miljoen moontlike kopers.jw2019 jw2019
40 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.