transaction oor Afrikaans


/tɹænˈzækʃən/ naamwoord
The act of conducting or carrying out (business, negotiations, plans).

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Afrikaans


The pairing of two or more actions that are performed together as a single action; the action succeeds or fails as a whole.
After all, tomorrow’s exchange rate can throw a whole new light on today’s transaction.
Môre se wisselkoers kan immers ’n heeltemal nuwe lig op vandag se transaksie werp.

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Transactional Bond
Transaksionele Verbintenis
Transactional Ease
handelsgemak · transaksionele gemak


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Gold and silver had long been used as money, but because of the irregular size of gold bars and rings, people had to weigh the money each time they made a transaction.
Goud en silwer is al lank as geld gebruik, maar omdat goue stawe en ringe nie almal ewe groot was nie, moes mense met elke transaksie die geld afweeg.jw2019 jw2019
“It puts us in charge of transactions and confers a sense of power on the buyer.
“Dit plaas ons in beheer van transaksies en verleen ’n gevoel van mag aan die koper.jw2019 jw2019
Once the transaction had been accomplished, the lady never returned.
Nadat die transaksies deurgevoer is, het die dame nooit weer teruggekeer nie.jw2019 jw2019
What transaction did Satan try to make with Jesus, and what two things does his making this offer teach us?
Watter vergelyk het Satan met Jesus probeer tref, en watter twee dinge leer ons uit sy aanbod?jw2019 jw2019
If the transaction involves the sale of an item, the parties may write down what is sold, the price, the method of payment, when and how delivery is to be made, and other conditions agreed upon.
As die transaksie die verkoop van ’n artikel behels, kan die partye neerskryf wat verkoop is, hoeveel daarvoor betaal word, hoe die betaling moet geskied, wanneer en hoe dit afgelewer moet word, en ander voorwaardes waartoe besluit is.jw2019 jw2019
As soon as you spot an unfamiliar transaction, contact the company immediately.
Sodra jy ’n onbekende transaksie sien, moet jy onmiddellik met die maatskappy in verbinding tree.jw2019 jw2019
If you ask me, it could’ve been an export transaction.
As jy my vra, kon dit ’n uitvoertransaksie gewees het.Literature Literature
Or it couldve been an arms transaction.
Of dit kon ’n wapentransaksie gewees het.Literature Literature
With the devaluation of the peso against the U.S. dollar, great sums in pesos were necessary for business transactions.
Met die devaluasie van die peso teen die Amerikaanse dollar moes groot somme peso’s vir saketransaksies gebruik word.jw2019 jw2019
Businesses rely heavily on courier services by plane to conduct daily transactions.
Die sakewêreld steun swaar op koerierdienste per vliegtuig om daaglikse transaksies te doen.jw2019 jw2019
How can Christians formalize important business transactions?
Hoe kan Christene belangrike saketransaksies formaliseer?jw2019 jw2019
* It allows users to sell products, to make purchases, to make banking transactions, to converse, to listen to the latest music recordings—all in the privacy of their own home.
* Gebruikers kan daarmee produkte koop of verkoop, banktransaksies doen, gesprekke voer, na die jongste musiekopnames luister—alles in die privaatheid van hulle eie huis.jw2019 jw2019
Researchers are trying to make the Internet secure enough for confidential and safeguarded transactions.
Navorsers probeer die Internet veilig genoeg maak vir vertroulike en beveiligde transaksies.jw2019 jw2019
Indeed, she was entrusted with such matters as the general managing of the household, supervising the purchase of food, negotiating real-estate transactions, and managing a small business. —Proverbs 31:10-31.
Aan haar is sake toevertrou soos om die algemene bestuur van die huishouding te behartig, die voedselaankope te reël, eiendomstransaksies aan te gaan en ’n klein sakeonderneming te bestuur.—Spreuke 31:10-31.jw2019 jw2019
Thus, girls became equipped to do spinning, weaving, and cooking and to care for general household management, trading, and real-estate transactions.
Dogters kon dus spin, weef, kook en na die huishouding oor die algemeen omsien asook handel dryf en eiendomstransaksies behartig.jw2019 jw2019
The magazine reports: “Polls taken since September 11 show that 86% of Americans are in favor of wider use of facial-recognition systems; 81% want closer monitoring of banking and credit-card transactions; and 68% support a national ID card.”
Die tydskrif berig: “Meningspeilings sedert 11 September toon dat 86% van Amerikaners ten gunste daarvan is dat gesigsherkenningstelsels meer gebruik word; 81% wil hê dat bank- en kredietkaarttransaksies strenger gemonitor moet word en 68% is ten gunste van ’n nasionale identiteitskaart.”jw2019 jw2019
Once a transaction is completed, tax is paid according to the recorded value of the property.
Wanneer ’n transaksie afgehandel is, word belasting volgens die aangetekende waarde van die eiendom betaal.jw2019 jw2019
For example, the ax found on Mount Similaun was similar to those manufactured farther south, on the shores of Lake Garda, and may have been the object of a commercial transaction.
Byvoorbeeld, die byl wat op die berg Similaun gevind is, is soortgelyk aan dié wat verder suid op die oewers van die Garda-meer vervaardig is en is moontlik in ’n handelstransaksie gebruik.jw2019 jw2019
Today, everyone here has a chop, even a foreign resident like me, and any transaction involving a person’s signature can be completed only with the use of the chop.
Vandag het almal hier ’n tjap, selfs ’n buitelandse inwoner soos ek, en enige transaksie waar ’n handtekening nodig is, kan afgehandel word deur net die tjap te gebruik.jw2019 jw2019
We do not take advantage of our attendance there to pursue secular business or to take care of personal financial transactions.
Ons maak nie van ons bywoning misbruik deur sekulêre sake te doen of na persoonlike finansiële transaksies om te sien nie.jw2019 jw2019
The Bible indicates that financial transactions should be documented.
Die Bybel toon dat geldelike transaksies op skrif gestel moet word.jw2019 jw2019
Athens came to be a center of commerce, famous for both the value of its hard currency and the scrupulousness of its archons, who were authorized to make sure that all business transactions were honest and fair.
Atene het ’n handelsentrum geword wat bekend was vir sy sterk geldeenheid sowel as die nougesetheid van sy argonte, wat die gesag gehad het om seker te maak dat alle saketransaksies eerlik en regverdig geskied.jw2019 jw2019
It is evident, then, that these laws are intended to offer a degree of protection to both sides in financial or business transactions.
Dit is dus voor die hand liggend dat hierdie wette bedoel is om aan albei partye in finansiële of saketransaksies ’n mate van beskerming te bied.jw2019 jw2019
Gambling differs from a legitimate transaction or purchase in that the player wants to win money that other players lose.
Dobbelary verskil van ’n wettige transaksie of aankope omdat die speler geld wil wen wat ander spelers verloor.jw2019 jw2019
Communication in government offices and health-care facilities, as well as simple business transactions, often become major problems for them.
Kommunikasie in regeringskantore en gesondheidsorgfasiliteite, sowel as eenvoudige saketransaksies, word dikwels ’n groot probleem vir hulle.jw2019 jw2019
98 sinne gevind in 20 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.