trousers oor Afrikaans


/ˈtraʊzəz/ naamwoord
An article of clothing that covers the part of the body between the waist and the ankles, and is divided into a separate part for each leg.

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An item of clothing worn on the lower part of the body and covering both legs separately.
I cannot even button my trousers or put on an overcoat.
Ek kan nie eers my broek vasmaak of ’n jas aantrek nie.


clothing for the legs and lower body
I cannot even button my trousers or put on an overcoat.
Ek kan nie eers my broek vasmaak of ’n jas aantrek nie.

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trouser leg


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Explains Insight Guides —Brazil: “The unique gaucho culture is the trademark of Rio Grande do Sul where swarthy cowboys roam the southern pampas with their distinctive flat hats and chin straps, their baggy pantaloon trousers, red neckerchiefs and leather boots.”
Insight Guides—Brazil verduidelik: “Die unieke gaucho-kultuur is kenmerkend van Rio Grande do Sul, waar bruingebrande cowboys oor die suidelike pampas rondtrek met hulle uitsonderlike plat hoede en kenrieme, hulle wye langbroeke, rooi nekdoeke en leerstewels.”jw2019 jw2019
He leant sideways to get his hand into his trouser pocket, took out his cigarettes, lit another one.
Hy leun sywaarts om sy hand by sy broeksak in te kry, haal sy sigarette uit en steek nog een aan.Literature Literature
The lodgers, by contrast, who for the moment had placed themselves, hands in their trouser pockets, behind the music stand much too close to the sister, so that they could all see the sheet music, something that must certainly bother the sister, soon drew back to the window conversing in low voices with bowed heads, where they then remained, worriedly observed by the father.
Die loseerders, daarenteen, wat vir die oomblik geplaas het hulself, hande in hulle broek sakke agter die musiek staan veels te naby aan die suster, sodat hulle kon almal sien die bladmusiek, iets wat seker die suster pla, gou terug getrek na die venster gesprek in ́n lae stemme met geboë hoofde, waar hulle dan gebly het, besorg waargeneem deur die Vader.QED QED
Eldred recalls that when his school trousers became threadbare, his mother simply patched them up —again and again and again!
Eldred vertel dat sy ma sy skoolbroek eenvoudig keer op keer gelap het as dit verslete geraak het.jw2019 jw2019
Then they saw Domino running after him with the man’s trousers in his teeth.
En toe, agter hom, sien hulle Domino baie vinnig hardloop met die man se broek in sy bek.nalibali nalibali
(2) Antishock trousers
(2) Teenskokbroekjw2019 jw2019
He put the book down on the table, leant back, pulled his shirt out of his trousers and grabbed a pinch of stomach skin.
Hy sit die boek op die tafel neer, leun terug, trek sy hemp uit sy broek uit en kry ’n knypsel maagvel beet.Literature Literature
We do well to require that the photographer come dressed in jacket, tie, and formal trousers and that he does not interfere with the talk when he takes pictures.
Dit sal gepas wees om te vra dat die fotograaf ’n baadjie, das en formele langbroek dra en nie steuring veroorsaak tydens die toespraak wanneer hy foto’s neem nie.jw2019 jw2019
As she strolled along, “dressed in trendy baggy trousers and an eyecatching T-shirt,” she noticed some Chinese boys pointing at her and laughing hysterically.
Terwyl sy rondgedrentel het, “geklee in ’n modieuse slobberbroek en ’n opvallende T-hempie”, het sy ’n klompie Chinese seuns gesien wat na haar gewys en onbeheers gelag het.jw2019 jw2019
After sunset, it is advisable to wear long-sleeved clothing and long trousers.
Dit is raadsaam om ná sononder langmouklere en langbroeke te dra.jw2019 jw2019
His broad black hat, his baggy trousers, his white tie, his sympathetic smile, and general look of peering and benevolent curiosity were such as Mr. John Hare alone could have equalled.
Sy breë swart hoed, sy sakkerige broek, sy wit das, sy simpatieke glimlag, en algemene voorkoms van loer en welwillende nuuskierigheid was soos mnr John Hare alleen kon geëwenaar.QED QED
I wore a black cape with two golden lion heads joined by a gold chain at the neck, a red velvet waistcoat, and black velvet trousers with leather trim tucked into knee-high boots.
Ek was geklee in ’n swart skouermantel met twee goue leeukoppe wat by die nek met ’n goue ketting vasgemaak is, ’n rooi fluweelonderbaadjie en ’n swart fluweelbroek met leerafwerking wat in hoë stewels ingedruk is.jw2019 jw2019
He walked by my side very calm, glancing here and there, and once turned his head to look after a Sidiboy fireman in a cutaway coat and yellowish trousers, whose black face had silky gleams like a lump of anthracite coal.
Hy stap deur my kant baie kalm, loer hier en daar, en een keer draai sy kop kyk na ́n Sidiboy brandweerman in ́ n kort jas baadjie en geel broek waarvan die swart gesig het syerige blink soos ́n knop van die antrasiet steenkool.QED QED
Whether they wear bombachas, gaucho trousers, and work with horses, cattle, and sheep on a ranch or not, today’s Brazilian gauchos may be different from what you expect.
Of hulle nou bombachas, die gauchobroek, dra en met perde, beeste en skape op ’n plaas werk of nie, vandag se Brasiliaanse gaucho’s is dalk nie wat jy sal verwag nie.jw2019 jw2019
He was wearing gray trousers and his black blazer with the crest of the Police Colleges swimming team on the pocket.
Hy het ’n grys broek en sy swart baadjie met die Polisiekollege se swemspanwapen daarop aan.Literature Literature
I was chatting with Cloete and De Waal when Kgomo arrived, dressed in a white shirt and black trousers.
Ek het met Cloete en De Waal gestaan en gesels toe Kgomo, in ’n wit hemp en swart broek, daar aankom.Literature Literature
We heard the screams of those who had preceded us and saw them come out bleeding and holding up their trousers.
Ons het die gille gehoor van diegene wat voor ons ingegaan het, en gesien hoe hulle al bloeiende uitkom en hulle broeke vashou.jw2019 jw2019
Therefore, wearing long sleeves and long trousers or a long skirt will best shield your skin from flames and heat.
Langmouklere en ’n langbroek of lang romp sal jou vel dus die beste beskerm teen vlamme en hitte.jw2019 jw2019
The thief was so shy because everyone had seen him without his trousers on that he ran away to another town, and was never seen again.
Hy was so skaam omdat almal hom sonder sy broek gesien het, dat hy baie ver weggehardloop het na ’n ander dorp, en hy is nooit weer gesien nie.nalibali nalibali
When the sergeant saw them, he snatched them off my trousers and began to whip me about the face with them.
Toe die sersant dit sien, het hy dit van my broek afgeruk en my daarmee in die gesig begin slaan.jw2019 jw2019
Mien women look striking in their ornately embroidered trousers, which may take up to five years to make.
Mienvroue lyk treffend in hulle ryklik geborduurde langbroeke, wat tot vyf jaar kan neem om te maak.jw2019 jw2019
Young Reggie Foljambe to my certain knowledge offered him double what I was giving him, and Alistair Bingham- Reeves, who's got a valet who had been known to press his trousers sideways, used to look at him, when he came to see me, with a kind of glittering hungry eye which disturbed me deucedly.
Jong Reggie Foljambe aan my sekere kennis aangebied om hom dubbel wat ek was aan hom, en Alistair Bingham- Reeves, wat het ́n valet, wat bekend staan druk sy broek sywaarts, gebruik om te kyk na hom, wanneer hy het gekom om my te sien, met ́n soort van glinsterende honger oog wat my ontstel deucedly.QED QED
There remained two pairs of trousers and my felt boots.
Twee langbroeke en my viltstewels het oorgebly.jw2019 jw2019
As soon as I took off the first pair of trousers, the forewoman screamed irritably: ‘Enough of you already!
Ek het skaars die eerste broek uitgetrek toe die opsigteres geïrriteerd geskreeu het: ‘Ek het genoeg gehad van jou!jw2019 jw2019
Riding pillion behind Aníbal, I tried to protect my shoes and trousers but gave up when they were completely soaked.
Ek het agter Aníbal op die motorfiets gesit en het probeer om my skoene en broek te beskerm, maar het tou opgegooi toe dit papnat was.jw2019 jw2019
54 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.