prickly pear oor Afrikaans

prickly pear

Any of various spiny cacti of the genus Opuntia, or the fruit, often edible, of such a plant.

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The cochineal spends its entire life on the pads of the prickly pear cactus.
Die cochenille bring sy hele lewe op die blare van die turksvy deur.

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Prickly Pears
Erect Prickly Pear


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‘May I apply even though I know nothing about prickly pears?’
“Mag ek aansoek doen, al weet ek niks van turksvye nie?”Literature Literature
It has flattened oval stalks that are full of thorns, and it produces prickly pears that taste sweet.
Dit het afgeplatte ovaalvormige stingels vol dorings en dit dra turksvye wat ’n soet smaak het.jw2019 jw2019
‘Why are there so many prickly-pear trees around your house, Johnnie?’
“Hoekom is daar so baie turksvybome rondom jou huis, OuPieta?”Literature Literature
She was grateful that the prickly pears grew close by because she was tired.
Sy is dankbaar die turksvye groei naby, want sy is moeg.Literature Literature
‘Won’t you give me a piece of land, Pa, so I can plant a prickly-pear grove?’
“Wil Pa nie vir my ’n stuk grond gee waarop ek ’n turksvyboord kan plant nie?”Literature Literature
The cochineal spends its entire life on the pads of the prickly pear cactus.
Die cochenille bring sy hele lewe op die blare van die turksvy deur.jw2019 jw2019
Then you wait four or five years until the tree is strong, that’s when it’ll start making prickly pears.’
Dan wag jy so vier of vyf jare tot die boom sterk is, dan sal hy beginte turksvye maak.”Literature Literature
Sort out the house, get the builders in, get expert advice on growing prickly pears on a commercial scale.
Kry die huis gesorteer, laat die bouers kom, kry kundige advies oor die aanplant van kommersiële turksvyboorde.Literature Literature
One day in grade one, when she was Garth, she started making a prickly-pear farm around her make-believe house.
Eendag in sub A, toe sy Gert was, begin sy ’n turksvyplaas maak rondom haar kammahuis.Literature Literature
Cattle fences of volcanic rock and even papipi (fences of prickly pear cactus) proved to be inadequate protection against these strong, fierce, and determined beasts.
Veeheinings van vulkaniese klip en selfs papipi (heinings van turksvybome) kon nie hierdie sterk, wilde en vasbeslote diere uithou nie.jw2019 jw2019
It might surprise you to know that the crimson dye found in some blush and lipstick products comes from the cochineal, a scale insect that feeds on the prickly pear cactus.
Jy sal dalk verbaas wees om te weet dat die karmosynrooi kleurstof in sommige blossers en lipstiffies van die cochenille kom, ’n skildluis wat op die turksvyboom leef.jw2019 jw2019
So every weekend thousands of families go to the mountains, and instead of taking along their own home- prepared food, they buy their meat, lots of tortillas, cheese, vegetables like nopales (tender prickly pear cacti) and watercress.
Elke naweek gaan duisende gesinne dus na die berge toe, en in plaas daarvan om hulle eie tuisgemaakte kos saam te neem, koop hulle hul vleis, baie tortillas, kaas, groente soos nopales (sagte turksvykaktus) en bronkors.jw2019 jw2019
12 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.