warhead oor Afrikaans


The part of a missile, projectile, torpedo, rocket, or other munition which contains either the nuclear or thermonuclear system, high explosive system, chemical or biological agents, or inert materials intended to inflict damage.

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This former Soviet republic officially lists the warheads as “missing.”
Hierdie voormalige Sowjetrepubliek gee die plofkoppe amptelik as “vermis” aan.jw2019 jw2019
Some carry sufficient warheads “to obliterate any country within 5,000 miles [8,000 km],” according to The Guinness Book of Records.
Volgens The Guinness Book of Records dra sommige genoeg plofkoppe “om enige land binne [8 000 kilometer] uit te wis”.jw2019 jw2019
“Therefore,” their report states, “if a launch order were sent under current circumstances, 4,000 [intercontinental ballistic missile] warheads (2,000 on each side) could be on their way to their targets within a few minutes and another 1,000 [submarine-launched ballistic missile] warheads could be en route to targets shortly thereafter.”
“Daarom”, sê hulle verslag, “sou 4 000 plofkoppe [van interkontinentale ballistiese missiele] (2 000 aan elke kant) binne ’n paar minute na hulle teikens op pad kan wees en nog 1 000 plofkoppe [van seegelanseerde ballistiese missiele] kort daarna op teikens kan afpyl indien ’n opdrag om te vuur onder huidige omstandighede gegee sou word.”jw2019 jw2019
The United States currently has some 12,000 nuclear warheads aimed at the Soviet Union.
Die Verenigde State het tans sowat 12 000 kernplofkoppe wat op die Sowjetunie gerig is.jw2019 jw2019
Yes, U.S. and Russian nuclear stockpiles have been reduced dramatically—some say by as much as half—but thousands of nuclear warheads still exist.
Ja, Amerikaanse en Russiese kernarsenale is wel aansienlik verminder—sommige sê met tot die helfte—maar daar is nog duisende kernplofkoppe.jw2019 jw2019
This referred to the capacity to unleash retaliatory strikes even after enemy warheads had done their damage.
Dit het verwys na die vermoë om vergeldingsaanvalle te loods selfs nadat plofkoppe van die vyand skade aangerig het.jw2019 jw2019
Furthermore, despite dramatic reductions, the United States and Russia still retain awesome arsenals of nuclear warheads.
Daarbenewens het die Verenigde State en Rusland, ten spyte van dramatiese besnoeiings, nog steeds ontsaglike arsenale kernplofkoppe.jw2019 jw2019
“If we ever have to launch our nuclear warheads,” said the commanding officer of our submarine, “we have failed in our mission.”
“As ons ooit ons kernplofkoppe moet lanseer”, het die bevelvoerder van ons duikboot gesê, “was ons sending ’n mislukking.”jw2019 jw2019
In 1991 the Soviet Union and the United States signed the Treaty on Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, which, for the first time in history, obligated these two nuclear superpowers not merely to limit but also to reduce their deployed strategic warheads to 6,000 each.
In 1991 het die Sowjetunie en die Verenigde State die Verdrag vir die Vermindering en Beperking van Strategiese Aanvalswapens onderteken, wat hierdie twee kernsupermoondhede verplig het om nie net hulle ontplooide strategiese plofkoppe te beperk nie, maar dit ook vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis tot 6 000 elk te verminder.jw2019 jw2019
Nuclear arsenal stockpiles were once estimated to be up to 50,000 warheads!
Daar is vroeër geskat dat die kernarsenaal tot 50 000 plofkoppe ingesluit het!jw2019 jw2019
But today a single typical warhead has the explosive content of all the bombs dropped during World War II.
Maar vandag het ’n enkele tipiese plofkop dieselfde ontploffingskrag as al die bomme wat gedurende die Tweede Wêreldoorlog gewerp is.jw2019 jw2019
Nuclear Warheads “Missing”
Kernplofkoppeword vermis”jw2019 jw2019
The START treaties banned land-based missiles having more than one warhead and called for the elimination, by the year 2003, of nearly three quarters of the nuclear warheads on all delivery systems.
Die START-verdrae het grondmissiele met meer as een plofkop verbied en het vereis dat byna driekwart van die kernplofkoppe op alle geleidingstelsels teen die jaar 2003 verwyder moet wees.jw2019 jw2019
At the end of 2001, both parties declared that they had complied with the treaty by cutting down their strategic nuclear warheads as agreed.
Teen die einde van 2001 het albei partye verklaar dat hulle die bepalings van die verdrag nagekom het en hulle strategiese kernplofkoppe verminder het.jw2019 jw2019
During the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, Cuba had nuclear weapons with warheads equivalent to between 6 thousand and 12 thousand tons of TNT.
Tydens die Kubaanse missielkrisis in 1962 het Kuba kernwapens gehad met plofkoppe waarvan die plofkrag gelykstaande was aan tussen 6 en 12 duisend ton TNT.jw2019 jw2019
In a Texas, U.S.A., city where great numbers of nuclear warheads were made, religiously inclined people used to say, “We’ll be the first to go.”
In ’n stad in Texas, VSA, waar baie kernplofkoppe vervaardig is, het godsdienstige mense altyd gesê: “Ons sal eerste sterf.”jw2019 jw2019
According to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, “many if not most of the U.S. warheads removed from the active stockpile will be placed in storage (along with some 5,000 warheads already held in reserve) rather than dismantled.”
Volgens die Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists “sal baie, miskien selfs die meeste, van die Amerikaanse plofkoppe wat uit die aktiewe voorraadstapel gehaal is, geberg word (saam met ongeveer 5 000 plofkoppe wat reeds in reserwe is) en nie afgetakel word nie”.jw2019 jw2019
According to reports, “Air Force officials said the warheads were not activated and at no time posed a threat to the public.”
Volgens berigte het “Lugmagamptenare gesê dat die plofkoppe nie geaktiveer was nie en op geen stadium ’n bedreiging vir die publiek ingehou het nie”.jw2019 jw2019
According to a 1989 report, the Soviet Union has about 11,000 nuclear warheads.
Volgens ’n berig in 1989 beskik die Sowjetunie oor bykans 11 000 kernplofkoppe.jw2019 jw2019
However, Time magazine of the same date reported that the United States still targets Moscow with 120 nuclear warheads, any one of which would totally devastate that city.
Maar die tydskrif Time van daardie selfde tyd het berig dat die Verenigde State steeds 120 kernplofkoppe op Moskou gerig hou, waarvan enigeen daardie stad geheel en al sal verwoes.jw2019 jw2019
“Our warheads stand ready to be launched while Russian warheads are in flight,” they explain, adding: “No more than 15 minutes can elapse, under the policy, from the time of first warning of a Russian attack and the launching of our missiles.”
“Ons plofkoppe is gereed om gelanseer te word terwyl Russiese plofkoppe in die lug is”, verduidelik hulle en voeg by: “Volgens die beleid mag daar nie meer as 15 minute verbygaan van die tyd af dat die eerste waarskuwing van ’n Russiese aanval ontvang is en die lansering van ons missiele nie.”jw2019 jw2019
One country is said to have bought at least two nuclear warheads from Kazakhstan.
Een land het glo ten minste twee kernplofkoppe by Kazakstan gekoop.jw2019 jw2019
So in addition to the thousands of ready-to-use strategic nuclear weapons still in reserve —which are capable of being launched from one continent to another directly— there are thousands of other nuclear warheads as well as other tactical nuclear weapons designed to attack closer targets.
Benewens die duisende operasionele strategiese kernwapens wat nog in reserwe gehou word—wat direk van een vasteland na ’n ander gelanseer kan word—is daar duisende ander kernplofkoppe sowel as ander taktiese kernwapens wat ontwerp is om teikens oor korter afstande aan te val.jw2019 jw2019
No city lies beyond their reach, and the warheads usually land within a mile of the target.
Geen stad lê buite hulle bereik nie, en die plofkoppe land gewoonlik binne anderhalf kilometer van die teiken af.jw2019 jw2019
There is nothing in the life or teaching of Jesus that would suggest that while it is illegitimate to incinerate people by a nuclear warhead, it is legitimate to incinerate people by napalm or flamethrower.”
Daar is niks in die lewe of leer van Jesus wat daarop sou dui dat terwyl dit ongeoorloof is om mense met ’n kernplofkop te veras dit geoorloof is om mense met napalm of vlamwerper te veras nie.”jw2019 jw2019
27 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.