suggest oor Afrikaans


/səˈdʒɛst/, /səɡˈdʒɛst/ werkwoord
(transitive) To imply but stop short of saying explicitly.

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There is a complete gap in evidence suggesting occupation.
Daar is ’n algehele gebrek aan bewyse wat op bewoning dui.


Excavations suggest that there were stairs on this ramp.
Opgrawings toon dat daar waarskynlik trappe op hierdie opgang was.


Moreover, research using neuroimaging suggests that the brain of a stutterer processes language differently.
Verder toon navorsing wat neurobeelding gebruik dat ’n hakkelaar se brein taal op ’n ander manier verwerk.

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4 Despite your busy schedule, are you keeping up with the suggested weekly Bible reading outlined in the Theocratic Ministry School Schedule?
4 Hou jy, ondanks jou besige rooster, by met die voorgestelde weeklikse Bybellees wat in die Rooster vir die Teokratiese Bedieningskool uiteengesit word?jw2019 jw2019
Competing stations suggest that the new policy was prompted by a desire to garner publicity.
Mededingende stasies meen dat die nuwe beleid ter wille van publisiteit ingestel is.jw2019 jw2019
But in spite of doctors’ suggestions to limit the intake of fat and to engage in regular exercise, it is said that one third of all North Americans are overweight or obese.
Maar ten spyte van dokters se raad om die inname van vet te beperk en om gereeld oefeninge te doen, word daar beweer dat een derde van alle Noord-Amerikaners oorgewig is of aan vetsug ly.jw2019 jw2019
“My father suggested that I start off with the Bible books that I find more appealing, like Psalms and Proverbs.
“My pa het voorgestel dat ek die Bybelboeke begin lees waarvan ek die meeste hou, soos Psalms en Spreuke.jw2019 jw2019
[2] (paragraph 9) Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education, pp. 62-64, has excellent suggestions on how to converse with people in the field ministry.
[2] (paragraaf 9) Vind baat by opleiding in die Teokratiese Bedieningskool, bl. 62-64, bevat uitstekende wenke oor hoe om gesprekke te voer met mense in die veldbediening.jw2019 jw2019
“The overall organization of the universe has suggested to many a modern astronomer an element of design,” wrote physicist Paul Davies.
“Die algemene organisasie in die heelal dui vir talle hedendaagse sterrekundiges op ’n element van ontwerp”, het die fisikus Paul Davies geskryf.jw2019 jw2019
He suggested that this morning, to capture what he considers the essence of the reality confronting us, I should recall the well-known words with which Charles Dickens opened his novel, A Tale of Two Cities. And so I quote these words
Hy het voorgestel dat ek die welbekende woorde waarmee Charles Dickens sy novelle A Tale of Two Cities geopen het, aanhaal om die werklikheid wat ons in die gesig staar, vas te vang. Ek haal dus hierdie woorde aan wat hy vir my in A Tale of Two Cities gevind hetSPC SPC
Obscene, suggestive talk degrades both the speaker and the hearer.
Onwelvoeglike, suggestiewe praatjies verlaag die spreker sowel as die hoorder.jw2019 jw2019
The inscription does not reveal the source of this wealth, but archaeologist Alan Millard, in his book Treasures From Bible Times, suggests that “much of it was the gold which Shishak carried away from Solomon’s Temple and palace in Jerusalem.”
Die inskripsie maak nie die bron van hierdie rykdom bekend nie, maar argeoloog Alan Millard sê in sy boek Treasures From Bible Times dat “baie daarvan die goud was wat Sisak van Salomo se tempel en paleis in Jerusalem weggevoer het”.jw2019 jw2019
Abraham listened to the suggestions of those under his authority.
Abraham het geluister na die voorstelle van diegene onder sy gesag.jw2019 jw2019
To solve the problem, one of the farmers suggested another approach.
Een van die boere het ’n ander voorstel gehad om die probleem op te los.jw2019 jw2019
Some translators suggest that the verse should read, “with truth as a belt tight around your waist.”
Party vertalers doen aan die hand dat die vers moet lui, “met waarheid as ’n gordel styf om julle middellyf gebind”.jw2019 jw2019
(1 John 2:1) Why did John suggest that Jesus is our “helper” particularly when we “commit a sin”?
Waarom het Johannes te kenne gegee dat Jesus ons “helper” is veral wanneer ons “’n sonde begaan”?jw2019 jw2019
I have tried to suggest playing something else, but Santie always screams so that my mum can hear, “But it’s my birthday!”
Ek het ander speletjies probeer voorstel, maar Santie skree elke keer sodat my ma kan hoor: “Maar dis my verjaardag!”nalibali nalibali
The following suggestions, if applied, can soon become second nature to you.
As jy die volgende wenke toepas, kan hulle gou by jou ’n tweede natuur word.jw2019 jw2019
They suggested I could better serve the community if I would accept the position of superintendent of the local interdenominational Sunday school.
Hulle het voorgestel dat ek die gemeenskap beter sou kon dien as ek die posisie van Superintendent van die plaaslike, interkerklike Sondagskool sou aanvaar.jw2019 jw2019
Logically then, if a couple has reached the suggested two-child limit and both children are girls, there is a good possibility that they will keep trying for a son.”
Dit is dus logies dat ’n egpaar na alle waarskynlikheid sal aanhou probeer om ’n seun te hê as hulle die aanbevole beperking van twee kinders bereik het en albei kinders meisies is.”jw2019 jw2019
Based on the suggestions presented in one of the school’s textbooks, the Theocratic Ministry School Guidebook, I worked on such speech qualities as fluency, pronunciation, sense stress, and modulation.
Na aanleiding van voorstelle in een van die skool se handleidings, die Teokratiese Bedieningskool-handleiding, het ek my op spraakhoedanighede soos vlotheid, uitspraak, beklemtoning en modulasie toegelê.jw2019 jw2019
Nowhere does the Bible suggest that the earliest Christians used the cross as a religious symbol.
Daar is geen bewyse in die Bybel dat die eerste Christene die kruis gebruik het as ’n simbool van hulle geloof nie.jw2019 jw2019
Would it be advisable for a true Christian to let others influence his mind by means of hypnotic suggestions?
Sal dit van ’n ware Christen verstandig wees om toe te laat dat ander sy verstand deur middel van hipnotiese suggesties beïnvloed?jw2019 jw2019
In June 1988, the Report of the Presidential Commission on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic suggested that all patients be given just what the Witnesses have been requesting for years, namely: “Informed consent for transfusion of blood or its components should include an explanation of the risks involved . . . and information about appropriate alternatives to homologous blood transfusion therapy.”
In Junie 1988 het die Report of the Presidential Commission on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic gesê dat alle pasiënte presies dít gegee moet word waarvoor die Getuies jare lank al vra, naamlik: “Oorwoë toestemming tot oortapping van bloed of sy komponente behoort ’n verduideliking in te sluit van die risiko’s wat daarby betrokke is . . . en inligting oor geskikte alternatiewe vir homoloë bloedoortappingsterapie.”jw2019 jw2019
Some have suggested that if a young man develops masculine traits, he may be less attracted to other men.
Party het voorgestel dat ’n jong man dalk minder tot ander mans aangetrokke sal voel as hy manlike eienskappe aankweek.jw2019 jw2019
If he offers a suggestion, make an appointment with that company, stating the name of the person who referred you.
As hy iets aanbeveel, kan jy ’n afspraak met daardie maatskappy maak en die naam gee van die persoon wat jou verwys het.jw2019 jw2019
2:2) Paul thus seems to suggest that he had misgivings about entering the city of Thessalonica, particularly after what happened in Philippi.
Dit lyk dus of Paulus te kenne gee dat hy bedenkinge gehad het oor hulle besoek aan die stad Tessalonika, veral ná wat in Filippi gebeur het.jw2019 jw2019
Or some may suggest that the child would be psychologically damaged by accompanying the parent in talking to others about the Bible.
Of party sê dalk dat die kind sielkundig benadeel sal word deur die ouer te vergesel wanneer hy met ander oor die Bybel praat.jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.