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punta arenas

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punta arenas


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Punta Arenas

a city in southern Chile on the Strait of Magellan; the southernmost city in the world

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Punta Arenas is an unusual territory.
Punta Arenas is ’n ongewone gebied.jw2019 jw2019
The Punta Arenas populace is taking it seriously.
Die bevolking van Punta Arenas beskou dit in ’n ernstige lig.jw2019 jw2019
I moved back to Punta Arenas, where I began teaching music and working as a cellist.
Ek het na Punta Arenas getrek, waar ek musiekklasse begin gee het en as ’n tjellis begin werk het.jw2019 jw2019
Despite these challenges, Punta Arenas has its charm.
Ondanks hierdie uitdagings het Punta Arenas ’n unieke bekoring.jw2019 jw2019
Back then, there were few publishers in Punta Arenas.
Destyds was daar maar min verkondigers in Punta Arenas.jw2019 jw2019
THE 125,000 residents of Punta Arenas, Chile’s southernmost city, have long made jokes about living at “the end of the world.”
DIE 125 000 inwoners van Punta Arenas, Chili se suidelikste stad, spot al lank dat hulle aan “die einde van die wêreld” lewe.jw2019 jw2019
After serving for three and a half years in Punta Arenas, we were assigned to serve in the port city of Valparaiso.
Nadat ons drie en ’n half jaar in Punta Arenas gedien het, is ons gestuur om in die hawestad Valparaíso te gaan dien.jw2019 jw2019
In 1959 we were assigned to Punta Arenas —meaning “Sands Point”— at the southernmost tip of Chile’s 2,700-mile-long [4,300 km] coastline.
In 1959 is ons gestuur na Punta Arenas—wat “Sandbankpunt” beteken—aan die suidelikste punt van Chili se 4 300 kilometer lange kuslyn.jw2019 jw2019
It has been the privilege of this dear brother to carry the message of the truth to Punta Arenas, in the Straits of Magellan.”
Dit was die voorreg van hierdie liewe broer om die boodskap van die waarheid in Punta Arenas, in die Straat van Magellaan, te verkondig.”jw2019 jw2019
MY PAST: I was raised by my mother in Punta Arenas, a pleasant city on the Strait of Magellan near the southern tip of South America.
MY VERLEDE: Ek is deur my ma grootgemaak in Punta Arenas, ’n mooi stad langs die Straat van Magellaan naby die suidelike punt van Suid-Amerika.jw2019 jw2019
While the lady was in Punta Arenas, an auxiliary pioneer sister conducted a Bible study with her for four weeks until the lady moved to Cape Horn.
Terwyl hierdie vrou in Punta Arenas was, het ’n hulppioniersuster vier weke lank ’n Bybelstudie met haar gehou totdat sy na Kaap Hoorn verhuis het.jw2019 jw2019
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